We wish

We wish you a very Merry Christmas

and a wonderful

New Year!


December 2023 View as Webpage

Hello Craig,

Happy Holidays! It’s that time of year again. We can’t believe how fast a year goes by.   

Time flies when you’re having fun. And we’ve had a lot of fun and good times as your Chapter Co-Presidents these past several years. As we look back on the years some things come to mind: 

* Our chapter has grown and maintained membership


* There have been many monthly and/or quarterly luncheon get togethers in Albuquerque, Southern Arizona, Northern Arizona and some in Colorado. 


* Together with chapter members, we have planned and conducted Grand Canyon Chapter Reunion Gatherings (each 3-4 days in length) in such places as...

  • Albuquerque during Balloon Fiesta 
  • Cottonwood, Arizona 
  • Estes Park, Colorado, at the YMCA of the Rockies  
  • Tucson, Arizona 
  • Rocky Point, Mexico 


* Our chapter has been active in National YMCA Alumni Reunions such as last year in New Orleans and will be again for the Reunion-at-Sea in 2025. Many of us have enjoyed some of the YMCA Alumni Travel Club tours and cruises. And, most recently, we have helped to support the National Service Project with donations and volunteers.                         

None of this could have been possible without the help of our chapter’s board of directors: Pete Smargon, Rich Hill, John Brooks, Pam Hegarty, Charlotte Waters and many other chapter members. We applaud them all with a great big “Thank You” for the gifts of time, expertise and continued friendship. 

So now, as the year comes to a close, it’s the end of an era. We have run the race and it’s time to pass the baton to a new leader.  

Our board has elected Lynn Vaughn of Fort Collins, Colorado as your President for 2024. She will provide continued wonderful leadership with new ideas for our Grand Canyon Chapter.  We will continue to be active and serve as counsel as needed.    

2024 will see Dave and me on the YMCA Alumni Travel Club’s Atlantic Crossing in April and the Scottish Dream tour in August.  We hope to see many of you on trips and at chapter gatherings here and there. 

Marian and Dave

Grand Canyon Chapter Co-Presidents


is produced for the

Grand Canyon Chapter by

craig altschul + associates

Chapter leaders

Co-Presidents: Marian and Dave Bolton

Vice President: Vacant

Secretary: Pam Hegarty

Treasurer: Rich Hill

Membership: Charlotte Waters

EAF Representative: John Brooks

International: Pete and Jan Smargon

So. Arizona Cluster: John Brooks

Albuquerque Cluster: Pam Hegarty

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Travel Club

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YMCA Alumni Mission:
"...to enable members to promote a nurturing worldwide Christian Fellowship that provides educational, social, service and charitable opportunities."