** Note ** You are receiving the district eNews because your name is in our Lay Leadership Database as a leader in your local church. If you are no longer interested in receiving the District eNews, please click the Update Profile link at the bottom of the email. (Clicking UnSubscribe means you will not receive ANY emails from the conference including appointment announcements, sympathy notices and weekly eNews) | |
Learn About Youth (and Adult) Mission Trip Options at Naperville: Grace UMC
Grace UMC in Naperville invites people of all ages to an informational meeting on Feb. 25 at 12:30 p.m. to learn about youth summer mission trip opportunities. Learn about Hope@Home, a homebound mission experience in the Chicago area for those in junior high and older, and Side x Side, a week-long away trip for those who have completed eighth grade and older. Friends and neighbors are welcome too! Learn more.
Play Showing at Elmhurst: First UMC
Join Elmhurst: First UMC for the viewing of Late: A Love Story, a one-woman show and a true story about Rachelle Zola and the truths she learned too late. A tribute to the people that so many deem as invisible, dismiss, and or/hate because of the color of their skin. Late: A Love Story, is captivating and will leave you thinking about and reimaging the world we live in. Sat., Feb. 24, 9 a.m. Learn More.
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Mission Links Highlight - UMCOR Sunday is Sunday, March 19
On UMCOR Sunday, we partner with other UMC congregations in a special offering to support the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), an organization that acts on our behalf when there is a crisis. When you give generously to support UMCOR Sunday, you embody compassion and you shine God’s light into the shadows as a beacon of hope.
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The funds UMCOR receives on this special Sunday are offered by millions of United Methodists to help cover the costs of doing business. From training volunteers to keeping the office lights on, the UMCOR Sunday special offering equips the organization to respond quickly when disaster strikes. Thanks to UMCOR’s informed and reliable infrastructure, expert leadership and experienced volunteers, every dollar received is leveraged to work as hard as possible.
HOW TO GIVE: Write a check to your local church and write, “UMCOR Sunday offering” in the memo line. Churches can support UMCOR Sunday through their prosper payments. Learn more.
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Sat., March 2, 2024
9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Hope UMC
2506 Caton Farm Road, Joliet
Read more.
Illinois Mass Poor People's and Low-Wage Workers' State House Assemblies and to the Polls Rally
The NIC Anti-Racism Task Force and Discipleship Task Force invite church members and friends to join them on March 2 in Springfield for this coordinated action to bring the demands of poor and low-wealth people to the Illinois State House. If at least 10 people plan to participate, task-force members will seek out a hospitality location where folks can meet up. Interested? Contact Amania Drane by Feb. 23.
Saturday, April 13, 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Aurora: Wesley UMC, 14 N May St., Aurora
Cost $15
The fee includes registration, continental breakfast, and a light lunch.
If this fee precludes you from attending, please don't hesitate to contact Amania Drane.
Learn more.
Take the Wesley Pilgrimage This Summer
The NIC Discipleship Task Force is once again pleased to share information about Discipleship Ministries’ 2024 Wesley Pilgrimage to England. Join United Methodist travelers worldwide on this 10-day immersion about the life and journeys of John and Charles Wesley. Click here for details. Rev. Katie Voigt, Pastor at Antioch UMC, and Amania Drane, Lay member at Friendship UMC (Bolingbrook), went on the 2023 Wesley Pilgrimage and loved it. Should you have any questions, please contact Amania Drane.
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Apply for a Migrant Ministries Grant
Is your church in ministry with migrants in your community? Apply for a Migrant Needs grant, funded by the 2023 Bishop’s Appeal. Priority will be given to proposals that directly assist individuals or families and include cost-sharing or additional sources of support, whether in-kind, volunteer hours, or financial contributions. Read more.
Other grants available
- The Foundation for Evangelism grants are given to be a catalyst to equip disciples to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. They focus on three specific areas: Raising Up Gospel Leaders, Engaging the Ministry of the Laity, and Equipping the Local Church. Deadline: Feb. 29 Read more.
- The PACK (Planned Act of Christian Kindness) Grant is meant to support churches' work to be a blessing to those in the neighboring community to show them the love of Jesus Christ. Awards range from $100 to $500. Deadline: March 31 Read more.
- The Keagy Grant is for larger ministry projects that benefit the community and strengthen the church through evangelism, discipleship, justice, and compassion. Awards range from $500 to $5000.Deadline: March 31 Read more.
Update Your Find-A-Church Profile
Find-A-Church is one of the most visited sections of UMC.org, averaging more than 1,000 page views a day. It is a free and easy to help you to connect with busy people in your community on their terms, on their time, and in their comfort zone. It also serves as a companion to your church’s existing website — giving you twice the local visibility online.
Last your United Methodist Communications made major improvements. The site has fully searchable attributes, such as worship style and language, and features event listings, ministries offered, driving directions and more. You can even link to your social media pages. It’s great for large churches and small ones. Make sure your page is up to date today! Click here for instructions on how to update.
NIC Property Insurance News
- Churches with property and casualty insurance through the annual conference will now find it much easier to see their invoices. The requirement to log into the online site twice has been discontinued; there is now just one log in. The process has been streamlined to be less confusing. Diligent steps are underway to release the 2024 property insurance invoices. NIC churches enrolled in the conference property & casualty insurance program can expect a 10 percent increase over 2023 premiums.
- 2024 Certificates of Insurance are available on the Lay Leadership Portal Instructions are available here. Contact Debbie Rogers drogers@umcnic.org for assistance accessing the portal. Contact Dwayne Jackson, Director of Ministry Protection & Ministry Protection djackson@umcnic.org, with questions and/or changes.
- Additional information on the NIC Property & Casualty Insurance program is available on the conference website under Risk Management.
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Other Resources
#BeUMC Resources -Tool Kits, Social Media Kits, Graphics, and more.
Social Media Shareables - Free graphics for social media for different events, months, and ministries. (Through Outreach, log-in is needed, but resources are free)
UMC Giving Resources - Mission Moments, Special Sunday Info, Leader Kits, Pew Cards, and more.
United Media Resource Center - Lending library of Christian materials for local churches, small groups, pastors, children, and individuals.
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Copyright © 2024 Northern Illinois Conference |
Do you have news to share?
We are always looking for stories of what is happening in your church. We welcome articles from churches highlighting ministries, outreach, and missions that tell the story of being vital Christians. Events considered should be of conference-wide appeal and United Methodist-related.
District eNews are sent out the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month. Please submit stories and events by end of business on the 2nd and 4th Mondays. Space is limited. Stories of fewer than 250 words are preferred. Submissions will be edited at the discretion of Communications staff. Information can be emailed to communications@umcnic.org.
Check out our Submit News page for more details.
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