January 2025

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Image from massive Southern California wildfires. Above photo shows the devastating Palisades fire. Note the Pacific Ocean below the community.



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While disaster relief is not in the Y’s “wheelhouse,” the LA Y is geographically and organizationally well-positioned to respond. Each of its 28 centers is involved. Unfortunately, the Palisades-Malibu YMCA, which has served the devastated Palisades area for 60 years and hosted the largest Youth in Government delegation in the state, burned to the ground and will need to rebuild.

As the local arm of National YMCA Alumni, our chapter board feels duty-bound to assist. In this spirit, we are partnering with the LA Y to provide our best help. The Lyon Chapter is contributing $1,000 towards the LA Y’s efforts. Monica and I are contributing personally as well. I am encouraging all our chapter members to help to the extent they can.

Below is a list of links to YMCA centers that are already helping. Even if your local YMCA is not on this list, it is part of our effort, and you can contact it directly.

While the initial response by YMCA members and others in their communities has been overwhelming, this will not be the case for long. It will be weeks and probably months before families who have lost their homes to the Palisades and Altadena fires can get their lives back together. Many who have and some who have not lost their homes are evacuated and sheltering elsewhere for at least the near future.

I am personally coordinating our efforts with the Los Angeles Y. If you have questions about how you can help that are not answered by the links below, please feel free to call me at 323-313-3043.

Our hearts and prayers are with those affected families. We can do even more than this, and we shall.


Chapter members are helping with relief efforts from the recent fires here in So Cal. Below are links to various websites that can provide opportunities to help with relief efforts.

YMCA Donation Website

YMCA Community Response and Action

YMCA Volunteer Opportunities

LA Y Facebook

South Pasadena YMCA Facebook

Sign up link to volunteer at the South Pasadena YMCA

Collins and Katz YMCA Facebook

LA Y Instagram

South Pasadena Y Instagram

Collin’s and Katz YMCA Instagram

Anderson Munger YMCA



Photos: Top row L-R: Monica and Bob Warnock, the Hardys and Paul Andresen. Middle row L-R: Susan and John Green, the Fernandos, the Murphys. Bottom row L-R: Lindy Lindeman, Mary Ann Fitzpatrick, Ed Gredvig and daughter, Kelly. Just a few days later, the Eaton fire turned much of the Pasadena, Altadena and San Marino areas into an inferno.

Important note: Four of our tours and cruises announced in September have sold out.Three exciting trips have limited space available. Click the button below to the Travel Club Info Center and fill out forms on the trip pages for more info and to book. Don't delay.

2025-2026 ADVENTURES



June 17-July 3, 2025:

Norway: Land of the Midnight Sun Cruise on Emerald Princess

YMCA Alumni hosts: Patrick and Jan Murphy


NEW: Oct. 20-Nov. 3, 2025:

Ancient Adriatic Treasures on Viking Vesta

YMCA Alumni hosts: Craig Altschul and Peggi Simmons


June 5-12 2026:

Alaska: The Last Frontier cruise on Celebrity Edge

YMCA Alumni hosts: Jean and Burt Bock


Photos: Norway, Crete, Alaska

Travel Club Info Center


President: Bob Warnock

Treasurer/Membership: Phyllis Murphy


International Liaison: Mary Lindeman

Lyon Links Editor: Paul Andresen

Member-at-Large: John Green

Member-at-Large: Tim Hardy

Member-at-Large: Randy Bolsinger

Click on name in blue to send email.

Lyon Links is produced by craig altschul + associates




YMCA Alumni Mission:
"...to enable members to promote a nurturing worldwide Christian Fellowship that provides educational, social, service and charitable opportunities."