From our president...
I am your newly elected Lyon Chapter YMCA Alumni President for 2024-2026. I look forward to serving you and the chapter in this capacity for these next three years.
Your board has met twice so far in 2024. We have elected officers for 2024-2026 and began the process of planning and scheduling chapter events for the coming year.
Thank you to outgoing president Paul Andresen for his service these past three years and for taking over our Lyon Links newsletter from me. He has listed our tentative chapter events below for your future planning.
One of my/our goals for the year is to increase chapter members’ attendance and participation at these events. To this end we have decided on events that we hope will be of interest to you.
We understand travel can be an issue for some of us as our chapter is geographically spread out. Consequently, our first two events will be via Zoom video. If you aren’t already familiar with Zoom, just contact any board member and we will help guide you through the process. It is FREE and easy, and I don’t know about you, but at my age I LIKE free and easy!
I will attend a National YMCA Alumni meeting called "48 Hours in May" in St. Louis on our behalf, where I will hopefully learn how to do this job. One thing I know already is that I will need a lot of help, and I have a chapter board full of folks who are willing and able.
Thanks in advance for your support and participation in the coming years.