Connect. Travel. Serve.

November 2023 * View as Webpage

From your president...

It’s been a difficult year for the world, but I hope you personally have been well through all of it. We are smack dab in the middle of holiday season here and although the mall decorations have skipped from Halloween to Christmas without mention of THANKSGIVING, let’s not do that,too.

In spite of all that is going on, we still have lots to be thankful for. For instance, still be alive and enjoying life at our ages. Please note Bob’s call for you to join us at our Zoom board meeting which is coming up soon. We really need your input on Lyon chapter plans as we move forward.


Happy Holidays!

Paul Andresen, Lyon Chapter President

Getting ready for 2024

Our next Lyon Chapter board meeting will be Tuesday Nov. 21 (happy birthday to ME!) at 10 a.m. Our meetings rarely last longer than an hour. The two important agenda items will be (1) nominating our new board members for 2024-2025, and (2) developing our calendar of chapter activities for 2024. Here’s where we could really use your help.


Our ever-popular Christmas Party being the exception, our chapter events this past year have not been well attended. We will appreciate your input on what kinds of activities YOU would be more likely to attend. So…


Because of our geographical diversity all of our chapter board meetings are on Zoom, this one included. You are invited if you would like to be a part of this process.

Please click the button below to email Lyon Chapter President Paul Andresen at [email protected] for an invitation. All chapter members are welcome and your attendance will not (necessarily) mean you get nominated to be on the board. At least you will be there to defend yourself! 😊

Email Paul

Saturday, December 2, 2023 10:30 a.m.

Mijares Mexican Restaurant

145 Palmetto Drive

Pasadena, (626) 792-2763

(Google for directions if you haven’t been here for our past parties.)

Enjoy Fellowship, a delicious Mijares lunch

 and a fun gift exchange. (Please bring a $15 gift each to participate.)

Cruise what’s known as the most beautiful place on earth – Norway and its stunningly beautiful fjords aboard the Emerald Princess.

Adventures at a glance

Jan. 27-Feb. 4, 2024: Winter Warm-up in Caribbean

April 21-May 3, 2024: Atlantic Crossing (Ft. Lauderdale to Rome)

Aug. 2-8, 2024: Scottish Dream w/Tattoo*

Sept. 27 - Oct. 4, 2024: America's Music Cities

Jan. 27-Feb. 2, 2025: Alumni Reunion at Sea Cruise

June 17-July 3, 2025: Land of the Midnight Sun Cruise

*Scottish Dream is sold out. Fill out the form on the trip's web page to join a waiting list in case of cancellations.

Need an endorsement of the YMCA Alumni Travel Club experience? Ask Lyon members John and Susan Green or Phyllis and Jim Murphy who both joined the club's Viking Ocean Cruise last fall and are registered for Scottish Dream in 2024.


Our YMCA Alumni 2024 Membership Renewal window ends Dec. 31. You may renew now on our YMCA Alumni website by clicking the button to the left. Or, use the form and envelope sent to you in our membership packet early last month.

Chapter leaders

President: Paul Andresen

Treasurer/Membership: Phyllis Murphy

Secretary: Patricia de Felice

International Liaison: Mary Lindeman

Lyon Links Editor: Bob Warnock

National Liaison: John Green

Member-at-Large: Tim Hardy

Member-at-Large: Randy Bolsinger

Click on name in blue to send email.




YMCA Alumni Mission:
" enable members to promote a nurturing worldwide Christian Fellowship that provides educational, social, service and charitable opportunities."