Bulletin Head

Aug. 8, 2023

Pledge -- Donna Pedace

Invocation -- John Chavez

Sgt. At Arms -- Fr. Robert Mundy

Future Programs:

Aug 15 -- Deborah Elder

Aug 22 -- Nick Blea

Aug 29 -- (club assembly)

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Board Meeting Thursday, 8/10

7:30 AM at Rutilios

Save these Dates:

Aug. 10 - Monthly Board meeting. 7:30 am at Rutilio's.

Aug. 25-26 - 2023 Bi-District Conference, El Paso, TX, see the District website for details and to register.

Sep. 8 - Patriot Dinner (Folds of Honor) Isleta Convention Center. 300+ will attend. Our club will host 10 first responders and a club table. RSVP with Donna Pedace.

Sep. 13 - Rotary Day, volunteer at the State Fair, 11am to 3 or 3pm to 7. For details click HERE.

Oct. 7 - Pancake Breakfast (Pancakes for a Cause) Saturday morning at Ribs. Members are asked to sell one sponsorship and 10 tickets. (This is our big fundraiser to finance our club's annual activities.)

Tuesday Meet...

Angela Saiz

This Tuesday Antonia (Toni) Aguilar brings us our speaker, Angela Saiz. Put on your reading glasses and you'll see Angela is the second from the left in the photo below (next to that good looking guy in the middle).

Angela is a volunteer with the Valencia County Business Incubator (VCBI) and will be speaking about an economic development project she is working on in Rio communities called the incubator project.

Last Tuesday...

Leyda Hahn

Last Tuesday we heard the fascinating story of Leyda Hahn’s journey from Guantanamo, Cuba to Los Lunas, NM. At the age of 2, in the late 1960’s Leyda and her family escaped Communist Cuba and arrived in Florida with no money and knowing no English.  Life was full of challenges but Leyda has (in my opinion) lived out the American Dream. By working hard, being willing to go anywhere, and take advantage opportunities you can find success. And Leyda has.

Her professional career stated around age 17 when she walked into the local Kelly Services employment office asked for a job. Her maturity and intelligence (and FOA – Front Office Appearance) landed her a front office job with a large insurance company. In her free time, she visited all the different departments and asked what she could do to help. By doing this she learned how the company operated, got promoted, and became a licensed insurance agent by age 21. She started out in health insurance and then got into being a mortgage broker because she loved helping 1st time buyers. 

When the financial recession of 2008 hit, she left the mortgage business and stared working in the title industry. At that time her husband’s employment required them to relocate from Florida to one of three locations. They chose the Albuquerque area. Initially, Leyda lived in Rio Communities but in 2020, her company chose her to open a new branch office in booming Los Lunas where she works today as the manager for First American Title, at 3428 Hwy 47 Suite B.

News from Around the

Club and Community

Bosque Farms Fair Grand Marshal

George Hobbes

Leading the 2023 Village Parade!

Calling All Members

We need everyone's help to reach our fundraising goal to support our community service projects for the new Rotary year. How can you do this? Plan to sell (or purchase) 10 tickets to our "Pancakes for a Cause" and also sell (or buy) one sponsorship using the form below.

Plan to ask 5 businesses where you shop and chances are at least one will participate! Click here for a blank form.

Rotary Membership Report

The chart below shows our club and our District membership totals for the past five years at the start of each new Rotary year in July.











Los Lunas members






Total District members

Return of the District Newsletter!

The Yucca

With links to the District Facebook page and You Tube channel.

Click Here

Upcoming Program Leaders


Schedule your speaker early! At least a week prior to your date send “The Bulletin” editor an email containing your speaker's bio, their topic, and a photo! 

  • 8/15 -- Deborah Elder
  • 8/22 -- Nick Blea
  • 8/29 -- (club assembly)
  • 9/5 -- John Chavez
  • 9/12 -- Dan Garrison
  • 9/19 -- (open)

Dr. Don Leach


Leyda Hahn


George Hobbes
Secretary & Treasurer

Roberta Scott

Community Services Chair 

Connie Irwin

Immediate Past President 

George Greenlee

Newsletter Editor

Dan Garrison (PDG)

Foundation Chair

John Chavez
Public Image Chair

Fr. Robert Mundy

Membership Chair

&Vocational Chair


Youth Services Chair & Interact Chair


International Chair

Rotary meets Tuesdays, 12-1 p.m., Ribs BBQ Restaurant

120 Nelson Lane, Los Lunas

Rotary Club of Los Lunas (ID 21543; Chartered Jan. 11, 1984) is part of Rotary District 5520 of Rotary International.

District Governor: Richard Haas

Be sure to visit us on Facebook. Click on left logo. Visit our website by clicking on right logo. Both are regularly updated.


'Most Membership Growth'

(medium club category)


'Best Club Bulletin'
