YMCA Alumni
William S. Chambers Chapter
Ohio * W. Virginia * N. Kentucky * W. Pennsylvania

September 2023 * View as Webpage

A fall reunion in Toledo: Museum,

Packo's, Freighter and Fellowship

Left to right (Top row): All of us!; Mary Moomaw, Julie Kauffman, Faith Settles and Sue Smith at Packo's; Mike and Marla Lieber at the tugboat. (Bottom row): Klinger and Hawkeye join Mike Lieber, Keith Lands, John Mack and Connie Clark at Packo's; Joy and Dale Packer, Dan Sager, John Mack, Marilyn Sager and Kathy Mack at the National Museum of the Great Lakes.

Our Fall 2023 Reunion was filled with memories and fellowship and Maumee Bay was a beautiful location. Even the weather cooperated. With 33 people in attendance, the Museum of the Great Lakes with its tour of an actual Lake Freighter was the highlight. We enjoyed some great meals at Tony Packo’s and the Real Seafood Company, along with a late evening run to the ice cream shop. Brad Toft, CEO of the YMCA of Greater Toledo (photo right), told us about the great work the Y is doing in Northwest Ohio. We hope to see you at the next reunion.

Want to help plan a reunion?

Spring and Fall 2024 retreats are in the planning stages. Well actually, we are looking for volunteers to plan a date and location, SE or SW Ohio maybe. Any takers? Please contact Connie Clark or John Mack if you are interested in helping.

From our President: Connie Clark

'It’s All About Kindness'

John 17:21 “That they may all be one.”

Why do we, in retirement, pay for the privilege to eat and work in high temperatures and wind and cold snaps? We inch forward to complete a dream for people we have never met on the grounds of the YMCA of the Seven Council Fires in Dupree, S.D. for our YMCA Alumni National Service Project.

Wayne Uhrig excitedly tells us we have YMCA Alumni members going to Albania, Latin America, Europe, and the Bahamas for ISC - our International Service Corps. Their skills, honed during Y careers, will help developing or struggling YMCAs abroad.

Keith Lands, our new representative for the YMCA Emergency Assistance Fund (EAF), talks of cash grants to active and retired YMCA professionals facing dire challenges. And, YMCA Alumni chapters across the U.S. are doing service projects and supporting the projects I mentioned, plus their own local needs during their retirement years.


Connie Clark

Chambers YMCA Alumni Chapter President

Special Award Recognitions

John Mack received the Robert Knight Chapter 32 Alumni Director of the Year Award (photo left with President Mike Frith) at our Fall Reunion. During the Annual Meeting and Banquet, we honored Dave Saunders for his leadership and tireless service to the chapter. (Photo right: Mike, Dave and Bonnie Saunders).

John began his involvement with the YMCA when he was in grade school, took swim lessons at the Downtown Toledo YMCA and was also a member of the South Toledo YMCA.  John says his true calling in the YMCA was working with teens and, more specifically, working with Leaders Clubs at several YMCAs including Fort Wayne, Middletown, Lexington, Sandusky, Elyria, Angola and Bristol. 

Dave, for the past 30 years, served as the lead volunteer and chair of the selection committee for our Alumni Director of the Year. As a previous recipient of the award, Dave’s service goes way beyond this. He always has been a dedicated YMCA leader and also a leader within our chapter. A sincere thank you to both John and Dave from all of us in the Chambers Chapter.

And at Dick's induction to the Hall of Fame...

Dick Jones was officially inducted into the National YMCA Hall of Fame July 28, 2023 during the Y-USA General Assembly in Atlanta. He was accompanied by two of his sons, Peter and Michael; his other son Steve lives overseas and unable to attend. Several other YMCA alumni also attended. These were just a few of the thousands of people that Dick had a huge impact on during his career. He always has been our mentor, leader, colleague and friend. (Top photo L-R): Back row L to R: Mike Jones, Dick Bennett, Sue Smith, Faith Patton, Mary Moomaw, Pete Jones. Front: Dick with Michelle Tilton)

Membership Details:

By Dave Patterson

Please WELCOME our most recent members to join the Chambers Chapter of YMCA Alumni: Donald and Holly Ferr, Erie, PA; Dawn and Richard Stearns, Springboro, PA.

Happy Birthday to these members that will have a “Summer Birthday Party” before our next newsletter.


Jean Allen ~ 3 * Steve Clever ~ 3 * Glenn Kuhn ~ 4 * Dave Saunders ~ 4

Harold Hewitt ~ 6 * John Kinsinger ~ 7 * Jean Hedges ~ 9 * Jill Jolliff ~ 9

Tony Delisio ~ 12 * Paul Atkinson ~ 13 * Dorothea Lazar ~ 13

Dick Jones ~ 19 * Robert Orr ~ 21 * Jenn Patterson ~ 23 * Laura Mann ~ 25

Cindy Koenig-Daggs ~ 26 * Randy Clark ~ 28 * Jerry Seiter ~ 30

Kevin Settles ~ 30



Tammy Crawford ~ 1 * Gary Broderick ~ 2 * Tom Blomquist ~ 5

Barbara Gilchrist ~ 5 * Fred Staley ~ 6 * Cindy Blomquist ~ 10

Jason Boothe ~ 10 * Ruth France ~ 13 * Harry Bradbury ~ 14

John Pfiester ~ 16 * Todd Wynn ~ 20 * Carol Cooper ~ 24

Evelyn Rae Correll ~ 24 * Keith Lands ~ 28 * Tom Gacse ~ 29

Nancy Gregory ~ 29 * Holly Ferri ~ 31



Becky Clever ~ 1 * Julie Bennett ~ 5 * Cathy McAllister ~ 6 * Jeff Mann ~ 9

Dorothy Gomori ~ 10 * Jennifer Hammond ~ 10 * Charlotte Moore ~ 14

Janice Atkinson ~ 19 * Susan Wegelin ~ 19 * Shirley Culver ~ 21

Becky Uhrig ~ 21 * Brad Toft ~ 22 * Julie Kauffman ~ 23 * Doug McNeel ~ 23 Todd Semelsberger ~ 23 * Fred Cooper ~ 26 * Phyllis Glunt ~ 26

Bob D’Avria ~ 30

Look Out, Here Comes 2024…

Yes, it will soon be time to RENEW our commitment and support to YMCA Alumni and the Chambers Chapter. November 2 is the official start of the 2024 Renewal Campaign. A Renewal Packet will arrive in your home mailbox at that time with details on how to renew, either by first-class mail (with personal check) or at www.ymcaalumni.org (with credit card). Online renewal is available right now. Just click the button below. Please renew EARLY… but for sure before Dec. 31.

Online Renewal

ISC places two YMCA Alumni members

abroad: Are you interested?

By Wayne Uhrig, Chair

The International Service Corps (ISC), recently placed two YMCA Alumni volunteers with international YMCAs. One for the Grand Bahama YMCA (Teresa Hill, Grand Canyon Chapter), and one for the YMCA Centre in Albania (Jonathan Vance, Weatherford Chapter). ISC continues to attract interest from YMCAs in Latin America and in Europe.

We need volunteers in Nicaragua, Panama, Uruguay, and the Dominican Republic to name a few. ISC will pay your airfare and some additional expenses, based on arrangements with the host YMCA. Click the button below for more information. (Photo: Wayne Uhrig)

ISC Online

National Service Project:

Building homes, writing grant proposals

By Steve Gunn, Chair

The National Service Project fundraising campaign has recently received a gift of $25,000 from a YMCA Alumni member. She said she wanted to give where it would help the most. The total giving to date in gifts and pledges from more than 600 donors is over $811000. Thanks to our chapter for all the gifts and support for the volunteering no matter how great or small. 

The Fundraising Committee is actively writing grants to large businesses and corporations in the hope of reaching the $1 million mark. Chambers member Linda Day Macessey is assisting. 

Wave 5 volunteers will be in Dupree soon with the next waves coming soon after. The Boots on the Ground Committee, of which I am a member, will be finishing Tiny Home 1 and erecting Tiny Home 2 and 3 walls hopefully before Winter. 

National Service Project

Update: Emergency Assistance Fund

By Keith and Becky Lands, Co-Chairs

We were honored to ask to serve as the EAF Chairmen for the Chambers Chapter. A very special thanks to Steve and Nancy Gunn for their leadership of our chapter’s EAF fund for the several past years. 


As of press time: $21,115.25 has been donated to the EAF nationally with 133 YMCA Alumni members donating. The Chambers Chapter has had 18 donors to the EAF with gifts totaling $3,035. Traditionally, our chapter has been one of the largest donors.  Last year we had 26 donors. 


If you have not yet made an EAF contribution for 2023 or would like to make an additional donation, please mail your check to: Emergency Assistance Fund - Y USA, 101 N. Upper Wacker Drive. 16th Fl., Chicago, IL. 60606. YMCA Alumni EAF co-chairs are Mikey and Jim Havlick.

YMCA World Service:

Chamber members step up

By Tony Delisio, World Service Chair

To date, 15 Chambers Chapter members have contributed $2,975 towards our $6,000 goal. That’s an average gift of $198. In total, 438 YMCA Alumni have given $118,967 to World Service so far this year. Overall, the 2023 World Service Campaign has raised $1,849,218.

There is still time to give to World Service this year. Be on the lookout for a global update, along with a letter this month. Click the blue button below to contribute online. Thank you for Changing the World for Good.

Donate to World Service

A little bit of history:

Founding of the Fostoria, Ohio YMCA

 By Bill McAllister

(The following information was taken from the original journal of the handwritten meeting minutes from 1910-1915, which the YMCA in Fostoria still has in its possession.)

An eight day building campaign from May 8-15, 1911, with daily report meetings at noon. The campaign goal was $55,000 for the property, building and furnishings. 

At the final campaign report meeting on May 15, it was announced the final amount raised was $60,014. 

The cornerstone was laid October 20, 1912. The new building was dedicated on May 7, 1914. The new YMCA was 112 feet long, 62 feet wide, three stories high with a 25 feet x 60 feet swimming pool and 26 dormitory rooms.

The new YMCA was referred to as The Tabernacle numerous times in the journal and "as one of the greatest events in the history of our flourishing city".

Emphasizing the Christian heritage of the YMCA, Board of Trustees members were nominated according to which church they belonged to. The 1912 cornerstone had a time capsule in it with photographs, brochures, and an American flag. The "YMCA" and "John logo" stone engravings from the original building are prominently displayed in the lobby of the 1991 addition.

By Mike Lieber, Spiritual Lead

I’m Praying For You


Our prayers will become effective when you fully commit your heart. First and maybe foremost, believe in the power of prayer! Know that God is listening; hope for answered prayers until that hope turns into faith; and keep praying and don’t give up.


We share with you with his permission, this request: Steve Gunn shared these words, “My only sister (87) and her husband of 68 years are now in hospice in assisted living.

"Nancy and I are primary care givers and now are downsizing all their earthly possessions. VERY SAD! We also are selling their condo where they have lived for nearly 20 years. Needless to say, we are swamped. Please ask members to remember our family in their prayers.”

Treasurer's Report: John Mack

Our bank balance after the Spring Reunion was $4,863.40.

We now stand at $5,983.40 after payments for Fall Reunion and before expenses.

An editor's note...

By Sue Smith, Chambers Chatter Editor

As I’m wrapping up my first year as editor for CHAMBERS CHATTER, I was talking to a few people about some ideas to make our newsletter more fun and engaging. One idea was to share a chapter member’s Y story. Or maybe include some information about the old Maverick Society that so many of us were a part of during the Great Lakes Region years. If you have an idea or would like to contribute something, just email me or call (517) 252-1337.

Chapter leaders

President: Connie Clark

1st VP: Lowell Nees

2nd VP: Tony Delisio

Secretary: Mike Lieber

Treasurer: John Mack

Immediate Past President: Mike Frith

Editor: Sue Smith

Click on name to send email.

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YMCA Alumni Mission:
"...to enable members to promote a nurturing worldwide Christian Fellowship that provides educational, social, service and charitable opportunities."