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And we're back...

As the days grow shorter, our staff are gearing up to open the doors for the 2021-2022 school year. We have a lot of new families finalizing their enrollment process and yearning to get their students into the classroom. The winds of change are in motion and we are looking forward to being sure you are a part of it all.

Last Call for Back to School Drive

If you're reading this you probably know that all of Wild Plum's Families are below Federal Poverty Lines and without extra funds to invest in classroom materials to keep on hand at the house.

One thing we've learned is that our students love recreating what they've learned at school when they are at home with their families, and being able to provide the necessary materials to practice writing, reading, coloring and creating is a huge gift.

Here is a list of our teacher's recommended items for donation. These are items that students use in the classroom and would benefit from having at home:

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If you prefer to make a monetary donation in lieu of donating items, please click the button below.

Donate Today!
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Community Spotlight

At Wild Plum Center we believe parents are the most important teacher in their student's life. Our job is to enable our families to have the confidence and tools they need to give their student the best education possible. At the start of each school year, each of our families receives a home library, a set of books to use for reading and learning together.

Over the years, we have received an immense amount of support from the community in order to stock the shelves. This year, we would like to thank Kay for collecting over 175 books from her neighbors to share with our students. Kay sent out an email to neighbors and friends asking for book and school supply donations. She then left a storage bin on her front porch where people could drop off donated items. We are floored with the amount of books and school supplies she was able to collect and were compelled to share her bright idea.

If you are dusting off the shelves and find some treasured books that are no longer age appropriate but want to donate them to a good cause, look no further! Books that are written in both English and Spanish are extremely advantageous to our program. Thanks to the Prospect Neighborhood and each of you for your support while we continue building equity through education.

Learn More AboutIn-Kind Donations
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