Weekly News & Updates
January 30, 2025 | Volume 39, Issue 4
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FROM YOUR PASTOR’S HEART: The BEST NEWS EVER about Discipleship and Marriage
This Sunday we move into Mark 10:1-16. Jesus is moving through Judea on His way to Jerusalem. The religious leaders are trying to test and trap Him. This time, the issue is about marriage and divorce. Jesus turns the tables on them and gives a succinct and powerful answer on how our following of Jesus translates into marriage and childrearing. Pray that I may bring this message, and you will receive this message, with “grace and truth” (John 1:14) and with a commitment to follow Jesus’ Way!
Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m., we will have a congregational town hall meeting. All are invited and encouraged to attend. Van Buren mayor, Joe Hurst, will be here to discuss the city’s plans to build a community center. The current plans are that it will include three gymnasiums, a competition swimming pool and diving tank, four exercise/meeting rooms, locker rooms, eight pickleball courts, an indoor walking track, and a large activity room. The city wants to partner with the Van Buren School System and Heritage to complete this project. They are asking to build the center on Heritage property. Please come out Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. in the New Room for this informational meeting. After the mayor presents the project, he and others from the school district and church leadership will seek to answer your questions. We will conclude the meeting with a show of hands vote to determine if we want to move forward with a Church Conference and congregational vote on February 16th.
Blessed to be “on the way” with Jesus and you!
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Our hearts go out to those who lost loved ones in the collision of the American Airlines flight from Wichita, KS and the military helicopter near Washington D.C. We are also praying for and thankful for the first responders and recovery workers.
– Pastor Wes
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Upcoming Opportunities and Announcements | |
Monthly Memory Verse
You may have noticed that we have been introducing a monthly memory verse. We encourage you to study and memorize it. In our daily reading plan we just finished reading Psalm 119 which is a meditation on the beauty and value of God's Word. Memorizing scripture is one way that we can hide His Word in our hearts (Ps. 119:11). So as we start a new month, let's memorize God's Word together!
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Attention Ladies
We are kicking off another 5-week Women’s Bible Study, and we will be studying the book of Ruth. The book of Ruth offers a wonderful opportunity to explore themes of faithfulness, redemption, loyalty, and God’s providence. It shows how God notices you. He sees the decisions you make, what you go through, and how you influence the world. He wants you to know that YOUR story matters! Join us Monday mornings at 10 am in the New Room beginning February 3.
Please reply to bkneeland@heritage.church or office@heritage.church if you plan to attend. Childcare will be provided.
Snack Packs
We will prepare snack packs on February 5 at 1 pm for Central Elementary. We will do 40 packs, and we are collecting these items: granola bars, cheese crackers, and pretzels. If you are able to provide one of these items, let me know and bring it by my office by the 5th. If you're able to help stuff on Wednesday, February 5, let me know.
Thanks so much to all who help with this!
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Opportunity to Serve
Heritage is responsible for feeding Adult Ed on April 24.
If you or your life group would like to volunteer to cook or purchase a meal for one of these dates, please contact me, and I can give you more information.
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Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)
The Crawford-Sebastian Community Development Council (C-SCDC) is offering a FREE weatherization service to qualified residents. What is weatherization? It includes sealing cracks, floor and attic insulation, weather-stripping and more. It can help lower monthly utility bills.
Their team will be at the Food Panty next Monday, February 3 to answer questions and determine if you may qualify for this service. Click here for more information and to see if you may qualify.
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Missions Update from WE-GO
Heritage Family, thank you for your support as I have picked up my Grandfather's mantle to continue God's work in Russia. My recent visit to Moscow, Dyatkovo, Kokoshkino, Tula and other towns was eye opening. There are many challenges facing the Association of Churches, and the task ahead of us is GOD SIZED. Nevertheless, the Churches of Russia are hopeful, motivated and ready to take action on the vision God has given them. Here in the United States, Maria, Marilyn and I are feeling renewed and ready to continue raising support to help achieve these GOD-SIZED goals!
Thank you for your support!
Justin Goins
Click here to read the full report from Justin Goins of WE-GO Missions Coalition.
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Thank You Heritage!
"Thank you for the love and support that you have shown our students by donating gift cards to our angel tree program. We greatly appreciate it!"
Mrs. Terbieten, School Counselor at King Elementary
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January Newcomers' Dinner
Last week we had the joy of welcoming several newcomers with a special dinner. We had a great evening of fellowship and food. If you see any of these folks around Heritage, please make them feel welcome! Pictured: Front row L to R: Normand Nolin, Sara Houser, Latasha Grogg, Connie Grogg, Zach Grogg, Chance Grogg, Richard Zolliecoffer, Maranda Zolliecoffer, Joey Marrone, and Stacy Marrone. Back Row L to R: Nik Grant, Whitney Grant, baby Jamie, Allison Hilliard, Wes Hilliard, Brian Seewald, and Shawnna Seewald. (Not pictured Edward and Faye Ball)
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2nd Annual FAVOR! Women's Conference - February 8, 2025
Women are invited to the 2nd Annual FAVOR! Women's Conference and Mini-Retreat, hosted by Peak Potential Ministries on February 8 from 10 am to 4 pm at Heritage Church. Join us for a transformative experience centered on this year's theme, "Taking Inventory of Your Health."
Reflect on your well-being, create a path for your future, and deepen your connection with the Lord through inspiring scriptures and personal testimonies from our dynamic speakers. Don’t miss this opportunity for devotion, fellowship, and renewal!
Tickets are $25 and include breakfast, lunch and a goody bag. Register online at www.getpeakwellnessretreat.com/favor or with Jolana Bostwick, 479-685-2752.
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This Week at Heritage and Prayer Concerns | |
Thursday, January 30
Preschool, 9 am
Seniors Growing With Christ, 10 am
Keep Moving Exercise Class, 11:30 am
Food Pantry, 4 pm
Boomer's, 5 pm
Friday, January 31
Office Closed
Saturday, February 1
Outreach at The Current (So. Campus), 8:30 am
Madie Green Baby Shower, 10 am
Outreach at Midland Heights, 11 am
Sunday, February 2
Prayer Time, 8 am
Traditional Service, 9 am
Growth Groups (Adult SS), 9 am
Children’s Ministry, 9 am
Contemporary Service, 10:30 am
Growth Groups (Adult SS), 10:30 am
Children’s Ministry, 10:30 am
Heritage Town Hall, 3 pm
Youth Worship Class, 4 pm
TT Teachers' Meeting, 4:30 pm
Children’s Ministry (infant - gr 3), 5:45 pm
FISH (gr 4-5), 5:45 pm
Youth (gr 6-12), 5:45 pm
Monday, February 3
Food Pantry/Clothes Closet, 9:30 am
Girl Scouts, 6 pm
Boy Scouts, 6:30 pm
Cub Scouts, 6:30 pm
Tuesday, February 4
Band of Brothers, 6:15 am
Preschool, 9 am
Staff Prayer/Meeting, 9:30 am
Keep Moving Exercise Class, 11:30 am
Girl Scouts, 6 pm
Wednesday, February 5
Stock the Food Pantry, 8:30 am
Community Bible Study, 9 am
Prayer Team, 10:30 am
Communion/Healing Prayer, 12 pm
Community Meal, 4:30 pm
Handbells, 5:30 pm
Timothy Team, 5:45 pm
Youth Bible Study, 5:45 pm
Adult Bible Study, 6 pm
Sanctuary Choir, 6:30 pm
Thursday, February 6
Preschool, 9 am
Seniors Growing With Christ, 10 am
Keep Moving Exercise Class, 11:30 am
Food Pantry/Clothes Closet, 4 pm
Ladies' Bunco Night, 6pm
| Have a prayer request? Email it to: prayerchain@heritage.church | | |
In the Hospital
Paul Vinsant (QLI Rehab in NE)
At Home
Tammy Burkett
Mary Dempsey
Patsy Ellison
Tom Fite
Jamey Garner
Johnie Ruth Hammontree
Jamie Hartley
Billie Hunter
Jerry Hunter
Betty James
Mary Beth Keller
Wally Lester
Jean May
Scott Neal
Carly Norris
Michael Pitts
Rodney Roberson
Bertha Swindell
Randy Teltow
Velta Thomas
Assisted Living
Richard Childers (Legacy FS)
Mary Coble (Blossoms)
Norma Day (Methodist Village)
Joyce Greig (Alma H&R)
Wayne Minnick (Ashton Place)
Mary Nash (Legacy Heights Memory Lane)
Vi Pettit (Methodist Village)
Alta Poppe (Legacy Heights)
Jeremiah Smith (Legacy FS)
In Thanksgiving
Grayson and Jamie Herrera in the birth of their daughter Whitney Quinn. Proud grandparents are Kimmy and Karen Nash.
Welcome New Members
Haley and Chandler Nicholson
| Click here to support the ministry of Heritage Church. |
You can also give through the Realm app or by texting HERITAGEVB to 73256
or by scanning the QR code.
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Baby Shower
For Braxton and Laila Kelly on February 15 from 2-4 pm in the New Room.
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Men of Heritage - Save the Date!
Our 1st quarter Prayer Breakfast will be February 22 at 7:30am. More details to come.
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