Take the opportunity to come and refresh your spirit.
This is the beginning of a prayer from Joyce Rupp's latest book,
Prayers of Boundless Compassion, with which we began
our recent team meeting. May it stir you as it did us.

The Body of Compassion

I pray to be the face of compassion -
that those who come within my view
find a cordial, kindly reception
written upon my facial landscape.

Our mission as a spirituality centre continues to be
"To encourage individuals and groups to explore and restore
the energies needed for their personal and communal transformation."
June 12-14, 2018
Take time to receive the gifts of silence waiting for you.
Accommodation, home-cooked meals, and spiritual direction are offered as part of these days.
August 4-10, 2018
Experience the tranquil beauty of this sacred space as you restore your energies. Come for 3-7 nights and bring a friend or meet new friends. Private or shared accommodation, home-cooked meals.
July 3-7, 2018
Experience how silence can be healing and focusing in daily life. Allow your senses and soul to find rest. Facilitator: Brenda Peddigrew rsm.
July 16-19, 2018
Explore how steeping oneself in the flow of Mercy unleashes a life of abundance and blessing. Facilitator: Kathy Murtha
Visit Our Sacred Space

From the beginning, the gardens at Loretto Maryholme
have been as natural as possible, given our knowledge and staffing.
We try not to use pesticides, and we keep all our organic materials onsite, using them for compost or building materials for our many projects here.

We are happy to anounce that, as of this growing season,
we are going organic! Our groundskeeper, Sandra Vasicek,
completed - with honours! - an online course through Gaia College
in British Columbia, that prepares students to be SOUL Practitioners (Society of Urban Organic Landscapers). We will be
nourishing the soil and all the creatures therein with organic matter. Healthy soil = healthy plants and landscape.

We will begin with the south lawn and flower bed
plus the sensory garden this year. Watch to see what happens!
Congratulations to Sandra for her study
and her enthusiasm for this undertaking!
Come spend time in this sacred space. Rest, reflect and re-focus in an atmosphere of beauty, peace and solitude.

Corporate, staff and organization groups are welcome for weekday retreats of envisioning, reflection & planning.

G uest Comments...
"Entirely generous is Maryholme and all its people. I am like a newly watered crocus. Thank you."

"I found everything at Loretto Maryholme to be the epitome of peaceful and welcoming. The grounds are beautiful and well cared for, and much thought has been put into making the accommodations warm and cozy. I would highly recommend friends to come for a visit if they are ever in need of time away to relax and restore."
Find your centre at our Centre... Come and see...
"Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother." Oprah

"Beauty is the illumination of your soul."
John O'Donohue

"Vision is the art of seeing things invisible."
Jonathan Swift
"Every object and being in the universe is a jar overflowing with wisdom and beauty."
"We all travel the Milky Way together, trees and men."
John Muir

Office Hours:
Weekdays 9am-noon
Afternoons by chance

© Loretto Maryholme
Spirituality Centre 2018