Heritage Valley’s LungCare Program ---
Low Dose CT Lung Screenings Save Lives!
A Low Dose Computed Tomography (CT) Lung Scan is a painless and noninvasive procedure that can detect very small nodules in the lung, and is especially effective for diagnosing lung cancer when it is in its earliest, most treatable stage. If any of the following apply, you should consider having a Low Dose Computed Tomography (CT) Lung Screening:
- You are 50 years of age, currently smoke or have quit smoking within the last 15 years
- You have a family history of lung cancer
- You have risk factors, such as prolonged exposure to asbestos or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- You have a tobacco smoking history of at least 20 pack-years (To calculate pack-years, multiply the number of packs of cigarettes smoked a day by the number of years that you smoked.)
After your scan, the Radiologist will review your films and provide a report, including follow-up recommendations, to your referring Physician. Your results will be available to you on Health Link, Heritage Valley’s secure patient portal, and a copy of the report will be mailed to you.
If an abnormality is detected, our Physicians will quickly provide you with various treatment options. Our LungCare Pulmonologists set aside time each week for patients with abnormal diagnoses, and work collaboratively with the patient’s Primary Care Physician. They also meet weekly with Oncologists to discuss every potential cancer diagnosis.
We know that time saves lives, so we provide a quick and seamless transition from screening to diagnosis to treatment. Follow-up testing and care is conveniently provided within Heritage Valley Health System, enabling us to make certain that our patients receive the personalized care they need in a timely manner.
Early Detection Saves Lives! Please see your physician for an order for a Low Dose CT Lung Screening, and call 1-866-901-IMAG (4624) to schedule your appointment.
If you have questions regarding Heritage Valley’s LungCare program, please contact Susan Weido, LungCare Navigator, at 724-773-2071.