Congratulations to Dr. John Lehman of HVMG Orthopedics who performed the first BEAR implant procedure in western Pennsylvania at Heritage Valley Beaver! BEAR stands for a Bridge Enhanced ACL Restoration implant, and is clinically effective for the majority of ACL tears. The BEAR® Implant is the first Innovation in ACL tear treatment in 30+ Years, so this is exciting news!
The BEAR® Implant is the first medical technology to clinically demonstrate that it enables healing of the patient’s torn ACL while maintaining the natural knee anatomy. Clinical studies demonstrated that the BEAR® Implant restores torn ACL quality and size similar to a patient’s non-injured ACL. It is indicated for skeletally mature patients at least 14 years of age with a complete rupture of the ACL, as confirmed by MRI.
According to Dr. Lehman, “Getting the ACL to heal instead of having to reconstruct it with other tissue has been an ongoing goal of Orthopedic Sports Medicine for years. This procedure has the potential to truly be a game changer for this injury.” Advantages of the BEAR® procedure include:
Restoration of the natural anatomy and function of the knee: The BEAR Implant acts as a bridge to help ends of the torn ACL heal together. A small amount of the patient’s own blood is injected into the implant, which is inserted between the torn ends of the ACL in a minimally invasive procedure. This enables the body to heal the torn ends of the ACL back together, while maintaining the ACL’s original attachments to the femur and tibia. As the ACL heals, the BEAR® Implant is absorbed by the body, usually within eight weeks.
Less invasive: Unlike reconstruction with a graft, the BEAR® Implant does not require a second surgical wound site to remove a healthy tendon from another part of the leg or use a cadaver tendon.
Higher patient satisfaction: Compared with autograft ACL reconstruction, the BEAR® Implant has shown faster recovery of muscle strength and higher patient satisfaction with regard to readiness to return to activities, including sports.
HVMG Orthopedics is currently accepting new patients. Click here for practice information or call 724-775-4242 to schedule an appointment.
Pictured above (left to right): John Lehman, MD and Nick Ciccone, PA-C