A Message about the Election,
from Hermaden
You decide your next four years.

There has been a lot of anxiety about the approaching election as well as the pandemic. Many people feel the results of the election will determine the next four years of their lives.

We want you to understand that YOU determine your point of attraction – and only you. No one else can affect your point of attraction unless it is your attention to a situation or person that alters your frequency.

If policy or resource changes affect what you are planning in your life, it is up to you to allow new ways for the universe to bring you what you want.

If you decide it has to be a certain way, and you feel the government is keeping you from having what you want, then open yourself to alternatives.

Think about driving your car down a familiar road. You come to a detour sign. You may not like it, and it may not be the path you had planned. But the outcome can be the same. You can still end up at the destination you want – but it may be by taking a different route.

Remember that, at the core, it is the emotion you are seeking; it is how you want to feel in your life. Identify the emotions you want to dominate how your life feels the next four years. Perhaps you want to feel free with unlimited options, or safe and secure, or you seek excitement and adventure. Perhaps you want to feel connected to others. You might want work that is meaningful. You might want fun. You might want to move your life forward in new ways, or stay living in -- and growing -- your present situation. Most people want different things, and you get to decide for you.

If you want to be with someone who is not allowed in your country right now, perhaps there is an alternative place you could meet or live. If you can’t do business with the country you want, perhaps there are other countries you have not yet considered. If you can’t get the job or education or housing you want, then consider what other options might bring you the same feelings.

Don’t assign your power to someone else. It is yours.

And don’t turn your peace of mind over to a collective – and broadly contrasting – electorate.

You decide your next four years – and only you.

Affirm that YOU are the creator of your life. And whatever happens, you can choose to make your life good.

No one controls that outcome but you.

And the love, support and guidance of non-physical will be with all of you, no matter who wins.

You are not in this alone.

And you never will be!

Upcoming Zoom Workshops
Join us for one of our upcoming Zoom workshops -- there's one today!
(And of course you already reset your clocks!)

Sunday, November 1
1 p.m. Pacific; 3 p.m. Central;
4 p.m. Eastern

Tuesday, November 10
5 p.m. Pacific; 7 p.m. Central;
8 p.m. Eastern
Sunday, November 15
1 p.m. Pacific; 3 p.m. Central;
4 p.m. Eastern

Sending you much love, and peace, and laughter and fun...remember to relax, and breathe, and find reasons to celebrate, and create new memories to cherish. Because everything is always working out for you....