Hernando Highlights | September 2022 Edition

Hernando County Government
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Sept. 5

Labor Day

All Day

All Hernando County Government offices, Library Services, and The Bus will be closed on Labor Day. Animal Services will be closed on 9/6 in observance of Labor Day and will reopen on 9/7.

Sept. 11

Never Forget 9/11 Tribute


SSG Michael Wayne Shafer Memorial VFW 10209

This 21st anniversary tribute is to remember the victims and honor all the first responders that risked their lives for so many that day. United we stand.

Sept. 17

International Coastal Clean-Up 2022


Linda Pederson Park

University of Florida/IFAS Extension at Hernando County and Florida Sea Grant will be hosting the Annual International Coastal Clean Up.

Click here to volunteer!

Department Highlights | Check out what's happening locally

Mosquito Control

Mosquito Control was in attendance at the Chamber's Health & Wellness Expo on Saturday, August 27th and shared information on prevention tips to limit the risk of getting bit by mosquitos. Remember to follow the 5 D's: Don't go outside DUSK & DAWN, DRESS to protect your skin, apply repellents with DEET and DRAIN standing water!

Parks and Recreation

An Adopt-A-Park Program was recently launched to engage citizens and organizations to volunteer their time and selecting a local park to adopt. By doing so, the group will commit to hosting 4 service projects a year. Each park will have a sign with the organization's name displayed at the park. Call Parks and Recreation at 352-754-4027 to get started!

Read the full article here

Emergency Management

It's National Preparedness Month! Did you know that Hernando County offers many services to educate residents about potential flooding and vulnerable areas? To learn more about your property location and ways to minimize flood damages, check out the Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM) website

Click here to read a blog with more tips

Click here to sign up to receive weather notifications through Alert Hernando

Administration Office

Well wishes to Hernando County Government intern, Michael, as he ventures off to Grad School. Thanks for all of your hard work and enthusiasm for learning about everything local. Best of luck on your endeavors! 

If you’re looking to get involved and are interested in interning through Hernando County Government, click here.

Hernando County Fire

& Emergency Services

Coming soon! Fire Station 6 out in Hernando Beach is making progress. Stay tuned for updates & information on the grand opening.

Board of County Commissioners | Your Commission committed to the County

On 8/9/22 Premier Community HealthCare Group, Inc.'s Donor Relations Manager, Becky Bennett, presented the County Commissioners with certificates for passionately supporting their health center and the needs of our community for National Health Center Week.

Commissioner Jeff Holcomb attended the ribbon cutting hosted by the Greater Hernando County Chamber of Commerce for the Lucas, Macyszyn, and Dyer Law Firm on August 25th.

Commissioner Steve Champion was a Celebrity Baker at Men's Bake, Mid-FL Community Services Affordable Housing annual fundraiser on August 26th. Commissioners Wayne Dukes and Jeff Holcomb were also in attendance.

As of June 22, 2022, Hernando County Government and the Clerk's Office launched Legistar, a new system for accessing all Hernando County government meetings.

To access meeting agendas, minutes and videos, you can easily visit

To read the full press release and learn tips on how to utilize the new system, click here.

Coming Soon| Hernando County is growing
Permits and Applications

An occupancy permit has been issued for Chicken Salad Chick located at 13659 Tundra Dr. 

Judicial Renovations Begin September 13th

Hernando County Government is renovating the Judicial Center located in Brooksville with upgrades to the Courthouse building including expanding courtrooms, enhancing security, creating a brand-new entrance and lobby, and enhancements to parking including 7 ADA parking spaces. 

A new temporary entrance for the main lobby will be put into effect for citizens to utilize while the Judicial Center is under renovations. The 1st entrance into the parking lot for the Judicial Center on Broad St. will be closed and parking will be limited during construction. 

Read the full media release here

Feasibility Study | Shoal Line Blvd. & Eco Tour Boardwalk

Weekiwachee Preserve

Hernando County Government in conjunction with the consultants, Coastal Engineering Associates, Inc., have released the Shoal Line Blvd. Recreation Area and Eco Tour Boardwalk feasibility study. 

Click here to read the study

Listed on the Hernando County website are preliminary site plans, past public meeting details, previous survey results, background information on the Weekiwachee Preserve, and project updates.

Click here to submit public comments

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Alert Hernando





Library Services

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Mosquito Control

Mosquito Control is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for residents throughout Hernando County by reducing mosquito populations that are a threat to public health or nuisance.

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