Join us for breakfast every
Sunday from 9:00 AM to 9:45 AM
Online Worship

Wednesday Nights are Back!

Wednesday Nights have started! Dinner will be at 6pm in the CAC Dining Room. You can find the menu for the next couple weeks below! Sign up below to let us know that you're coming for FEBRUARY! This helps us refine the amount of food prepared to minimize waste.


Feb 7-Chicken Parm with pasta and salad

Feb 14-Taco Bar

Feb 21-TBD

Feb 28-Meatloaf with mashed potatoes, corn, and a roll

EJ McKnight will be teaching a class after dinner at 6:30pm for the first portion of the spring. There will also be kids and youth activities following dinner.

Lakewood’s longest running Bible study, Feasting In the Word, has also resumed meeting on Wednesdays at 4pm, in the Mendoza Classroom. (Option to participate via Zoom also available). FITW is an in-depth study of the Bible book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. We have begun our study of Paul’s letters in the order in which he wrote them. Currently we are studying 1 Corinthians and would love for you to join us. You do not need any prior Bible knowledge--just a love for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and a desire to better understand His Word and how to apply it in your life. If God is calling you to study His Word through this Bible Study, call or text Ree Unterspan at (904)524-6071 or simply join us next Wednesday (1/24/24) at 4PM in Mendoza Classroom!

Sign Up Here

Altar Flower Calendar

There will be a flower calendar for the altar flowers starting in January. Please be sure to sign up by writing your name next to your chosen date. The calendar will be on the wall right inside the Fellowship Hall door. The flowers cost $60 which can be given to the church through cash or check with "flowers" in the memo line. If you have any questions, please reach out to Tamra Smith at or Jenna Moat at

The following upcoming dates are still available: Feb 18, Feb 25, and most of March (excluding 3/17). Please be sure to sign up in the fellowship hall or let the church office know you'd like to sign up!

Women's Ministry Meetup

Feb 8 // 5:30pm // CAC Dining Room

Ladies, this one is for you! Join us for dessert, music, and fellowship in the CAC Dining Room for our first meetup of the year! All ages are welcome!

Connect Lunch

Feb 11 // after church // CAC Gym

Join us for a connect lunch after the service in the CAC Gym! We'll serve hamburgers and hotdogs, and we encourage you to bring your favorite gameday appetizer! We'll also have a short church council meeting during the lunch to approve new OCB members.

Youth Dessert Auction

Lakewood family remember rotary phones with cords, popcorn ceilings with sparkle, laying out in the sun drenched in baby oil, and Dessert Auctions here at Lakewood?

Only one of those is worthy of a come back! If you guessed popcorn ceilings with sparkle then I'm sorry to disappoint.

We are bringing back the Dessert Auction!! This will be a fundraiser for our youth choir tour.

Please contact Tanya Turpin to sign up a dessert to auction off.

We will be having our Dessert Auction during our next church Connect Lunch on Feb 11.

Tanya Turpin //

Ash Wednesday

February 14

Ash Wednesday is on February 14! Pastor Don will impose ashes that morning from 7am-8:15am, and we'll have an Ash Wednesday service in the Fellowship Hall after Wednesday Night dinner.

Lakewood Family Retreat

July 25-27 // Epworth by the Sea

Join us for the 1st Annual Lakewood Family Retreat July 25-27 at Epworth by the Sea! This retreat is geared for men and women while giving a place for their children and youth. Parents will be required to attend with their children/youth. A $50/person deposit will be due Feb 15 with the remainder due July 1. Your $50/person deposit is included in the totals you see below. To sign up and to pay your deposit, please see Lisa Thompson. We are able to accept cash and check. See total prices (accommodations and meals) below:

Kids & Youth (cabin accommodations): $150/person

Quad occupancy room: $200/person

Triple occupancy room: $225/person

Double occupancy room: $275/person

Single occupancy room: $400/person

If you'd like to commute each day, the cost for meals only is $130/person.

Lisa Thompson //

Women's Enrichment Circle

Feb 15 // CAC Dining Room // 6pm

The Women's Enrichment Circle will be having their monthly fellowship meeting Feb 15 at 6pm in the CAC Dining Room!


this week

Lakewood's Youth Group meets on Sunday nights from 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM.

Join us for dinner, games, worship, small groups, and more!

Aglow Youth Choir meets on Sundays as well at 5:00 PM 

Upcoming Events

Youth Auction

We're starting to collect donations for the Youth Auction! If you are interested in donating items to be auctioned, please reach out to Bethany Coleman or Jackie Brown.

Youth Super Bowl Party

Please sign up to bring a party friendly snack to share at our Super Bowl Party on February 11 from 5:00-8:30. Please list the item you will bring if you know, so that there are not too many duplicates. We will provide drinks, paper products and show the first half of the game.

Visit our Website


stay in the loop

Recovery Alive is Lakewood's recovery ministry. Meetings are held every Friday from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall.

Check out the links below for more information or contact Bill Shuck, Minister of Visitation and Recovery at Lakewood.

Additional resources:
Bill Shuck: (904) 535-4749


Join us on Thursdays at 6:30 for 21 STRONG. Ages 18-98 are welcome to attend. Bring water and a mat or towel and meet in the fellowship hall. We'll start with word and prayer, move into stretching and warm-up, then review and perform your individual workout with the group while inspired by song. The weekly 21 STRONG sessions are geared toward building your physical strength in order to better serve others.

All are welcome!

Office Hours:

9:00 am - 4:00 pm (Mon-Thurs)

9:00 am - Noon (Fri)


(904) 733-8477

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