Wednesday Nights have started! Dinner will be at 6pm in the CAC Dining Room. You can find the menu for the next couple weeks below! Sign up below to let us know that you're coming for FEBRUARY! This helps us refine the amount of food prepared to minimize waste.
Feb 7-Chicken Parm with pasta and salad
Feb 14-Taco Bar
Feb 21-TBD
Feb 28-Meatloaf with mashed potatoes, corn, and a roll
EJ McKnight will be teaching a class after dinner at 6:30pm for the first portion of the spring. There will also be kids and youth activities following dinner.
Lakewood’s longest running Bible study, Feasting In the Word, has also resumed meeting on Wednesdays at 4pm, in the Mendoza Classroom. (Option to participate via Zoom also available). FITW is an in-depth study of the Bible book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. We have begun our study of Paul’s letters in the order in which he wrote them. Currently we are studying 1 Corinthians and would love for you to join us. You do not need any prior Bible knowledge--just a love for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and a desire to better understand His Word and how to apply it in your life. If God is calling you to study His Word through this Bible Study, call or text Ree Unterspan at (904)524-6071 or simply join us next Wednesday (1/24/24) at 4PM in Mendoza Classroom!