September 9: R-C Pond Work-Day
R-C Scout Ranch Workday - Sept. 9
Project Overview:
Arizona Council Trout Unlimited is helping restore the fishing pond on the R-C Scout Ranch near Payson, AZ.
The pond provides youth recreational fishing and conservation opportunities.

Volunteers are needed to prepare the new spring box and clear brush. The various R-C Pond improvement projects include:
  • Clear brush from existing spring box
  • Clear pathway for pipeline
  • Insall new pipeline
  • build forms for new spring-box.
R-C Scout Ranch,
19887 E AZ Highway 260,
Payson, AZ 85541
20 miles East of Payson off SR260, mile post 271.5

(click map for driving directions)
Saturday September 9, 8AM - 5PM - Lunch & drinks furnished.
We need 12-24 volunteers, no expertise or skills required ... just a willingness to help. 

Lunch is provided for TU volunteers.

In addition, various volunteer scout troops from the Grand Canyon Council BSA, are also helping us.

What to bring (if you have them):
Shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows, tree/bush trimming tools, pruning saw, chain saws, gloves.

Want to stay and fish?
Camping is available on site. More information to follow.

Contact Rod Buchanan email
Can you join us?
R-C Scout Ranch, MP 271.5, AZ Hwy 260

09/09/23 8:00am - 09/09/23 5:00pm

Brush Clearing Conservation work @ R-C Scout Ranch near Payson.
I can help Saturday
Sorry I can't help this weekend.
What equipment will you bring? We need chain saws, pruning saws, and heavy pruning lop shears.
Chain saw - Gas preferred
Pruning Saw or lop shears
Shovel or other hand tools
I can't join you this weekend, but I'd like to donate.
Arizona Council of Trout Unlimited