April 2019
United Way Peterborough & District
CAPS - Campaign Analysis Planning Session
DYK: after each Campaign, we review all of our data and experiences with our internal team, board and cabinet members.

We spent the last two months compiling data from our 2018 Community Campaign, and this past Tuesday and Wednesday we presented to key stakeholders.This information fueled lengthy and robust conversations about planning for our 2019 Campaign.

Stay tuned to find out what our 2019 Community Campaign will bring... One thing that you can be certain of.. it will be powered by #LocalLove.
Carol's Place Volunteers Named 2019 Recipient of the Scholfield Award for Community Distinction.
Last week, we presented the 2019 Scholfield Award to Carol’s Place, in particular, their volunteers. Carol’s Place is a gathering place for people that was open in the morning and early evening, in the hours when local hot-meal programs and overnight shelters were closed. It was named in honour of Carol Winter, who devoted her life to helping the homeless, the poor and the marginalized in Peterborough. It was her dream to create a place where people in need could go, at any time of day.

Name our Newsletter Contest (new deadline: April 25th)
We love our e-newsletter but it needs a name!

Send us your name suggestion and we'll enter YOUR name into a draw for a chance to win some United Way Swag!

Email name suggestions to: erichmond@uwpeterborough.ca

In the News...
Last week, our CEO  Jim Russell  and Campaign Chair David Goyette talked about the upcoming 2019 Campaign on  EXTRA 90.5  Have a listen for a some inside scoop on how we work in our Campaign and what to expect in our upcoming community campaign:

#FrontPageFriday with Jim Russell
Every Friday (or in this case, Thursday) we post a short video with our CEO, Jim Russell called #FrontPageFriday. Today, he expressed our concern about the budget cuts to  Peterborough Public Health  - We are concerned about the result on the health of our community and urge you:
“Please, pay attention.”

You can catch all #FrontPageFriday videos by following us on Social Media!

United Way Peterborough & District | 277 Stewart Street, Peterborough K9J 3M8 | 705-742-8839