Best Doctors - KIT

Best Doctors Insurance

We celebrate 35 years of exceptional service

For more than three decades, we have worked together to provide our clients with preferential access to the best medical care in the world, a privilege that only a few people can enjoy.

This message is dedicated to reminding us of the importance of valuing life and health above all else. 

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Celebrating the Madrid Open experience and embracing excellence in healthcare

We are proud of all our champions!

Their remarkable achievements, highlighted during our Madrid event, have left an indelible mark. And we look forward to welcoming our future champions to many upcoming exciting events and destinations. Let’s continue making a meaningful difference in the world of health insurance.

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Celebrating men's health

Every day is the perfect time to recognize the amazing dads in our lives. As we express our love and appreciation, let’s raise awareness about health issues affecting men and help promote healthier lifestyles among men and boys.

Health Month Infographic
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Premium payment notification for ACH debit/E-check transactions

Going forward, our system will automatically generate a direct debit authorization notification following a policyholder’s ACH/E-check payment. This upgrade aims to enhance the efficiency, security, and transparency of our financial operations.

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Línea punteada

Raise awareness

Let's go purple for Alzheimer's and brain health

Old Couple

This enigmatic condition has been studied for centuries. The German physician Alois Alzheimer was the first to document the case in 1906.

This article outlines key facts, helps you recognize early symptoms, and offers insights on how to protect your brain and support vital research efforts. Stay informed, engaged, and take action for better brain health!

(4-minute read)

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