The WASH Rotary Action Group (WASH-RAG) supports and ensures sustainable, long-lasting, clean water, sanitation, and hygiene programs to communities in need. In 2007, WASH-RAG was formed to help local Rotary and Rotaract clubs find international projects and global partners, ensuring sustainability by providing technical advice through WASH-RAG’s in-house Professional Resources team, and offering additional funding for WASH project proposals approved for Global Grant funding from The Rotary Foundation. Special teams are assigned to help prepare grant applications, conduct community assessments, and develop plans to monitor and evaluate WASH projects. WASH experts serve as WASH-RAG Ambassadors in Rotary districts across the globe. They offer their technical expertise and support to help clubs plan and implement impactful projects. Anyone who wants to share their expertise or learn how to make a positive difference can join!
WASH-RAG encourages a holistic, integrated approach in which water is not the end in itself but is the means to a better life and livelihood in the community. Therefore, the WASH Rotary Action Group links water and sanitation to improved hygiene, health, empowerment of the community (especially of women), irrigation and agriculture, education and literacy and, ultimately, reduction of child mortality.
Since 2014, The Rotary Foundation has invested in over 2,000 water, sanitation, and hygiene projects. It is estimated that it only takes US$24 to provide one person with safe water.
On 26 May 2023, WASH-RAG will host its fifteenth World Water Summit: It All Starts with WASH in Melbourne, Australia! Register to attend in-person or virtually to learn from experts in WASH such as keynote speaker Mark Balla, the Toilet Warrior.
If you are going to Melbourne for the Rotary International Convention, make sure to stop by the WASH-RAG House of Friendship booth and meet the WASH-RAG Ambassadors!
Please visit the WASH-RAG website to learn more.