It's World Water Day!


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A Gift for YOU on World Water Day

WASH-RAG invites you to join us

May 26, 2023 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM UTC+10:00 

Rendezvous Hotel

328 Flinders Street

Melbourne, VIC 3000


Everything starts with WASH! From education, to disease prevention, to peace - water, sanitation, and hygiene are requirements. Join us to be inspired and learn about all things WASH!


UPDATED - NEW PRICING! Thanks to amazing support from our sponsors we are able to offer greatly reduced pricing for WWS15. (If you registered at an earlier, higher rate we will be issuing a refund.)


  • Registration is now just $75 USD and includes a year's membership in WASH RAG.
  • Rotaractor registration is just $25 and includes a year's membership in WASH RAG.
  • Virtual Attendance - Plenary Sessions and Breakouts - $25

For inquiries about your registration or the event, please email:

To learn more about World Water Summit 15
To purchase your ticket click here

International News

World Water Summit keynote speaker is Mark Balla, the Toilet Warrior.

Join us in Melbourne on May 26, 2023  8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Mark has seen the lives of hundreds of thousands of school students, their families and their communities, transformed for the better, thanks to the provision of WASH infrastructure and education. 


In 2017 he was inducted into the World Toilet Organization Hall of Fame by his friend and mentor "Mr. Toilet" himself - Singaporean Jack Sim, founder of the World Toilet Organization. 


Mark is a passionate public speaker, especially when it comes to WASH in Schools and Behaviour Change in the world of WASH. In his nine years as a Rotarian, he has spoken at seventeen District Conferences in Australia, the USA, and India, at Ravi Ravindran's Presidential Summit on WASH & Literacy, and at over 100 Rotary Clubs. He delivered a TED talk, and presented at World Water Summits in Sao Paulo, Toronto and Hamburg.


Mark, a member of the Rotary Club of Box Hill Central in District 9810 in Australia, was a member of the WASH-RAG board for six years and is a member of the Rotary Foundation Cadre of Technical Advisors. 

Register Now

A special invitation from Chair Emeritus

Ron Denham

To purchase your ticket click here

Aussie BREW Fellowship!

Sun, May 28, 2023, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM AEST

Join us for beer and food as you are entertained by a leading Australian Bush Poet

Enjoy great Craft Australian beer and canapes (Including Kangaroo and meat pies) and Yarra Valley Cheese Souvenir BREW Logo Headmaster Schooner Glasses.

Ticket purchase includes a donation to WASH-RAG

To purchase your ticket click here
What are our WASH WARRIORS doing?


"Every day is World Water Day for the WASH Rotary Action Group"

By Lisa Talley, WASH-Rotary Action Group Marketing and Communications Chair

The WASH Rotary Action Group (WASH-RAG) supports and ensures sustainable, long-lasting, clean water, sanitation, and hygiene programs to communities in need. In 2007, WASH-RAG was formed to help local Rotary and Rotaract clubs find international projects and global partners, ensuring sustainability by providing technical advice through WASH-RAG’s in-house Professional Resources team, and offering additional funding for WASH project proposals approved for Global Grant funding from The Rotary Foundation. Special teams are assigned to help prepare grant applications, conduct community assessments, and develop plans to monitor and evaluate WASH projects. WASH experts serve as WASH-RAG Ambassadors in Rotary districts across the globe. They offer their technical expertise and support to help clubs plan and implement impactful projects. Anyone who wants to share their expertise or learn how to make a positive difference can join!

WASH-RAG encourages a holistic, integrated approach in which water is not the end in itself but is the means to a better life and livelihood in the community. Therefore, the WASH Rotary Action Group links water and sanitation to improved hygiene, health, empowerment of the community (especially of women), irrigation and agriculture, education and literacy and, ultimately, reduction of child mortality.

Since 2014, The Rotary Foundation has invested in over 2,000 water, sanitation, and hygiene projects. It is estimated that it only takes US$24 to provide one person with safe water.

On 26 May 2023, WASH-RAG will host its fifteenth World Water Summit: It All Starts with WASH in Melbourne, Australia! Register to attend in-person or virtually to learn from experts in WASH such as keynote speaker Mark Balla, the Toilet Warrior.

If you are going to Melbourne for the Rotary International Convention, make sure to stop by the WASH-RAG House of Friendship booth and meet the WASH-RAG Ambassadors!

Please visit the WASH-RAG website to learn more.

Read Our Rotary International Blog Article

~Originally published March 22, 2023, by Rotary International

If WASH-RAG has impacted your life please send us an email!
We'd love to hear from you!
Contact Us
Are you Working for WASH?
You Can Introduce Your Club to WASH-RAG
(Water, Sanitation and Hygiene)

It’s easy to become a WASH Advocate! Why not be a presenter at your next Club, District or Zone meeting! Expand your reach and promote WASH in your community.

Did you know you don't have to be a Rotarian to join WASH-RAG?

Your environmentally minded friends, water-conscious community members, and the general public can join us too! Tell them to check us out at or forward this newsletter!
Find or become an
Ambassador or Cadre Member!
The WASH Rotary Action Group Ambassadors is a corps of knowledgeable members who provide support and promotion of the WASH goals of WASH Rotary Action Group and
The Rotary Foundation.

For more information click the button below:  
WASH-RAG Ambassadors

The Rotary Foundation Cadre of Technical Advisers is a group of Rotarians who volunteer to use their professional skills and technical expertise in Rotary’s Areas of Focus or financial auditing to advise Rotarians who are planning and working on Rotary Foundation grant projects. The Cadre includes more than 700 members from 75 countries, speaking more than 80 languages.

Become a CADRE Member
Download a PowerPoint Presentation
Download our FAQ PDF Flyer
Print out our FAQ PDF to hand out at your next club social!
Thank you for sharing our mission!
How do you Imagine the 2022 WASH World?
The WASH Rotary Action Group thanks its devoted Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Advocates!

YOU make a difference for people all over the world.

Is your club or organization doing something we should know about?

Email us details of your project and you may be featured as a WASH WARRIOR in an upcoming Newsletter!

Email us at
Calendar of Events

22 March 2023 World Water Day

22-23 March 2023 - UN 2023 Water Conference

26 May 2023 World Water Summit, It All Starts With WASH! in Melbourne, Australia!/

28 May 2023 Aussie BREW Fellowship

27-31 May 2023 Rotary International Convention in Melbourne, Australia

29 May 2023 Menstrual Hygiene Day

15 October 2023 Global Handwashing Day

19 November 2023 World Toilet Day

Submit your stories, videos, and pictures for upcoming Newsletters to us at

WASH-RAG reserves the right to edit stories for length and content. By submitting a story you give us permission to publish and make public your contact information including but not limited to your email or club's website.

The WASH Rotary Action Group is pleased to consider partnerships with any corporate supporter. Due to the unique attributes of water sources and water provision, acceptance of corporate support does not imply an endorsement of any particular water technology. Rotarians, Rotary Clubs, and Rotary partners must evaluate any technology to determine if it is the best solution for the conditions where the program will be implemented. The WASH Rotary Action Group can provide guidance about where different technologies work best, but Rotarians and Rotary clubs must make the final decision about how to implement their programs. Email us about your ongoing or finished project at

This Rotary Action Group is RI-recognized and operates in accordance with Rotary International policy, but is not an agency of, or controlled by, Rotary International. To learn more please contact the WASH Rotary Action Group by email at Thank you.