The Rotary Club of Pleasanton, CA is working busily on WASH Club 2 Club Projects in West Africa. The $17,747 project at Adgbodekor Primary School in Attiava, Ghana, partnering with the RC of Accra East, was completed in June 2022. It was a 12 toilet, 5 sink facility w/WASH Training. The 6-month inspection in December was wonderful, everything well maintained. The school, however, is struggling with its responsibility to finance ongoing maintenance supplies, i.e. toilet tissue, disinfectant, etc. They are looking for ideas. This reinforces the importance of sustainability in any type of project.
In November 2022 the RC of Pleasanton partnered on a Club 2 Club WASH Project with the RC of Onigbongbo in Lagos, Nigeria on an $8,504 project at the Estate Primary School in Ogba, Lagos. It provides for the renovation of toilet facilities to increase the number of toilets to 10, add 8 sinks, and provide WASH Training. Work continues on this project which is projected to be completed in early January.
In mid-January, 2023 the RC of Pleasanton is partnering on a $3,900 Club 2 Club WASH Project with the RC of Umuahia-North in Umuahia, Nigeria at Holy Rosary Secondary School. The project, called “Pad A Girl”, will provide reusable sanitary pads and training in hygiene. The girls will receive training in school on how to make these pads and after the initial disbursement of sets of ten to current students, the girls will continue to create the sets of pads to sell, at low cost, to other students.
Also in January 2023, the RC of Pleasanton is partnering on a $6,581 District 5170 Grant WASH Project with RC of Eziama-Sunrise for $18,901 to construct a 6-room toilet facility, fabricate and erect overhead tanks, water distribution, and WASH training. It is at a Girl’s Secondary Commercial College in Aba, Nigeria.
The Rotary Club of Pleasanton has set a goal to complete five WASH Projects this year. As you can see, they are energized and ready to attain their goal!