Sustainable Sanitation: We Can't Wait!

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Join Us for this year's WASH-RAG Summit

A critical part of WASH (water, sanitation, hygiene) - sanitation addresses the important need to keep human excreta separate and safely managed.

Toilets are a big part of the solution, but sanitation involves more. A whole supply chain can provide income for entrepreneurs: pit emptying, transportation, processing, distribution, and sales of fertilizer or briquettes. And in healthcare facilities, sanitation includes the important process of contaminated waste management.

Held each year on the Friday before the International Convention, the WASH-RAG World Water Summit provides an opportunity for Rotarians to share knowledge and experience, learn from experts, and strengthen relationships.

Jack Sim is globally renowned as Mr Toilet.



  • Non-member at $125 to include annual membership
  • Rotaractor: $25/WASH-RAG member, $50/non-member (includes annual membership)
  • Virtual Attendance: Plenary Sessions and Breakouts - WASH-RAG Member: $10 / Non-Member: $25 (includes annual membership)

For inquiries about your registration or the event,

please email or visit our website.

Jack Sim grew up in a slum in Singapore and although he did not have a university degree, this did not stop him from starting a series of profitable businesses. He retired from his businesses at the age of forty to dedicate himself to humanitarian causes. In 2001, when he realized 2.6 billion people lacked proper sanitation, he founded the World Toilet Organization and transformed the taboo of Toilets and Sanitation into a media darling - mobilizing politicians, governments, celebrities and funds to give Sanitation its own agenda on the global stage.

Jack graduated at the age of fifty-six with a Master's in Public Policy in Singapore and later from Singularity University in the United States of America. He is an Adjunct Associate Professor at Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy and Fellow at Singapore University of Social Science.

Register for the WASH-RAG World Water Summit 16 Now!

International News

Rotary Service blog highlights WASH on World Toilet Day

For the WASH Rotary Action Group World - Toilet Day is Every Day

By Lisa Talley, WASH-RAG, Marketing and Communications Chair

Today alone, some 1,000 children under five will die due to preventable diseases spread through open defecation. According to the United Nations, there are 3.5 billion people still living without access to safe toilets. Today, and every day, the WASH Rotary Action Group, works hard to help eradicate waterborne diseases. This year, on World Toilet Day, we invite you to join in the fight against this global crisis.  

Club Rotario Guatemala Sur, Rotary Club of Antigua, and their partners have provided access to clean water and sanitation facilities for 15,778 children in Guatemala.

From remote villages to dense urban islands, when children lack access to clean water and toilets, they are often forced to leave school. The rise of disease poses a threat to everyone’s health, especially affecting women, girls, and other vulnerable groups. Preventable diseases can be reduced through the construction of sanitation facilities and culturally appropriate hygiene education. The WASH Rotary Action Group Ambassadors support clubs by advising on project plans and helping implement sustainable projects and global grants.

WASH Rotary Action Group Operations Team Chair Wade Nomura working on an international project to ensure sustainable change in the communities we serve.

If everyone does their part, we can accomplish the United Nations Sanitation Target of Sustainable Development Goal 6 – safe toilets and water for all by 2030.

Since 2007, our Rotary Action Group has advised and funded water, sanitation, and hygiene projects all over the globe. We also help clubs ensure project sustainability, stressing the importance of a needs-driven approach, find project partners, and develop and share best practices. We host an annual World Water Summit featuring world leaders who are experts in water, sanitation, and hygiene, giving our members the opportunity to ask questions and accelerate change in the water, sanitation, and hygiene sector. Our network connects individuals without sector experience with the experts they need to plan, implement, and measure the lifesaving impact of a water, sanitation, and hygiene project. 

Club members of the Rotary Club of Delhi and 2018-2019 Rotary International President Barry Rassin after the completion of a sanitation project.

Today, you can help us save a life, like WASH Rotary Action Group supporter Barbara Lovegrove in the United Kingdom, who is assisting others in six schools in rural Nepal; or Narayan Muraka from the United States, who is organizing WASH efforts in Guatemala; or Sally and Keith Halsey in Uganda who are volunteering to share best practices for successful WASH projects. Visit our website or subscribe to our free newsletter for resources, project ideas, and to learn how you can change the WASH world.

The Rotary Club of Saltash, Cornwall, United Kingdom, supported Sally and Keith Halsey, who spent two years working as volunteer lecturers at Canon Apolo Primary Teachers’ College, Fort Portal, Uganda. They helped educate families that rivers may look clean, but often the water is not safe to drink. They worked in partnership with the Rotary Club of Kabarole, Uganda.

And we hope you’ll join us for our next World Water Summit, scheduled to take place in Singapore preceding the 2024 Rotary International Convention. The theme for our 2024 Summit is We Can’t Wait, where we will underline the critical importance of sanitation in community health, economic growth, food security, and the alleviation of poverty.  Register to attend live in Singapore or virtually to hear from Jack Sim, founder and director of the World Toilet Organization, and others.

The Rotary Club of Jamshedpur Dalma in partnership with The Rotary Foundation, Rotary District 5690 and Rotary District 3250 completed this Water and Toilet Project in India.

Click Here to Read the Rotary Service Blog!
What are our WASH WARRIORS doing?

WASH-RAG Ambassador Spotlight

Submitted by WASH-RAG Ambassador Program Chair Carolyn Meub

Joselito Tubon, MBA, PHF

WASH-RAG Ambassador, District 9620

Immediate Past President, Rotary Club of Boroko

BOD, Employers Federation of PNG

Managing Director, Y&U Investment (PNG) Ltd & Pacific Connections Ltd.

Congratulations to Ambassador Joselito Tubon, who took action on World Toilet Day. As a new WASH-RAG Ambassador, he didn't wait for sustainable change. Joselito promoted, engaged, and served as a WASH resource to help others in his Rotary District!

His first step as the new WASH-RAG Ambassador in District 9620 was to provide a WASH-RAG Ambassador report during his own Rotary club's weekly meeting.

In addition, he started speaking to WASH in the Department of Health of PNG and some principals of local schools. He hopes that they can do projects together soon.

Change can start with YOU!

Find a local WASH-RAG Ambassador Here!

"Last week, I have donated hand sanitizers and other hygiene packs/ kits (toothpaste, toothbrush, towel, soap and others) to WaterAid PNG to be distributed to Pari Community which is 45 minutes drive away from the city and Kerea Elementary School which is 2 hours drive away from the city.

The hand sanitizers are from RARE (Donation in Kind) that was brought to PNG, and the other hygiene & sanitary packs are from Supreme Industries which is one of the friends of Rotarians.

These donations had brought happiness to the villages and the students during the celebration of the World Toilet Day. In the photo are WaterAid employees, myself, Supreme Industries employees.

Also in the photos are employees of You & Us Investment & TKHS Group (engaged in warehousing and cargo forwarding) who helped make the donation more meaningful because they provided storage and delivery free of charge." Joselito Tubon, November 2023

Click Here to Learn More about the WASH-RAG Ambassador Program
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Ambassador or Cadre Member!
The WASH Rotary Action Group Ambassadors is a corps of knowledgeable members who provide support and promotion of the WASH goals of WASH Rotary Action Group and
The Rotary Foundation.

For more information click the button below:  
WASH-RAG Ambassadors

The Rotary Foundation Cadre of Technical Advisers is a group of Rotarians who volunteer to use their professional skills and technical expertise in Rotary’s Areas of Focus or financial auditing to advise Rotarians who are planning and working on Rotary Foundation grant projects. The Cadre includes more than 700 members from 75 countries, speaking more than 80 languages.

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Thank you for sharing our mission!

How do you CREATE HOPE in

the 2023-2024 WASH World?

The WASH Rotary Action Group thanks its devoted Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Advocates!

YOU make a difference for people all over the world.

Is your club or organization doing something we should know about?

Email us details of your project and you may be featured as a WASH WARRIOR in an upcoming Newsletter!

Email us at
Calendar of Events

24 May 2024 WWS16 - SUSTAINABLE SANITATION - we can't wait

25-29 May 2024 Rotary International Convention in Singapore

Submit your stories, videos, and pictures for upcoming Newsletters to us at

WASH-RAG reserves the right to edit stories for length and content. By submitting a story you give us permission to publish and make public your contact information including but not limited to your email or club's website.

The WASH Rotary Action Group is pleased to consider partnerships with any corporate supporter. Due to the unique attributes of water sources and water provision, acceptance of corporate support does not imply an endorsement of any particular water technology. Rotarians, Rotary Clubs, and Rotary partners must evaluate any technology to determine if it is the best solution for the conditions where the program will be implemented. The WASH Rotary Action Group can provide guidance about where different technologies work best, but Rotarians and Rotary clubs must make the final decision about how to implement their programs. Email us about your ongoing or finished project at

This Rotary Action Group is RI-recognized and operates in accordance with Rotary International policy, but is not an agency of, or controlled by, Rotary International. To learn more please contact the WASH Rotary Action Group by email at Thank you.