Not going to Houston?

Click! Like! Share! Become a WASH Advocate!

WWS14 explores the role of water, sanitation, and hygiene
in stopping the transmission of infectious disease,
including Polio.

WASH-RAG's hybrid event - is scheduled for time zones around the world, and in-person in Houston.
Some Great International News
House of Friendship:

Visit the WASH-RAG Booth 707 in Houston
  • Meet and Greet with world-famous WASH Ambassadors and Advocates
  • Photo Booth
  • Prize Wheel

If attending the virtual option, be sure to visit the WASH-RAG Virtual House of Friendship Booth! We have virtual goodies!
Join other WASH-RAG members and the BREW fellowship for BBQ, and delicious local Craft Beer!

Do good in the world by supporting WASH-RAG and clean water!

Your $99 Ticket includes:
  • Roundtrip transportation to Buffalo Bayou Brewery
  • 2 Craft Beer Pints
  • BBQ dinner with all the fixins
  • Commemorative Glass
  • Cowboy gear
  • Ride the Mechanical Bull
  • Photos with famous Longhorn Steer
  • Option Trail ride (via walking) to other nearby breweries
  • Donation to Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Rotary Action Group (WASH-RAG)
What are our WASH WARRIORS doing?
Photos courtesy of:

District 5170 WASH Project Abia State, Nigeria-St. Joseph's School

Club 2 Club WASH Project Attiava, Ghana- Agbodekor Primary School
"Today could be THAT day, YOU could be THAT person, that will introduce your club to a WASH Project and end up forever changing a stranger's world!"
~Lisa Talley 2022
Marketing and Communications
WASH Rotary Action Group

Nancy & Gary Harrington
Rotary Club of Pleasanton, CA
District 5170

May 2022 
~ My husband and I took the leap and got our club started in WASH Projects in January of this year. Our club has been very supportive.

We have completed one Club 2 Club WASH Project at Amator Secondary Technical School in Osisiome LGA, Abia State, Nigeria. We partnered with RC of Eziama-Sunrise. The project was entitled "Construction & Equipping a 4 Room Modern Toilet Facility."

Our second Club 2 Club WASH Project is at Agbodekor Primary School in Attiava, Volta Region, Ghana. We partnered with RC of Accra-East. The project is entitled, "Toilet Project."This project is almost completed.

Our third WASH Project is a District Project at St. Josephs Girls College in Aba South LGA, Abia State, Nigeria. We partnered with RC of Eziama-Sunrise. The project is entitled "Provision of a new 6-room modern toilet facility." This project is almost completed.

We will soon begin our 3rd Club 2 Club WASH Project at Estate Primary School in Ogba, Lagos, Nigeria. We will be partnering with the RC of Onigbongbo. The project is entitled "Renovation of Toilet Facilities."

For at least 5 years I chaired the End Polio Now Campaign for the Rotary Club os Pleasanton. Then my husband and I went with Brad Howard to India to help with polio vaccinations. What an impact that trip had on us both! We knew we wanted to help schools get water, sanitation and learn the importance of hygiene. The following year we accompanied Brad to the West Africa Project Fair in Liberia, looking for a water & sanitation project for our club. We didn't find one there due to the Covid outbreak but we did attend the "virtual" West Africa Project Fair the following year and had positive results. My husband and I have committed ourselves to helping internationally Rotary Clubs with WASH Projects. WASH is the key to ending polio plus so many other childhood diseases.

To learn more you can contact the author at or
Are you Working for WASH?
You Can Introduce Your Club to WASH-RAG
(Water, Sanitation and Hygiene)

It’s easy to become a WASH Advocate by becoming a presenter at your next club meeting, District meeting, or Zone!
You can present WASH in your community!

Did you know you don't have to be a Rotarian to join WASH-RAG?

Your environmentally minded friends, water-conscious community members, and the general public can join us too! Tell them to check us out at or forward this newsletter!
Find or become an
Ambassador or Cadres!
The WASH Rotary Action Group Ambassadors are a corps of knowledgeable members who provide support and promotion of the WASH goals of WASH Rotary Action Group and
The Rotary Foundation.

For more information click the button below:  
The Rotary Foundation Cadre of Technical Advisers is a group of Rotarians who volunteer to use their professional skills and technical expertise in Rotary’s areas of focus or financial auditing to advise Rotarians who are planning and working on Rotary Foundation grant projects. The Cadre is composed of more than 700 members from 75 countries who speak more than 80 languages.
Print out our FAQ PDF to hand out at your next club social!
Thank you for sharing our mission! Thanks!
How do you Imagine the 2022 WASH world?
The WASH Rotary Action Group thanks its devoted Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Advocates!

YOU make a difference for people all over the world.

Is your club or organization doing something we should know about?

Email us details of your project and you may be featured as a WASH WARRIOR in an upcoming Newsletter!

Email us at
Calendar of Events
3 June 2022 - WORLD WATER SUMMIT 14


22-23 March 2023 - UN 2023 WATER CONFERENCE
Submit your stories, videos, and pictures for upcoming Newsletters to us at
The WASH Rotary Action Group is pleased to consider partnerships with any corporate supporter. Due to the unique attributes of water sources and water provision, acceptance of corporate support does not imply an endorsement of any particular water technology. Rotarians, Rotary Clubs, and Rotary partners must evaluate any technology to determine if it is the best solution for the conditions where the program will be implemented. The WASH Rotary Action Group can provide guidance about where different technologies work best, but Rotarians and Rotary clubs must make the final decision about how to implement their programs. Email us about your ongoing or finished project at

This Rotary Action Group is RI-recognized and operates in accordance with Rotary International policy, but is not an agency of, or controlled by, Rotary International. To learn more please contact the WASH Rotary Action Group by email at Thank you.