Rhonda Newton

Happy May!

Our next General Meeting will be Wednesday, May 11, 2022 at 12:45 p.m. at the Elks Lodge, 1170 W. Prairie Ave. An optional lunch will be served at 12:00 pm. The cost for lunch is $8 for the meal and a suggested tip of $2.

This will be our Elections meeting, so please plan to attend and vote for our new Officers and Directors who will start their two-year term September 1st, 2022.

The speaker this month will be Grace Wilkowski speaking to us from Idaho Drug Free Youth (IDFY).

We are days away from our LARGEST FUNDRAISER OF THE YEAR! Despite getting a very late start this year, Our Fashion Show Committee has pulled off what is sure to be an AMAZING EVENT!!! This year we have TWO EVENT SPONSORS - Yes! You read that correctly! TWO EVENT SPONSORS!

If you have not already purchased your ticket, please do so right away as seats are limited at this point!

This month's Bulletin is PACKED FULL of information (just like last month's) so I hope you will read it thoroughly!

Nominees (as of April 28, 2022) are listed below and will be listed in our next electronic communication. We WILL be accepting nominations from the floor at our May 11th meeting, so I hope you mark your calendar and plan to attend this very important meeting.

Happy Spring and see you at Wednesday's Fashion Show!

Big Hugs!

Or send your check for $85 with a self addressed envelope to 3Cs,
PO Box 1274, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83816

Our 3Cs Fashion Show & Dinner --" Celebrating 60 Years of Giving" is just a week away -- Wednesday, May 4, 2022 -- and we hope you will all join us for a great celebration at the Coeur d'Alene Resort! Our fashion show team is working hard to make this fundraiser a great success in order to help make our community a better place. Gather your friends and family for a fun evening full of great entertainment, good food, fun raffles, super fashions and a silent auction overflowing with beautiful baskets full of great gifts for Mother's Day, Graduations, Father's Day, Birthdays, or just for you!

There is still time to buy tickets ($85 pp), sponsor a table, or donate a beautiful basket or gift certificate to the silent auction. 

For tickets, call Judy Gardner at 208-664-4604.  To sponsor a table or donate an item, call Diane Lawrence at 208-771-3432.  

I look forward to seeing you all there.

Bobbi Freeman/Fashion Show Chair


REMINDER: Elections will be held in person at our May 11th General Meeting.

Every two years, 3Cs holds elections for 3Cs Officers and Directors.
To serve as an Officer or Director, a minimum of two years active membership in 3Cs is required.

Officer positions to be elected are:

First Vice President
Second Vice President
Recording Secretary

Additionally, we may elect up to 10 Board of Directors.

If you are interested in becoming an Officer or Director or you would like to nominate someone, please send email nominations to: 3cs.message@gmail.com.

Nominees (as of April 28, 2022) are listed below. These nominees and any others received before May 4th will be included in our next email communication (bio and pic).

Nominations from the Floor WILL BE accepted the day of our Elections, so grab a member friend and join us as we vote in next team's leaders! 

Having qualified, engaged and creative Officers and Directors (along with active members) has been essential to 3Cs "60 Years of Giving" success!

Join a 3Cs Activity Group

Book Club | Coeur d'Aleers | Gourmet
Bowling | Funables | Mah Jongg
Bridge | Garden Club | Crafty Crew
Bunco | Golf | Showtime Gals | Twisted Stitchers
Participating in an activity group is a great way to get involved, make a contribution, meet new people, and make new friends. Groups have different fee structures and participation guidelines. 

You may attend an Activity Group as a guest one time
before joining the Group.

To join a group:

  • Call the Activity representative, numbers listed below
  • Click on the "Activity Group Descriptions" Button
  • Visit the 3Cs website www.ccc-northidaho.org
  • Call President Rhonda Newton, 208-262-6148
  • Email questions to 3cs.message@gmail.com
Activity Group Contacts and Meeting Dates

Book Club: Meets 3rd Wednesday, Sept - May
Meeting at the Hayden Lake Country Club, 2362 E Bozanta Dr., Hayden Lake @ 10:00 am
Reservations required for lunch following @ 12:00
Cinda Bennett Crow: 208-818-1180 Co-Chair
Trisha Bennett: 206-510-7596 Co-Chair
Antje Cripe, information: 208-665-0010

Bowling: Every Thursday, Sept - May 6
We are bowling at Sunset Lanes,
202 W Sunset Ave, Cd'A
Rue Keim, President 208-773-0765
Lucille Smith, Vice President 208-772-1820
Lee Hagen, Secretary/Treasurer 208-704-6395

Bridge League: Call for information
Gail Maehler 208-691-9094

Bunco: Last Wednesday, year-round at the Elks, 1170 W Prairie Ave., Cd'A
Judy Gardner 208-664-4604
Suzi Wong 626-676-4121

Coeur d'Aleers:
We meet from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM at Trinity Lutheran Church, 812 N 5th St., Cd'A
Diane Kosonen 208-765-1728, 208-661-6749
Shelia Wayman, Director 208-755-9077

Crafty Crew: 4th Friday, year-round at the Elks, 1170 W Prairie Ave., Cd'A,
contact CraftyCrew208@gmail.com or
Janice Schindelbeck 208-421-3717
Viviana Finney 208-661-2930

Funables: 3rd Tuesday, year-round
Ann Dare 208-930-4046
Kim Huertas 714-702-9583
Marni Brunansky 909-896-5509

Garden: 1st Wednesday from April
thru September
Barbara Zimmer 208-664-4192

Golf: April 26 - October, Mondays at The Links,
10623 Chase Rd., Post Falls
Wednesdays at Prairie Hills Golf Club
3200 N Spokane St., Post Falls
Kim Huertas, 714-702-9583 kimberlyinhb@gmail.com

Gourmet: 3rd Thursday
Shaaron Dominguez 208-667-7509
Jean Cisneros 509-990-5907
Donna Evans 208-818-1744

KiT Team (Keeping in touch):
Janice Schindelbeck 208-421-3717
Viviana Finney 208-661-2930
Gwen Wolfson 858-395-1283
Melissa Schroeder 360-528-0206

Mah Jongg: 4 groups, Mondays and Fridays
Pat Rathbun 909-261-9559 (leave message)

Showtime Girls: New Group for 2021!!
Watch for info on attending local live performances.
Shirley Laurino - 661.714.5241 -
Giannine O'Connor - 530.515.4111 -

Twisted Stitchers: 2nd Tuesday, year-round
Phillis Mixon heartsbydesign@yahoo.com
or 208-777-8155, or Donna Ladwig 772-3026
Activity Schedule - May 2022
Need More Info? Please contact The Activity Chair

Monday, May 2: Golf starts at 9:00 am  at The Links Golf Course, 10623 Chase Rd., Post Falls. Please send in your $15 if you haven't done so. (All Mondays)

Tuesday, May 3: Coeur d'Aleers Rehearsal at Trinity Lutheran Church, 812 N 5th St., Cd'A. We are accepting new singers in Spetember. Shelia Wayman, Director 208-755-9077

Tuesday, May 3: Mah Jong Classes will be for 6 weeks, every Tuesday after until June 7 from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm. They will take place at the Elks, 1170 W. Prairie Ave., CDA. Please leave a message (909)261-9559 or email Pat Rathbun at rrathbun1965@gmail.com. Jongg lessons starting May 3rd Thur June 7th. At the Elks Lodge 9:30 - 12:00.

Wednesday, May 4: Golf starts at 9:00 am  at Prairie Falls Golf Course, 3200 Spokane St, Post Falls. Please send in your $15 if you haven't done so. (All Tuesdays)

Wednesday, May 4: Garden Club -  Our garden tour will be at the home of a experienced local gardener. Info: Barb Zimmer, 208-664-4192 or Email Barb Zimmer for more information, beazmmr860@gmail.com.

Thursday May 5: Bowling - Luncheon will be on May 5th.  Bowling will resume Thursday September 8.

Tuesday May 10: Coeur d'Aleers - Matinee Spring Concert 2:00 pm at Trinity Lutheran Church, 812 N 5th St., Cd'A. Donations are encouraged, as the money we raise goes back to 3C’s. We are accepting new singers in September. Shelia Wayman, Director 208-755-9077.  

Tuesday May 10 at 2:00 – Showtime Gals Attending Coeur d'Aleers Spring Concert
Showtime Gals will once again enjoy a concert by the Coeur d’Aleers at Trinity Lutheran Church, 812 N. 5th St., CDA. Donations are encouraged, as the money they raise goes back to 3C’s. We are working on a venue for before or after the concert. More info to follow. Save the date!
Tuesday, May 10: Twisted Stitchers, 6:00 pm. Dinner at Elmer's, 290 W. Appleway., CDA. Contact Phillis Mixon for more info: 208-777-8155, heartsbydesign@yahoo.com.

Wednesday, May 11: General Member Meeting 12:45 pm We will meet at the Elks Lodge, 1170 W. Prairie Ave. Our featured speaker is Grace Wilkowski speaking to us from Idaho Drug Free Youth. Optional lunch will be served before the meeting at 12:00 pm: $8 for lunch and a suggested $2 tip.

Friday May 13: Coeur d'Aleers - Evening Concert at 7:00 pm at Trinity Lutheran Church, 812 N 5th St., Cd'A. We will accept new members in September. Shelia Wayman, Director 208-755-9077.  

Monday May 16, 10:00am to 3:00pm 3C's Bridge League Spring Social. La Tea Da Tea Room, 4009 Riverbend Ave., Post Falls. Bridge play and lunch. Please call Gail Maehler, (208)691-9094

Tuesday, May 17: Funables 11:00 am. Wine tasting @ Terroir, 4025 N. Government Way, CDA. Cost: $20.00. Advance reservations and payment are due no later than May 11.
RSVP to Ann Dare - funablescda@gmail.com – 208-930-4046 Make check payable to Ann Dare, 4539 Greenchain Loop, Apt.#5, Cd'A, ID 83814.

Wednesday, May 18: 3C's Book Club, Hayden Lake Country Club at 10:00 am.
May book is To the Bright Edge of the World by Eowyn Ivey. Professor of English, Kat Gillmore of North Idaho College, leads the discussion. Lunch after. Reservations required to attend meeting and for lunch. Cost: $10 for mtg., $30 for lunch, paid at the door. Make reservations with Linn Pitt at linn3Csbookclub@yahoo.com or call 208 685-9170.

Thursday May 19: Gourmet Group - Date Change - Please look to May 26th!

Saturday, May 21: Showtime Gals – Murder Mystery Luau We will enjoy a Hawaiian Luau Themed Murder Mystery at the Elks Lodge at 11:30.  There are still a few roles to be filled. Contact Shirley ASAP at 661-714-5241.  You will be given a character, and script that you will be able to read (memorizing not necessary).  We encourage participants to dress in costume of their assigned character.  Each person is asked to bring a finger food, and dress Hawaiian or in your character costume.   Please mail your check for $22 payable to Shirley Laurino, 12027 W. Roanoak Rd., Rathdrum, ID 83858. 

Wednesday, May 25: Bunco Play Begins at 11:30 am  Looking for fun, laughter and great conversation? Join us at Bunco, an easy and fast-moving game. Brown Bag lunch will start at 11:30 am and play begins after lunch. We supply Iced Tea, Coffee and water. Meet at the Elks Lodge, 1170 W. Prairie Ave., CDA. Everyone is welcome, no dues. Just $12 when you come to play. Contact Judy Gardner for info: 208-664-4604.

Thursday May 26th: Gourmet will be at Shirley Laurino 12027 W. Roanoak Rd, Rathdrum. Time 11:30am. The theme is 50's Sock Hop! Reservation needed: Send your check made out to 3Cs for $20 to Shaaron Dominguez 2874 E Winter Pines Ct CDA ID 83815 Call Shaaron if you'd like to cook 208-667-7509. Hostess's needed for Sept, Oct and Nov. 

Friday, May 27: Crafty Crew - We will have a craft by Andrea Mc Dermott, and Phillis Mixon. More to come by email for our group.
Cost to come each month is 6.00 at 10:00 am at the Elks Lodge.

Please remember to send all information for the Activity Bulletin and Meeting Messages to Vivi at 3cs.message@gmail.com by the 15th of the month preceding the issue date.

Rhonda Newton 208-262-6148

Ways & Means:
Bobbi Freeman 208-667-1479
Have ideas for raising money? Call Bobbi.

Guest Speaker Info & Meeting Minutes:
Connie Anderson

Advertising Administration: Ann Dare

Need A 3Cs Name Tag? Only $15
Karen Grindle 208-860-2733 idaholady2@gmail.com

Linda Pedersen 208-771-2842

Design & Communications Director: Kelly Shelly 818.720.3227

Organization Information:

Questions or Comments:

Balances as of 3-31-2022

Checking account: $10,074.22
Savings account: $77,479.29
Total of checking and savings accounts: $87,553,51

March 9 General Meeting: 54 members in attendance and 8 guests.
Guest Speaker: Clark Richman, Board President of National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI)

Tributes: None received since last report.

3Cs History and
Mission Statement 

Cancer and Community Charities, known as 3Cs, was founded by Ellen
Walden in 1962 as an outgrowth of Cancer Crusaders Bowling Leagues. We were formally established in 1975 and have been a 501(c)(3) nonprofit since 1993. We have donated over $2 million to local, Kootenai County charities.
The Mission of 3Cs is to raise funds through charitable activities to meet needs in Kootenai County and to provide
social activities for members,
with an emphasis on integrating newcomers to the area.

You contribute when you simply pay your dues or join an Activity Group, when you support and attend 3Cs fundraisers, when you honor a loved one with a Tribute, and whenever you share your time, talent, and resources! Thank you for your generosity!
Our previous Grants have addressed a vast array of needs in our community:
Cancer Related Services:
Anna Schindler Foundation | Bags & Boob Babes | Kootenai Health Foundation-Cancer Patient Center

Health Care Issues:
Alzheimer's Association | Hospice of North Idaho, Walden House

Services to Infants and Children:
B.P.O. Elks | CASA | Children's Village | Birthright of CDA | Idaho Drug Free Youth Inland Northwest | Lake City Bike Collective | SIDS Foundation

Services to Seniors:
Lake City Center-Meals on Wheels Onsite for Seniors | Post Falls Senior Center Village at Orchard Ridge | Hayden Senior Center

Special Needs Services:
TESH, Inc., Harmony Ranch | Northern Idaho Crisis Center

Food and Nutrition Help:
Food and Nutrition | Post Falls Food Bank Community Action Partnership Food Bank-CDA
Mental Health Advocacy:
National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI)
Trinity Group Homes

Homeless and Low Income Housing,
Specialty Services:
Family Promise of North Idaho | Safe Passage | St. Vincent de Paul | Press Christmas For All | Union Gospel Mission 

North Idaho State Fair Foundation

You can now submit and pay for Tributes through our website
Member Greeting Cards
Please contact Sheila Wayman, 208-755-9077 or swayman29@gmail.com with news of a hospitalized member, or someone recovering from an illness or loss of a loved one. Sheila will send a out card from 3Cs.

Keeping in Touch

April 2022
Clark Rickman
NAMI (National Assoc. on Mental Illness)

Our charities appreciate any and all donations
- tangible or monetary.
"Little things can help a lot"

Thank you for your generosity!
Janice, Viviana, Gwen and Melissa!
Thank you to all who participated in our” Technology Round Up” at the last meeting.

Thank you for helping with a device donation drive and letting people know about our non-profit. We sure appreciate the support and being included. Please let everyone know we really appreciated being there and for the donations we received!
Morgan and - Karen Johnson
Imagination Initiative Incorporated
Vice President/Treasurer/Volunteer
"Giving is not just about making a donation. It is about making a difference."
                     - Kathy Calvin

IDFY (Idaho Drug Free Youth)

IDFY (Idaho Drug Free Youth)

Their mission is to empower youth to lead happy and healthy lives. IDFY is invested in developing young leaders, building relationships, and providing accessible drug prevention programs for students and schools.

Their wish list is office supplies such as copy paper, file folders, envelopes, stamps, and pens. Snacks for Idaho Youth Summit, fruit snacks, granola bars and trail mix. Reusable water bottles for the camp, some students can’t afford reusable water bottles.

Featured May Activity Group:
Bunco and Crafty Crew

League bowling has ended until September. The first place team is "Gutter Goddesses" with 88 1/2 wins!. Team members are Cody Clark, Sarah Johnson, Leslie Stockdale and Sue Wolfe. Congratulations ladies! Bowling will resume on Thursday, September 8. 

Thursday, July 14, 2022
Kelly Hughes Dinner Concert
Our membership year runs September 1 through August 31.
If you are joining as a NEW member, please click on the button for the Membership Enrollment form, print the form, complete and send with your check made payable to 3Cs in the amount of $25, plus the fees for your Activity Group choices. You may also join and submit payment through our website. Please encourage your friends to join!

Thank you for your continued support!

Click the button above to be taken to our Spring newsletter, which you can read online, or print at home.
Get Your 3Cs Car Decal!
Vinyl Window Decal!! 4" high x 5" wide
Cost: $6.00 ($5.00 goes to 3Cs)!

Contact: Rhonda Newton
23623 N. McKenzie Dr., Rathdrum, ID 83858
text or phone: 208-262-6148

Check out the 3Cs items available through Crafty Crew and Twisted Stitchers Etsy Stores. If you are local, please contact Viviana Finney, 208-661-2930, or jvfinney@msn.com to save on the postage cost.
Email Address Reminders
  • Be sure to add our email address, 3cs.message@gmail.com to your Contacts or Address Book
  • Gmail users: It is especially important that you identify 3Cs as a Contact - a "Safe Sender." Many Gmail users are not receiving Bulletins, due to Gmail setting their filters higher.
  • If you have a new email address, please send to Viviana Finney at 3cs.message@gmail.com
  • If you have an address or phone number change, please send to Karen Grindle at idaholady2@gmail.com

Click CLOTHING ORDER FORM to view the items and to print an order form. CLEARANCE Prices are on the order form and include Idaho state sales tax. Bring your completed order form and check payable to 3Cs to any of the monthly 3Cs General Meetings, or mail to:  

Rhonda Newton
23623 N. McKenzie Dr. Rathdrum, ID 83858
Contact Rhonda Newton 
text or phone: 208-262-6148
Thank You Activity Bulletin Business Sponsors:
Seasons Restaurant
Tri-Valley Health
& Aesthetics (New sponsor)

Please support our Business Sponsors
Check out their websites with the buttons to the right, or by clicking on each ad!
Do You Shop at Amazon?
Amazon will donate to the charity of your choice every time you make a purchase. You can help add to 3Cs community giving by signing up for Amazon's Smile Program: It's Easy! Click Directions on how to use Smile program.
3Cs Email service provider, Constant Contact, has a strict privacy policy and is prohibited from selling, renting, or using our email list or any membership information for commercial purposes. You can discontinue receiving 3Cs emails by clicking the Unsubscribe link below this message