"Arogya Parama Labaha" - Health is Your Wealth!
News & events in the world of Ayurveda in December 2022
From the Ayurvedic Clinic, Ayurveda Institute UK and
the Association of Ayurvedic Professionals UK
Free consultations 
Do you have a health issue and are interested to know what Ayurveda can do for you? Want to have the benefit of up to £200.00 free consultation and medicine?

We are conducting shadow consultations (one-to-one consultation with our most experienced doctor) and advanced training clinics for our Ayurvedic practitioners (consultations with advanced practitioners). You can benefit from free consultations and free prescription and dietary advice worth up to £200.00 (depending on your prescription). 

This is what some past volunteers have said: 
“I never imagined that I could have such a deep and insightful experience in my consultation with the doctor. It has changed my life.” Andrea 
“Thank you so much. It was a fantastic experience. The practitioners were very nice and they have a genuine interest in learning and helping.” Mercedes  
“I really enjoyed it and found it so useful” Chester  
“... a great experience! The group were lovely-it was a really informative session.” 
“We had such a laugh. It was a lot of fun. It's made me want to learn more”  
If you are experiencing any of the following issues, click on the button below to access the full details: 
  • Skin disorder such as eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, rosacea etc
  • Digestive tract disorder such as IBS, Gastritis, Gastroenteritis, Crohn’s, coeliac, ulcerative colitis, hamearroids, indigestion
  • Asthma or persistent cough or respiratory disorders 
  • Rheumatoid arthritis, osteo-arthritis, gout, osteoporosis 
We are well underway with both our level 1 (1 year) and level 2 (18 months) diplomas in Ayurvedic medicine. We have over 200 students currently enrolled on our courses, proving that now more than ever, people are turning to the vast knowledge and wisdom of this ancient science to find the key to their true well being.  
The November immersions are fully interactive and exciting.  
Our level 1 students will be learning pulse, stool, urine, and tongue diagnosis with hands on practical workshops. They will be learning how to make home remedies in our online class. They will be sampling a huge range of Ayurvedic medicines, oils and products from the comfort of their homes. And most of all they will be taking part in dosha interviews to explore the nuances of vata, pitta, kapha doshas with volunteers.  
Level 2 students get to shadow and observe real live consultations led by our expert doctors and take part in training clinics focusing on the disorders they are studying currently. They will also be sampling formulated medicines and diving deeply into Ayurvedic pharmacology.  
Learn about seasonal eating from the greatest of all teachers … nature herself. Dr Deepika Rodrigo talks about what we can learn about our own health by simply taking notice of the guidance all around us, in our own gardens.  
You can watch and follow Dr Deepika on our youtube channel
Patients can now book appointments for consultations in the clinic themselves directly online. This allows you to choose your availability with freedom. New patients are welcome to contact the clinic reception to talk about treatment if necessary. 

Also please note that we will be revising our prices for products and consultation from the begining of December 2022.

Click on button below to go directly to online booking or visit the website.
Michaela – tells us the story of how she overcame natural killer cells and cytokines which prevented her having children and relied on Ayurveda to support her fertility journey … to give birth to beautiful twin girls.