23 June 2021
~Mid-Week Love from Shadow Rock~
Celebrating Our Polity -
Minding Our Business

UCC General Minister and President John Dorhauer has described the United Church of Christ as "a truly democratic institution," because our life together at every level depends on input and consensus. Shadow Rock is part of that awesome tradition. If you were present for last week's Congregational Meeting, in person or via Zoom, THANK YOU. Together, we are the church.
Our Community This Week
Wednesday (6/23): Connections Count on Zoom at 7:00 pm
We've been doing this connection time on Wednesdays for a while now. Maybe you are needing to gather with friendly faces tonight. Zoom is the space for sharing what's on our hearts, both our celebrations and our sorrows. Click here TONIGHT at 7:00 to participate. Next week's Rock the Week will have a new Zoom link for Wednesdays in July, with leadership provided by Shadow Rock Board members. That link will be the same for Sabbath Connections on July 7, 14, 21, and 28.

Thursday (6/17): Spirituality Thursday
This week, look for a short meditation on rest, live on the Shadow Rock Facebook page. Catch this short video live or tune in later to watch the recording. This fall, watch for new mid-week Zoom programming and the return of online yoga nidra.

Sunday, June 27
In-Person Worship 9:00 am
Hybrid Worship (in-person, Zoom, or streaming): 11:00 am
It's a special day to be with your Shadow Rock family this week as we say 'farewell for now' in advance of our July Sabbath. Spiritual Formation and the Afterparty discussion group are on a break today, and will return as we ramp up in August and September. Click the big button below to let us know that you're coming!
Learn and Explore
~A Beautiful Celebration~

This family was in a UN Refugee camp for 20 years. They just arrived in the United States last week and in partnership with Church of the Palms, we helped put the first groceries in their kitchen. 

Thank you, Shadow Rockers. Thank you, Church of the Palms covenant partners. New neighbors, we celebrate your being here!

Cooling Center Ministry

It's been hot lately, right? Through the summer, Ktizo UCC, a sibling congregation in the Southwest Conference, is opening their church home for people seeking water and safety from the extreme heat. They have done this for several years and are inviting us to participate in this ministry.

For more information about cooling centers and their life-saving work, check out this link from Arizona Faith Network.

Ready to help? Click on the link to sign up for a date and a shift to help on Wednesdays. Contact Pastor Ken with questions and more information.
Supporting Shadow Rock
Thank you for your love and support of Shadow Rock! Your generosity to the Shadow Rock General Fund makes our ministries possible, and July might be a great time for you to begin or re-visit online giving. If you have questions about giving electronically, contact Heidi. You can give to the General Fund and to special offerings by clicking the yellow donate button below.
Rock the Week is published each Wednesday, and covers the upcoming week and future special events. To submit content or offer comments, please email [email protected]