Alkaline water for a more acidic gut.
High Alkaline Water Creates a Healthy Acidic Gut
(Guest article by Keith Bell, founder of The Gut Club)

Have you been following all the news about the microbiome the past few years? This field of science has been exploding and represents a true paradigm shift in health and medicine. Science is rapidly revealing the reciprocal relationship we have with our microbes. Quite simply, we depend on a healthy balance of microbiota for our health and survival.

Now, let's make the case that the health mechanism behind high alkaline water isn't just about creating antioxidants, but in maintaining an environment by which our protective microbiota thrive. This environment is the small intestine where most of our water is absorbed by far:

The small intestine may be construed as the center of all health. And it's here where a balance of microbes is crucial. This is where our nutrients are absorbed or malabsorbed. This is where all health begins, or it's the beginning of the end!

Most people would think that drinking high alkaline water would make our intestines more alkaline, but the opposite is true. Drinking high alkaline water actually favors the growth of microbes which maintain the intestinal pH at healthy acidic levels.

Contrary to popular belief, the so-called alkaline diet is one that feeds the protective microbiota in order to maintain a healthy acidic gut. A low acid gut means acid reflux where the cure is to raise acid. When the gut produces acid, bicarbonate is sent into circulation to maintain healthy alkaline blood. Such are the inverse relationships of our compartmentalized bodies. These inverse relationships include gut-brain and intracellular pH. But it all starts in the gut where our water is absorbed.

Studies conclude that certain bacteria, the anaerobes, thrive best in negative ORP ( oxidation reduction potential) and this is exactly what is provided by consistent use of high alkaline drinking water. This ORP represents the antioxidant value of high alkaline water. It allows for the growth of protective microflora, especially the lactic acid bacteria such as Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria. These bacteria guard against overgrowth of gram-negative, toxin-producing aerobes.

These toxin-producing aerobes are also important to health, but they shouldn't be overgrown in the small intestine as this leads to malabsorption syndrome and is associated with metabolic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, cancer and neurodegenerative disease. A  recent study shows how pathogenic bacteria such as E. coli thrive in an aerobic environment fueling their aerobic respiration.

So, by creating an environment with a high negative-value ORP drinking water which is high alkaline water, we're helping our protective microbes to guard the intestinal fort.

How's that for counterintuitive? High alkaline water creates a healthy acidic gut!

Questions? Email Keith.

To your health!
New Year's Used Water Ionizer Sale! 
(These are our lowest prices ever on used water ionizers! We have a Genesis Steel and DNA Water Ionizer in stock.)


Genesis Steel.  We have 1 Genesis Steel traded in to us so the customer could get the Revelation 2 under sink water ionizer.  It has only been used a couple of months and has new filters and a brand new 5 year warranty. Only $1495!

DNA Water Ionizer.  Ultra-premium 9 Plate Water Ionizer with EOS 16 stage dual filtration system!  Used for 1 year. New filters, tubing, 3 year warranty.  Only $1595!

Order today!  Call 877-255-3713 today! 

New Water for Life USA Video!

Our new video combines live product demonstrations along with customer testimonials to illustrate why everyone needs a Water for Life USA water ionizer!

Is there an Ionized Water Conspiracy?  

Is Ionized Water a Scam? 

It's been 45 years since water ionizers were first developed and sold in Japan and still Google and Wikipedia results think they are a scam. So, is there an  ionized water conspiracy? We think so.

First lets establish some facts.  Water ionizers are used in hospitals all around the world, particularly in Japan, Taiwan, and Korea for over twenty years and have been proven to cut recovery time by as much as half.

Water ionizers are also medically certified to treat diabetes, digestion issues, high blood pressure, gout and more.
If you search for electrolyzed water on, 322 peer reviewed research articles come up.  Not one of the says "we tested alkaline or acidic ionized water and nothing happened."

Yet, the very first results you see on Google and Wikipedia are that alkaline ionized water is a scam. That it's not possible to ionize water.  That it's snake oil on tap. Even the Wall Street Journal and Wired Magazine have articles suggesting this. If you read these articles, you'll find that they are not well sourced. In fact their sources seem to be each other. Not one of them makes a reference to the 322 articles that are on, many touting the health benefits of alkaline electrolyzed (ionized) water or the topical uses of electrolyzed acidic water for sterilization and more.

Ironically, these articles suggest that there is no legitimate research on ionized water. That water ionizers are sold through hype and false testimonials.

Take a Closer Look at Ionized Water Research

But take a closer look on the research that has been done and you will see that dozens of reputable universities in Japan, Korea, and even the United States (including the our own Army) have conducted tests on ionized water and found, that amongst other things, it reduces oxidative stress in your cells because it is a powerful antioxidant. That fact alone means that it's healthy to drink. If you try to argue otherwise, you are basically saying that antioxidants are not good for you. And everyone knows that there is virtually consensus among doctors and dietitians that people need more antioxidants in their diet.

Major organizations in the United States have taken notice of the antioxidant and hydrating power of ionized water.  In fact, many sports teams, such as the Baltimore Ravens, and even Las Vegas casinos, give their players and employees ionized water.  It's sold through hundreds of health practitioner offices such as chiropractors and medical doctors.

Water Ionizers are Medical Products

Our very own EOS water ionizers are certified by the Korean Food and Drug Administration has medical products and listed with the USFDA  as medical products. If our water ionizers did not meet the criteria for being a medical product, they would not receive these certifications!

The question remains, then, why is it when you search on Google or Wikipedia do you find at the top results are always articles that suggests that alkaline ionized water is a scam?

We have a theory that these results are profit driven.   Major corporations that sell you water and health products would lose a lot if water ionizers became commonplace.  If every American could have a healthy source of antioxidants right in their kitchen that kept their oxidative stress levels low in their cells, they would not get as sick. and they would not need to go to doctors as much.

A water ionizer produces a liter of ionized water for only about $0.02 a liter. That is much cheaper bottled water!

Corporations Lie about Ionized Water to Protect their Profits

To these corporations, water ionizers are a direct threat to their bottom line.  So, it's easy for them to publish mis-leading articles on their company blogs and watch those posts get to the top of Google because of the size and power of their websites.

If every American got a water ionizer, it would change the money flow in our economy significantly. It would empower Americans. They would be healthier. People with lower oxidative stress levels flat-out think better and feel better and can be more productive. Bottled water companies would be virtually out of business as we would be able to bottle better water right in our own homes.

Also, if every American had a water ionizer, we would be relying a whole lot less on pharmaceutical drugs and other expensive medical treatment plans.  The antioxidants would heal and protect us.  It would be a whole new world and the people who are profiting most from our sickness do not want this!

We encourage every single person to do their homework when it comes to water ionizers. Look at reputable medical websites like and read the peer-reviewed research. We know some of the jargon can be confusing, but the synopsis of those articles generally gets the point across.

Purchasing a water ionizer is it expensive upfront commitment but it is something that will pay dividends to you and your family for years to come. Don't believe the powers-that-be who try to keep a powerful product like this down. A water ionizer is everything that we say it is and there are forty-five years worth of peer reviewed published articles that prove that fact!

There is an ionized water conspiracy but we will keep fighting to get the facts out.  We hope you will join us and spread the truth!

To your health!
Water for Life USA | [email protected] | 877-255-3713 |
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