High Electric Demand

Dear BEC Member,

As the Hill Country continues to experience extremely high temperatures, we want to take a moment to emphasize the crucial role you play in managing energy consumption during this period.

When the temperatures rise so does the energy demand due to the increased usage of cooling systems, appliances, and other energy-intensive activities. This high demand puts strain on the electrical grid as it stives to meet our member's needs. During this time, it becomes essential for us to work collectively to manage our energy consumption carefully.

Adjust your Thermostat

Set your thermostat a few degrees higher than normal.

Use Fans Wisely

Using fans is a great way people can cool down. But when you leave the room, remember to turn them off.

Utilize Natural Light

Open the blinds and curtains to reduce the need for artificial light.

Efficient Cooling

Ensure your cooling systems are well-maintained by cleaning or replacing filters regularly.

Smart Appliance Usage

Use major appliances, such as dishwashers, washing machines, and dryers, during off-peak hours, typically early morning or late evening.

Unplug Electronics

When not in use, unplug electronics and chargers, as they can still draw power even in standby mode.

Small acts make big impacts. We appreciate your cooperation and commitment to managing summer energy consumption responsibly.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our member relations team at 866.226.3372.

Bandera Electric Cooperative

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