Dear Parents,

Do you have a child ages 0-5 in your family? Plan to join us for High Holy Day Services and activities for young families at Beth Emet. As always, membership at Beth Emet Synagogue is not required, so please share with your friends and family. There are many opportunities here—some in person, some on Zoom. I hope you’ll join us.

Wishing you and yours a shanah tovah, a good new year,

Kathy Kaberon
Director of Young Family Engagement
Getting ready:

o Prepare a mikdash ma’at , a small sanctuary, in your home. Since we can’t come together in our synagogue this year, each family can prepare a space in their home that becomes just a little more special, a little more sacred, for our Rosh Hashanah worship and celebrations. 

o Decorate a kippah with your child
On Rosh Hashanah (9/19) and Yom Kippur (9/28):
o Join us at 2:30pm on Zoom for services geared specifically to families with young children (Kindergarten and younger) --- Enjoy singing, dancing, story, shofar service and more. We'll look forward to seeing you on Zoom.

o After the services, recordings will be available for your convenience. 

On 2nd day Rosh Hashanah (9/20) Sunday 1:00 - 3:00 pm
o Young Family Rosh Hashanah Drive-thru and Food Donation Drop-off at the Beth Emet parking lot. Everyone is invited to sign up to stop by the Beth Emet parking lot to greet our clergy, enjoy some safe activities with your family. Details and sign up hereInfo

Drop off your family’s donation to our food drive while you're at Beth Emet. Details in this week's EmetMail.

Tashlich and Shofar blowing information is in this week's EmetMail.
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