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As summer approaches, TBA staff and leadership are actively planning for our High Holy Days in the early fall. While we do not have the full details and schedule for the High Holy Days quite yet, we wanted to share with you an overall sense of what you can expect. More details will be coming in July and August. 

We are committed to providing multiple access points for you to join the TBA community for the High Holy Days. With a variety of services and opportunities, along with the ability to join us online or in person, we are confident that you will have a meaningful, joyous, and connected experience. We know there are many factors that go into your decision of when and how to join us and we welcome your participation in whatever ways fit your needs and wants best.  

Tickets, Membership, and Guests

All members of Temple Beth Avodah in good financial standing will have the option to attend services in person or online.  Members are expected to have paid at least 1/3 of dues or have set up a payment plan to be considered in good financial standing. You should have received an email yesterday with your 2021-22 financial statement. If you did not receive this email, please contact Becky Oliver.  

Beginning in mid-July members will have the ability to sign up online for in-person services. Registration for in-person attendance is required and RSVP will close on August 16, 2021. Currently, we are not sure about our ability to accommodate non-member guests in person but are hopeful we can accommodate extended family who may be joining you for the holidays.  As we better understand the intentions of our members, we will be able to make an informed decision regarding guests.  

All members in good standing will receive links to join us online. Guests may register to receive the online link. Registration and payment information for nonmembers will be sent in August. 

COVID-19 Safety

We anticipate continuing to follow the state’s guidance regarding COVID-19. At this time this includes requiring masking for any non-vaccinated individual. We are not expecting to have any capacity limits or distancing requirements.   

Thank You!

We are so grateful for your continued support and engagement in the TBA community. We look forward to celebrating the High Holy Days with you and hope you have a great summer.




The closing date is July 12


Please click here and let us know your initial thoughts on how you will be joining us for the High Holy Days. This will help us as we continue our planning. Later in the summer, you will receive information about how to sign up for specific in-person or on line services.