April 4
Senior Parent Meeting
Auditorium - 7:00 pm
April 7
Good Friday
No School
April 11
All Juniors
April 12
PSAT/SAT Testing
9th, 10th & 11th grades
No school for Seniors
April 12
Mothers' Club General Membership Meeting Social Time 6:30 pm / Meeting 7:00 pm
Speaker: Jennifer Vick from the Counseling Center will talk about summer opportunities.
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April 14
Coffee & Conversation with
Principal Hamka
9:00-10:00 am
Cleminson Hall
April 19
College Night
6:00-8:00 pm
April 19-22
Artfest 2023
Admission is FREE
Artwork for sale
April 20-22
High School Musical
Mamma Mia
Grosse Pointe North PAC
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Message from the Mothers' Club
Welcome Back! Hoping your spring break was filled with fun and relaxation!
Several projects were finalized in March:
- Completed the Cleminson Hall Door Restoration Project
- Awarded Winter Enrichment Grants totalling $10,000
- Completed the Scholarship Student Interviews
Through your continued support, the Mothers' Club will be awarding need and merit based scholarships to some of South's outstanding graduating seniors at our annual Mothers' Club Scholarship Night on May 4th. We are thrilled to have the ability to invest in our students' futures this way.
Preparations are in full swing for this year's Spring Benefit fundraiser! Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 6th at the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club. It promises to be a fun night! If you are interested in helping, sponsoring, or donating auction items, please contact the co-chairs, Erika Page at page_erika@hotmail.com or Jacqueline Knuth at jacquelineknuth@me.com. They would love the extra help!
The All Night Party committee is hard at work making sure our Seniors have a great send-off celebration! Beth Carswell and Beth Newhart are chairing this year’s event. They will be providing additional details at the Senior Parent Meeting is Tuesday, April 4th.
Please take time to attend ArtFest, on April 19-22, held in the multi-purpose room. This unique showcase of South students’ artistic talent is truly amazing! Our art department is one of the many remarkable educational departments we have here at South. Please support their efforts by stopping by the exhibit – and maybe taking home a student created work of art.
Thank you to our many volunteers and your continued support of the Mothers' Club.
Beverly Bennert
Mothers’ Club President
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Mothers' Club General Membership Meeting
Wednesday, April, 12th
Social: 6:30 pm
Meeting: 7:00 pm
Guest Speaker: Jennifer Vick from the Counseling Center will talk about summer opportunities for high school students.
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Mothers' Club 2022-2023 Executive Board | |
Tickets Go On Sale This Week!
Our spring fundraiser will be held Saturday, May 6th at the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club. The event includes live and silent auctions, dinner, drinks and lots of fun! Tickets will go on sale this week!
Our committee is working hard to organize this important event. If you're interested in helping, sponsoring or providing donations for the silent auction, please contact Jacqueline Knuth (jacquelineknuth@me.com) or Erika Page (page_erika@hotmail.com). We're looking forward to a fun evening to gather and celebrate our students as we raise money for a very worthy cause.
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Grosse Pointe South School Store
All of our store profits go back to the school, teachers, and students through the Mothers' Club support of enrichment, scholarship, and preservation.
School Store Hours:
Monday 11:00 am - 12:45 pm
Tuesday - Friday 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Students can stop in at lunch time to purchase warm chocolate chip cookies, snacks, drinks, gum/mints and spirit wear!
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Plans are already underway for the Grosse Pointe South 2023 Senior All Night Party. The party will be held at Assumption Cultural Center (on Marter in SCS) on graduation night, June 5th. It will be a fun and special night for our graduates to spend together. The party runs from 10:30 pm – 6:00 am.
Our goal is for 100% participation. Thanks again to all those that have already purchased your student's ticket. If you are unsure whether you have purchased your ticket, please contact our Reservations Chair, Paige Domzalski at paige@gplf.org.
If you have not yet purchased your tickets, the price is now $95. There are four ways you can purchase tickets:
1) Venmo $95 (@GPS-AllNightParty)
2) K-12 registration site: All Night Party is located under South Webstores.
3) Mothers' Club website (www.mothersclubgps.com),
4) Bring a check payable to “GPS Mothers’ Club – ANP” to the main office.
We will be posting updates on social media, as well as sending out e-blasts.
Be sure to keep updated on all the details.
The Facebook page for the Class of 2023 is: GPS Class of 2023
The night of the event, we will have a slideshow for the seniors comprised of their baby pictures. Please take the time to upload a baby/toddler picture of your son/daughter to our slideshow chair, Melissa King. Deadline for baby picture submission is Sunday, April 30th.
A few things to make this go smoothly . . .
- All files must be either .jpg or .png (no iPhone HEIC files, please).
- Label the file with your child's first and last name (ie, SamJones.jpg). This is very important.
- Two options for submitting the photo:
Via Google Drive (use the link or the QR code below)
LINK: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GS-og1RyfQRRZAK_Ai9gGdeLxHrI_vdR?usp=sharing
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If you are uploading from your phone, you must have the Google Drive app downloaded. It will open when you click the link above. Then you will click the + button and upload from your photos.
If the photo is on your laptop, you can simply open the drive using the link and drag/drop your photo in.
Via Email: Attach your photo (remember to label first!) and send to:
Deadline to submit is Sunday, April 30th
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Our January pop can fundraiser raised around $800 for the class. Thank you to everyone who donated their returnables and supported our fundraiser!
The Student vs. Staff Basketball Tournament on Friday, March 3rd raised $2,000 for the class. Thank you so much to everyone who promoted and came out to watch the event.
A special thanks to the following donors for supplying us with food for our concession stand at the Tournament:
The Babcock Family The Bryan Family
The Fett Family The Haindl Family
The Hanika Family The Kendall Family
The Melhem Family The Page Family
And thank you to Mothers' Club for providing pom poms for the event!
Freshmen Class Upcoming Fundraisers
Mr. C's breadsticks during lunch on Friday, April 28
- We need a parent to pick up the breadsticks at 10:20 am and bring them to South and another parent to pick up the second order at 11:20 am and bring them to South.
Email Nicole Westfall nicole.westfall@gpschools.org if you can help.
Social Event at Howlers and Growlers on Saturday, April 29,
1:00 - 3:00 pm. A portion of the proceeds will go to the class fundraising fund.
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The Artfest Committee needs volunteers. If you can help with the exhibition, please check the sign up page for dates and times.
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April 2023 - Counselors' Corner
Welcome to the fourth quarter homestretch! Quarter 3 ends April 6, and then we have just nine weeks left of school (less for Seniors!).
It’s not too late to search for Scholarships and Financial Aid. Be sure to check weekly e-blasts and Naviance for an ever-updating list of scholarships. Have you completed your FAFSA, as well? Michigan has extended its FAFSA Priority deadline to May 1st. Even if you don’t think you will get any grant (free) money, you may get school scholarships and low/no-interest loan offers that you may accept or decline in whole or in part. Questions about FAFSA are conveniently answered by the chatbot 24/7. Also, completing the FAFSA is a great idea to show interest in receiving money from colleges – sometimes, this opens doors that were previously hidden. For general scholarship searching, I am a big fan of www.fastweb.com and http://www.finaid.org/ These are both packed with GREAT information and resources. On the Counseling Center Website, I have links to a presentation on “Understanding Different Sources of Financial Aid”
There are still many excellent opportunities to apply to schools. It is not too late. On May 5, NACAC will post a comprehensive list of all colleges and universities with admissions openings. You will be able to see this list here.
Mid-year transcript requests should be made here.
COLLEGE NIGHT IS Back! Wednesday, April 19th, 6:00 - 8:00 pm at GP South. Representatives from roughly 100 colleges will be on hand to answer your questions and introduce you to their schools. Click HERE to see a full list of schools that will be on hand. Here is a good article from Forbes to help students and parents to prepare for the fair and make the most of the time there.
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Financial Aid Night - NEW DATE! GP South is hosting a virtual Paying for College presentation on Thursday, April 13, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm on Zoom. CLICK HERE to REGISTER This is a great opportunity to get unbiased, professional financial aid information (our presenter is not selling anything!) and get your questions answered in real time. If you would like to watch a pre-recorded version of this presentation, see this website for the “Financing Education Beyond High School” presentation. Topics include the elements of financial aid, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), private resources available, and more!
Current Juniors who are planning to apply to colleges in the Fall of 2023 should make sure that they are doing the following:
1. Many, but not all, schools are already choosing to be test-optional next year. I think it is wise to take the ACT and/or SAT tests. You can do this online at www.actstudent.org, or www.collegeboard.org ALL juniors will take the SAT at South on April 12. Your student will register for the school test in school. You do not need to do anything to sign him or her up online. My advice at this point is to consider NOT sending student test scores so that you can be strategic about your decision to share this information or hold back.
2. Students should attend Career & College 101 presentations either in their PoL class or at 8:00 am Monday morning presentations if they do not take PoL.
3. If it is possible, try to visit college campuses.
While the days get longer and sunnier, we need to increase our awareness of this peak season for suicidal thoughts. If you notice changes in your child’s grades, interactions, behaviors, or friends, this may be a message to seek support. Please connect with your child’s counselor or another member of the school’s mental health team to find resources. If you are in immediate need of assistance with concerns about suicide, please contact 988, the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, or https://988lifeline.org/ for a live chat. Students may feel comfortable texting the Crisis Text Line, a free, 24/7, confidential text message service for people in crisis. Just text HELLO to 741-741
Wellness Wednesdays Since our last issue have included: The Benefits of Plants, Daylight Savings and Our Health, The Power of Silence, and Avoiding Academic Burnout
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@Mothers' Club of Grosse Pointe South | |
High Pointes Newsletter | Grosse Pointe South Mothers' Club | | | | |