Greetings Fairchild Challenge Educators!

We hope all is well with you as you get back into the swing of the new school year!

A few reminders:

  • Register now for our upcoming Teacher workshops:
  • School Garden Leadership Training. This hands-on workshop covers basics of developing and leading a school garden program. This workshop will be taking place on December 10th from 10:00am-3:00pm at the garden. Register now through Frontline.

  • Teaching BioMATH, Ecology & Evolution with Bromeliads. Learn how simple mathematical models can be simulated to address these questions about our native bromeliads. This workshop will be taking place on January 7th from 10:00am-3:00pm at the garden. Register now for PD. Teachers who complete this form will be notified when the M-DCPS Frontline registration is open so that you may register for MPP if you are interested.

  • Please share this exciting opportunity to current juniors and seniors. Bank of America's Student Leaders program. Deadline January 13, 2023.