March 1, 2024

Important Dates

Mar 1st-15th

  • See's Candy Fundraiser

Mar 6th

  • Grandparents Day

Mar 4th-8th

  • Spirit Week
  • Mon: Barbie (girl) Vs. Ken (Boy)
  • Tues: Surfers (girl) Vs. Bikers (boys)
  • Wed: Country (girl) Vs. City (boys)
  • Thurs: Adam Sandler (girls) Vs. Pitbull (Boys)
  • Fri: Pink (girls) Vs. Blue (boys)

Mar 8th

  • Sadies Movie Night @ 7 pm

Mar 4th

  • Virtual College Counseling Parent info night 10th & 11th grade, 6:30-8:00

Mar 9th

  • Daddy-Daughter Dance

Mar 18th-22nd

  • Staff Appreciation Week

May 15th

School Calendar

Sadies Movie Night

Join us in the MP @ 7:00 pm Friday, March 8th for our HS Sadies Movie night! We will be selling snacks and admission at the door. We will be watching Into The Spider-Verse.

Vacaville Christian Booster Club

The Sees Candies Yum-Raiser will continue through March 1st- 15th.

Scan the QR Code to order candies now!!!

We will be delivering this year, straight to your door.

Please share the link with all family and friends for maximum exposure!

VCS will be receiving 50% profit for every egg sold.

We have also expanded the selection of candies this year so please go check out what is available and start your order today!!!

Senior Corner

The Senior Trip date has been changed to May 15th! Please change your calendars accordingly.

Graduation is closer than you think! Parents look out for the graduation forms for Caps, Gowns, and Tassels.

Go to the athletics newsletter and check out our Wonderful New Tennis Team that just had their first match against Highlands! We are happy to be growing our sports program and building more ways for our student-athletes to participate in more sports!

Check out the Athletics Newsletter for more sports-related information!

Read about team highlights, game schedules, and information

about upcoming training for Fall.

Find out more about our Falcon coaches and other sports we offer here at VCHS.

Athletic Calendar

Parent Service Hours

ALL FORMS DUE NO LATER THAN May 15, 2024 Your account will be billed $25 per incomplete hour in June 2024. A $75 late fee will be charged for all forms turned in after May 15, 2024. No forms will be accepted after May 31, 2024, for the current year's hours.

More information can be found on the form. Please pick up a form from the Admissions Office. Please get your signatures and return it to the admissions office when completed. We do not have any forms in the high school, nor will we be accepting forms once completed.


Order your Yearbooks now!


Absent / Tardy Procedure & Policy

The HS office will no longer be taking phone calls for absences. All absences/Tardies must be reported to this email address

"As a reminder, an absence/tardy that is not excused by a parent within three days of the student's return to school will be counted as an unexcused absence and shall be treated as such."

All communication of absences/tardies will be received only through the absence email provided above.

We will need the following:

  • Student's name
  • The Date of Absence/Tardy
  • The Reason for Absence/Tardy

Missing Classes

As a reminder, only twelve (12) class periods may be missed in a course per semester for a student to earn credits for the semester. This includes both excused and unexcused absences. If there are extraordinary circumstances or illnesses, please contact the HS administration. If your student needs to make up class hours due to additional absences, contact HS Admin to make a plan.

Athlete Rule:

If a student misses more than 2 periods on a game day, then that student can not participate in the game. If the student is a senior and only has 5 periods, they can miss no more than one (1) period on game days to participate.

Helpful Links

VCS Website

VCS Athletics Website

HS Handbook (Absences & Tardies pg. 33-35)

Need to Contact Us...

Contact the High School Office:

Direct Line 707-446-1776 *4000

Mrs. Snelgrove

High School Principal/ Assistant Head of School

Mrs. Golden

High School Vice Principal

Mrs. Lamantia

Office Manager

Miss Alicia Borges

AP/Testing Coordinator/ Administrative Support

Mr. Wilson

College Counselor

Mrs. Nason

Office Aid

Vacaville Christian High School

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