Guiding Students Empowering Futures
Principal Tronsen's Topic
Again welcome to the start of a new school year. A lot of changes have been occurring to adapt to the new operation of this school year. We applaud all students, families and teachers and staff for all the cooperation during this time. We know it hasn't necessarily been smooth every day. But know that we are working to improve constantly. Since this is new uncharted territory for most, we recognize that change is often times difficult. We also know that we will continue to move forward and along with that comes more comfort-ability and ease. We are moving in that direction.
Along with the other changes this year, we are shifting our format for Parent/Teacher Conferences to appointments with phone calls. Please read later in this newsletter for more information on how to set-up your appointments with teachers. There will be a two week window for these conferences. Allow for more flexibility for all schedules.
Our priority is the health and safety of all. We appreciate all the efforts that students, staff and families are doing to help our students stay in school. All of the work that everyone is doing has had a positive impact. Keep up the great work.
New High School Staff Welcome
Mr. Essig
Associate Principal
Hope Pramuk
Math Department
Josh Mills
Special Education
Bailey Kittel
Social Worker
Eric Kittel
Special Education
Jessica Murphy
Occupational Therapist
Jen Vinz
District Librarian
Steve Guenther
Behavioral Interventionist
Marla De Jager
Support Staff-Secretarial
Canvas for Families Information
Click the graphic below for a copy of the full document.
Pre-ACT and Aspire Interim Testing
The Week of October 26th-30th Will be Pre-ACT and Aspire Interim Testing.
The purpose of these tests is to provide some baseline data to help us analyze student growth. With the absence of Spring Testing data this will help us determine where our students are at, and how we can modify instruction to meet potential areas for growth. This also allows our Juniors an experience of taking a practice ACT which all Juniors take in the Spring. All students will test in the areas of Reading, English Language Arts, Math and Science.
Hybrid Students Grades 9-10 will be doing Interim Testing with ASPIRE during their four core class periods (English, Math, Science and Social Studies).
Hybrid 11th grade students will do the Pre-ACT test during periods 1,3 on their odd in person days. All Juniors will be testing during this time. So students who have release during those periods must report on their odd day for periods 1,3. The testing will take place in the commons.
Robust Virtual Students will be able to participate in these assessments as well.
Aspire (9th & 10th grade)
- Aspire is a computerized test, taking about 2 ½ hours to complete.
- Robust Virtual students will complete Aspire testing on 10/26 & 10/27.
- Students will be emailed their Aspire testing code information a week before the test
- Students using BDUSD devices will access the Aspire tests on their BDUSD chromebooks with directions provided a week before the test.
- Students using personal devices will need to download a testing app using directions provided a week before the test.
- When possible, an adult is encouraged to be present for the testing to ensure students are not using phones or other electronics to assist them.
PreACT (11th graders)
- The PreACT is a paper & pencil test, taking about 3 hours to complete
- Robust Virtual students will be invited to come to a testing location to complete the PreACT on the pre-assigned PreACT days and times (10/26 & 10/29
- The exact BDUSD location will be determined soon within the next week.
- The PreACT location will allow for social distancing and masks will be required.
- Since the PreACT must be completed in-person, Robust Virtual students are not required to take the PreACT.
October Hybrid Calendar
Click Image to Enlarge
Week of October 19th-23rd
We will have a three day week.
Monday 10/19 Green Cohort will report in person for all 8 periods. (Lunch 5th Period)
Tuesday 10/20 Gold Cohort will report in person for all 8 periods. (Lunch 5th Period)
Wednesday 10/21 all students Virtual
Robust Virtual 10/19-10/21 will be online all three days.
No School Thursday October 22nd or Friday October 23rd
Up to date grades are still being recorded in Skyward. Canvas grade book is currently not being used overall. Teachers may indicate in Canvas if an assignment has been collected, missing, or provide feedback. Overall grades will continue to be recorded in Skyward.
Beaver Dam Unified School District
Return to School Plan
To access the most current information regarding return to school for the school district please follow the link below. Remember our plan is based on the phase Dodge County is currently in or any other mandated guidance.
New Library App for Students K-12
The Sora student reading app is a reading experience that allows K-12 students to borrow ebooks and audiobooks from their school’s digital collection. Available on smartphones, tablets, and desktops, students can read for pleasure and complete assigned reading anytime, anywhere.
New Resource for Families
We will share out monthly this informative resource document that has relevant talking points that relate to school and the current situation we are in. For October you will get a bonus with two different documents. One from September and one from October. These also can be found on the district website. But we will share out in each monthly newsletter too.
Calling in a Student Sick?
Information to provide when calling in your child ill from school:
BDUSD is following public health guidelines and as a result there is now increased surveillance for COVID-19-like symptoms. The Health Services Team is asking parents to provide the following information when calling the school to report an illness/absence. The number of ill students and staff and their symptoms are reported to public health officials each week.
● Student's name
● Student's grade
● Reason for absence.
● Expected date or dates of absence.
● If absence is for illness reasons parents will be asked to tell us if a student has a fever over 100.0, cough (new or worsening), difficult breathing, chills, fatigue, muscle or body aches, congestion or runny nose, sore throat, headache, new loss of taste or smell, nausea, vomiting (unrelated to anxiety or eating), diarrhea.
● If the student is ill for other reasons parents will be asked to please indicate that.
● If parents prefer they may leave a message with the school nurse.
2020-21 School Success Plan
Each year school building administrators are asked to develop a School Success Plan for the school year. This year our plan has identified three areas that we are looking to improve in. The three objectives are listed below. With that we also have provided some examples of things we will be doing differently to help us accomplish our objectives.
Objective 1: Objective 2: By the end of the 2020-21 school year, we will increase the total number of students proficient in math by 5% for all students and 10% in our subgroups as measured by ACT Aspire and ACT results.
Objective 2: By the end of the 2020-21 school year, we will increase the total number of students proficient in math by 5% for all students and 10% in our subgroups as measured by ACT Aspire and ACT results.
Objective 3: By the end of the 2020-21 School year we will reduce the amount of overall discipline removals by 25% and 50% in subgroup areas.
Sample Action Steps:
*Frequent Data Reviews
*Literacy SHIFT Institute for Middle and HS "Developing the Attributes of Powerful and Independent Learners" year long PD
*New 9th Grade Study Sync for English 9 classes
*New Reveal Math Curriculum with ALEKS Math online resources
*ASPIRE Interim Assessments to determine student level of mastery
*ACT Pre Assessment to determine student level of mastery
*Hacking Discipline Workshop on Restorative Practices
We will continue to update you on our progress throughout the school year.
Parent and Teacher Conferences
This year Parent Teacher Conferences will be done virtually. There will be a window of dates and times available by teacher. Starting October 19th-November 3rd. The sign-up for conferences will be through Skyward. Information will be shared out when the time gets closer.
Free Breakfast and Lunch for All Students
The USDA recently approved Free Breakfast and Lunch for all students 18 and under through the Month of December. High School students should have their Student ID with Bar Code to get meals. If they are without an ID card they can provide their Pin Number. Students without ID's should visit the Main Office to pick-up their ID or get an ID made.
Classroom Spotlight Feature!
Honors Chemistry students at BDHS are enjoying the sunshine and studying changes in states of matter by making ice cream in ziploc bags this week! #coolasice #bdfam
Lifetouch will be doing student pictures this year. They have enhanced protocols to help ensure health and safety concerns are addressed. Please see below for scheduled dates for specific cohorts including Robust Virtual.
Please note that your student is not required to do this.
Also note there will be no make-up or retakes this year. It will be one opportunity for each cohort.
For the Green and Gold Cohort students we will be sending groups of students down every five minutes in alpha order during class periods. We will share the list with students and staff. If a student has release period during the time of their picture assigned time, the student can take their picture either at the start of the period or toward the end of the period which ever works best with their release period.
Green Cohort
Monday October 12th
Robust Virtual (By Appointment Only at the Educational Services Center)
See email from school with link to sign-up
Wednesday October 14th
Gold Cohort
Thursday October 15th
Golden Beaver Medallion Recipients
Each month staff can be awarded a Golden Beaver Medallion for going above and beyond the normal call of duty. This medallion is presented to them from another colleague. The recipient possesses the medallion for a month and then is tasked with passing it on to another staff member.
Jasmine Wangelin
Special Education Teacher
Alex Olson and Sarah Krueger Art Teachers
Lynette Schmitt-Custodial
Melissa Hemling-
Science Teacher
Beaver Dam High School App
Everything Beaver Dam High School in one convenient place. Check out the free app today!
Food Allergy Notification
Beaver Dam Unified School District Student Health Services
Kristin Chitko RN, BSN, MSN
Health Services Supervisor
Health Bulletin
Food Allergy Implementation Measures-Nuts and Mint
This school year the High School will continue to implement measures to protect students with severe life-threatening food allergies. Over the past several years the number of BDUSD students with severe allergic reactions to food has increased. In many cases the food does not need to be eaten by the student but simply the close proximity and smell can trigger an allergic reaction.
In order to prevent a life-threatening allergic reaction, the following measures are being implemented at the high school:
Students and staff are asked voluntarily not to bring any food item into the high school that contains nuts, peanuts, peanut butter, tree nuts (almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, chestnuts, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios), or nut products.
Any food items that contain nuts, peanuts, peanut butter, tree nuts (almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, chestnuts, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios), or nut products should be opened and eaten in the common lunch area only ---not in classrooms, hallways, etc.
Students and staff who eat nut or peanut products are reminded to wash their hands after eating /touching such items as the protein residue that causes the allergic reaction can be transferred to objects and allergic individuals can inadvertently place it into their eyes/ mouth resulting in a life-threatening allergic reaction. Use of hand sanitizer does not work for food allergies.
Emergency Care Plans are written for all students with a known severe allergic reaction history. School staff are trained how to respond quickly in the event of an allergic reaction.
We are asking that foods (including gum) containing mint or mint flavoring not be brought to school or consumed in the High School.
Staff and students who choose to eat and consume foods and products which contain mint need to realize that the smell of the product or their breath while or after consuming the product places those with allergies to the substance at risk of an allergic reaction.
If we can decrease the likelihood of exposure to nuts and peanuts the less of a chance we will have to implement that emergency plan. As students, parents and staff, we are sure you share our desire to create as safe an environment as possible for our students.
Medidas de Aplicación de Alergia Alimentaria
Beaver Dam Unified School District
Student Health Services
Kristin Chitko RN, BSN, MSN
Health Services Supervisor
Boletín de Salud
Medidas de Aplicación de Alergia Alimentaria
Este año escolar las Escuelas será continua de medidas para proteger a los estudiantes con un riesgo grave para la vida con las alergias a los alimentos. En los años últimos ha aumentado el número de estudiantes con reacciones alérgicas graves a los alimentos. En muchos casos, los alimentos no deben ser ingeridos por los estudiantes, sino simplemente la proximidad y el olor puede desencadenar una reacción alérgica. Con el fin de evitar un riesgo para la vida reacción alérgica de las siguientes medidas se están llevando a cabo en la escuela secundaria:
Los estudiantes y el personal se les pide que no llevara a cualquier comida en la escuela secundaria, que contiene las nueces, los cacahuetes, o productos de nueces.
Los alimentos que contengan leche en productos lácteos, nueces, maní, o productos de nueces deben ser abiertos y se comen en la zona común de almuerzo, cafetería (no en las aulas, pasillos, salones, etc.)
Los estudiantes y el personal que comer maní o los productos de nuez necesitan lavarse las manos después de comer o de tocar objetos. Como el residuo de proteína que causa la reacción alérgica pueden ser transferidas a los objetos y las personas alérgicas puede poner inadvertidamente en los ojos / la boca lo que una vida en peligro la reacción alérgica.
Planes de atención de emergencia están escritas para todos los estudiantes con una historia conocida de reacción alérgica grave. El personal de la escuela cómo son entrenados para responder rápidamente en caso de una reacción alérgica.
Si podemos reducir la probabilidad de exposición a las nueces, los cacahuetes y productos lácteos de la menos una oportunidad vamos a tener que aplicar ese plan de emergencia. A medida que los estudiantes, padres y personal, estamos seguros de que usted comparte nuestro deseo de crear un entorno lo más seguro posible para nuestros estudiantes.
Please take a moment and look at the latest district Strategic Plan. This plan will guide the schools through 2024.
John Casper
Associate Principal
All Seniors
Sophomore and Juniors
Last Names A-K
Rob Essig
Associate Principal
All Freshmen
Sophomore and Juniors
Last Names L-Z
Melissa Gehring
Associate Principal &
Athletics and Activities Director
Quick Links to Resources for Families
Beaver Dam High School
500 Gould Street,
Beaver Dam, WI 53916