June 5, 2023

Dear AYA High School Families,

As we approach the end of the current school year, we take this opportunity to share some important information about the upcoming academic year. We are already eagerly planning for a fabulous 2023-24 school year and want to ensure you have all the necessary details to have a successful start!
2023-24 HS Principal
Donna Hutcheson
Summer Reading Assignment
Read Max Glauben’s memoir The Upstander by AYA graduate Jori Epstein and, in journal entry OR chart form, address the assigned prompt. This is due and will be used in every class on Monday, Aug 28.

Freshman & Seniors
Preparatory “Boot Camps” are provided for students beginning 12th Grade (Aug 20-21 flyer) and 9th Grade (Aug 23-24 flyer).

School Calendar
Always rely on AkibaYavneh.org/calendar for the most current information — which is also syncable via iCal feed. While fridge friendly, our one-page Important Dates handout is subject to change as the year progresses.

High School students bring their own supplies — including a laptop.

Dress Code Policy
High School students are required to adhere to AYA Dress Code when on the Schultz Rosenberg Campus. See 2022-23 guidance under "Dress Code."

High School Handbook
Revised 2023-24 version will be online after July 4.

Carpool Procedure
Drop Off & Pick Up: Enter through High School Gate on Merit Drive

Hot Lunch
We are happy to offer a delicious and nutritious hot lunch program catered by A Taste of the World. Menus will be available prior to the start of school.

Blue Notes / Absences
Blue Notes are required to notify the school when students are going to be late, absent, picked up early, or if there is a carpool change. See our QuickLinks tab on the upper right hand corner of AkibaYavneh.org. 
In July, links to required school forms will be sent in an additional email. All forms must be completed and uploaded to AYAConnect by August 7 in order for students to attend their first day of the 2023-24 academic year.

We will provide further updates throughout the summer, including details about Back to School events. Thank you for your ongoing partnership and dedication to your student’s education.

We wish your family a relaxing and enjoyable Summer Break!
All the best,

AYA High School Team