High-Speed Rail Resolution Passes California Assembly with Overwhelming Bipartisan Support
June 11, 2020
HR 97 was introduced on June 3, 2020 by Assembly Member Jim Frazier, Chairman of Assembly Transportation Committee. The House Resolution directs the High-Speed Rail Authority (HSRA) “to not proceed with the execution of track and systems or train set procurements, or with the acquisition of the right-of-way along the City of Merced and the City of Bakersfield extensions, until the Assembly has considered and approved the High-Speed Rail Authority’s funding request for appropriation of the remaining bond funds.” 

The Resolution follows the release of the HSRA Draft 2020 Business Plan, which revealed that HSRA planned to enter into two major contracts this fall. According to Speaker of the Assembly, Anthony Rendon, one of the proposed contracts “would lock current legislators, and legislators for the next 15 sessions, into a no-changes situation.”

Many of the members speaking in favor of the Resolution support High-Speed Rail but expressed their serious concerns with the direction of the HSRA and its inability to stay within budget and to manage the project appropriately. 

The Resolution was discussed on the California State Assembly Floor today. Before being brought to the vote, the roll was opened for coauthors and had 63 members add their name to the effort. After a voice vote with no opposition, the Resolution was adopted.

For background on the High-Speed Rail in California, click here. Assembly Member Jim Frazier’s press release on HR 97 can be found here. For any questions, please reach out to Louie Brown at [email protected].

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