FX Thunder H.O.G. E-Newsletter | News from the December Get Together
Final Mileage for Ride 365 2022!!
If you've reported your mileage in October or November,
you're good!
(if you've been lucky enough to be riding)
Then please report your mileage to Dawn by Dec. 20
Here's What's Coming Up in 2023
  • Sunday, Jan. 22, 2pm: Kiss My Axe (Axe Throwing) in the Salmon Run Mall
  • Saturday, Feb. 18, 12pm: Chill with Bunco -Meet up at the dealership for the Chili Cook-Off (it's back!!) and roll the dice for a fun round of Bunco!
  • FXCHD will be doing monthly Thursday Night Rides, the 3rd Thursday of each month starting in May
  • June 23-25: Thousand Islands River Run
  • July 13-16: HDMC's 120th Anniversary (see below)
  • Saturday, Sept. 9: FXCHD's Fall Kick-Off Party
Plan to arrive on July 12, check the hotel's cancellation policy, and possibly even get trip insurance. For hotels in the area, go to VisitMilwaukee.org and check availability. Have questions?? Ask Dawn!!

Plans are moving along for the Rides Home across the US. There will be four rides across the country, and will start from cities in the Northwest, Southwest, Southeast and Northeast. Exact locations are still being determined, so stay tuned! All the Rides Home will begin in early July and land in Milwaukee on July 12.

Harley should be making an announcement about when they'll announce the 2023 Model Year Lineup and (we think) more details about the 120th Anniversary sometime this month -will keep you posted!!
Get the Details at FXThunderHOG.com/Events
and FXCHD.com.
What to do during the Winter Months?
Scientific fact that, when you're busy, time passes quickly! With that in mind, let's have some fun this winter... But what to do?? Go Bowling, have a movie night, (indoor) pool party or something else?

We'd like to hear what you'd like to do for the months of March and April!! Email Jodi & let us know!!
HOG Rallys for 2023 have been announced! Check out the list by clicking the button below...
Almost Heaven Ride for 2023! Our own Don Daly has been planning this trip out for next year...
Almost Heaven Ride 2023
This time around, we're looking at going to Altoona, PA -a destination that is a day's ride to get there, then spending two full days riding and visiting the attractions. Those include (but not limited to) the Flight 93 Memorial, Railroaders Memorial Museum, Horseshoe Curve National Park & more.
Question is, when do you want to go?
August 10-13, 2023
August 24-27, 2023
I can do either, just let me know!
Sorry, can't go in August
Sorry, can't go/not interested
Other Rides & Ride Challenges for 2023
We're in the process of choosing dates and destinations for our Picnic Rides as well as our Fall Foliage Ride and will have those details soon.

And for our own FX Thunder HOG Chapter Ride Challenges, we've come up with two for 2023:
  1. Visiting Cities, Towns and Villages to spell out "THUNDER ADAMS CENTER"
  2. Visiting Harley-Davidson Dealerships far & near to earn points.

Look for those details on all of that to be posted next month. If you've got an idea, please share it!! Remember: this is YOUR FX Thunder HOG Chapter!!! It is what you make it, so make it a good one ✌
What are your ideas?
The main reason our HOG Chapter exists is so that we like-minded individuals who are passionate about motorcycling adventure and Harley-Davidson can get together and have fun!!

To that end, we're always on the look out for new & interesting places to go and things to do!! What are your ideas? What would you like to do? Where do you want to go??

Please take a moment to jot them down in an email, text or on the WhatsApp to Jodi Nicholson (our Activities Officer): jnic3241@yahoo.com
In the HOG Pen
  • Happy Birthday to Nancy Loren & Rich Huber: Dec. 5, Jeremy Ryder: Dec. 26 and Tyke Beard: Dec. 30
  • Are we missing your birthday?? Please email Dawn (dawn@fxharley.com) and let her know!!
FX Thunder H.O.G. on WhatsApp
Interact with other Chapter Members easily and instantly!
If you’d like to join the group, all you need to do is:
  • Go to your smart phone’s app store and search “Whats App Messaging” (look for their green phone logo) and install.
  • Once installed, open and start a chat with Dawn/Irish FXCHD (315-405-7939) -you might have to add her as a contact in your phone.
  • In the chat, let her know your name and that you’d like to join the FX Thunder H.O.G. Group.
  • You’ll see it once she’s added you, and then you’ll be able to reach everybody in just one text, pic, link or whatever else you’d like to share
As Always- if you have ?s, feedback or ideas...
Feel free to contact any or all of your FX Thunder HOG Chapter Officers! We are always available by email, phone and/or through the WhatsApp:

Director & Head HOG: Darryl Sapoff
headhog@fxharley.com - 315-854-1811

Co-Director: Clint Loren
ir1340@aol.com - 315-778-0831

Treasurer: Gabi Hoover
gabihoover@gmail.com - 315-221-0422

Secretary & HOG Manager: Dawn Fontaine
dawn@fxharley.com - 315-405-7939

Activities Director: Jodi Nicholson
jnic3241@yahoo.com - 315-559-3077

Road Captain: Alan Turner
alanturner0058@gmail.com - 315-767-1978