Highland Presbyterian Church​ seeks to be a diverse and inclusive Christian Community as we embody the love and forgiveness of Jesus by serving the Community and the World, drawing people to Christ.
Highland Happening
January 6, 2021
Worship This Sunday
Join us for worship this Sunday, January 9 at 10:30 am in the sanctuary or join us for worship virtually by watching on our Facebook Page. This Sunday is Baptism of the Lord Sunday and we will focus on Luke 3:15-22 where Jesus is baptized and we see God say from heaven, “You are my son, the beloved, in you I am well pleased.”
Annual Meeting and Soup Sale
The session of Highland has called a congregational meeting to present the annual report and we will meet following worship on Sunday, January 30 in the sanctuary. Copies of the annual report will be available and see below for an announcement from the Hospitality Committee. 
You are invited to attend a SOUP FUNDRAISER Jan 30th following the Congregational Meeting. This year we will be selling containers of homemade soup which you may purchase in the downstairs kitchen following the church service 
We will be selling the soups for $10 per container. We would love to have an approximate count of those who are interested in purchasing a container of soup. The monies made will be donated to Heifer International 
We also would appreciate if anyone would volunteer to donate a homemade soup. Please contact Stacey Nordquist, Kathy White, Jan Bell or Carole Schenk if you would like to donate a soup or would be interested in placing an order before the 30th!
Warming Shelter at First Baptist Church, Maryville
The warming Shelter has already been open for the winter season. Highland is again committed to help at the shelter on Thursday nights in January and February. What this means is that if the temperature is forecast to be 25 degrees or less on a Thursday night, we are on. We will provide volunteers from 6pm to 7am, in 4 hour shifts. The early shift helps with set up, serving dinner and clean up, as well as visiting with guests. Overnight/early morning handles anything that may come up, as well as prep for breakfast at 6am. The guests leave by 7 am.

Other than actual hands on volunteers, we also need food - casseroles, soup, gift cards for pizza, BoJangles, etc. If you would like to help in any way, please contact Sandy Miller, 865-223-8278
Heifer International
Heifer International has been transforming lives for 75 years. Happy Highlanders is a leading a campaign for Highland to, once again, donate an Ark to Heifer. Each family that receives livestock from the Ark will pass the gift forward with livestock offspring being given to other families in need.

There will be a table set up in the back of the sanctuary on Sundays throughout the Christmas Season to collect donations, large or small. There are also Honor Cards available so that you may honor loved ones with your gift. Checks should be made out to Highland, with Heifer in the subject line.
Please prayerfully consider helping us to reach our goal of gifting an Ark ($5000) with your donation. Help us bring Joy to the World this Christmas Season.
Help the Malipo Family
The Malipo family has been saving money to buy a second car and they are ready to do so. There have been additional donations and they have a budget of about $3500. They are looking for a reliable car in that range. If anyone knows someone selling or willing to sell a car, please let Pastor Matthew know. If you would like to make a donation to the Malipo Family Fund, let Matthew know as well and maybe we can help them get an even better car!
Martin Luther King Day Events
Jan 14th, Fri Noon
BC MLK Celebration Luncheon. 
Location: Airport Hilton. 
Speaker: Dr. Bryan Coker, President Maryville College. 
Tickets are $35 each or $350 per table of ten. 
Reservations are required 
Call the Blount County Chamber of Commerce at 865-983-2241 for reservations. 
Jan 17th, Mon 12:45 PM
MLK Community March. 
Gather at MLK Center, 209 E. Franklin St. Alcoa. 
March to Clayton Center at Maryville College.
Jan 17th, 2PM
MLK Community Celebration. 
Location: Nutt Theatre, Clayton Center, Maryville College . 
Speaker: Mr. Cassius Cash, Superintendent of GSMNP.
Highland Church Camping Trip
Join Highland Presbyterian Church the weekend of July 15-17 for an intergenerational camping trip in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. We currently have two sites reserved at the Elkmont Group Campground with a maximum number of 35 people. The other group sites are available but could go quickly so please register through the link below so we can add an extra site quickly if needed. We will have meals from Friday dinner to Sunday lunch. We will have a worship service on Sunday morning, and you are welcome to attend worship even if you do not camp. Cost will be $10 a person and maximum of $30 per family. 
Highland Quilters will not be meeting again until January 11, 2022. From then on, they will be meeting on Tuesdays from 9:00-12:00 in the Fellowship Hall. 
New members are always welcome as we can use more hands to piece, sew, iron, etc. We'll teach you all that you need to know! Come join as we make quilts to spread joy and comfort to the community. 
Matthew 25 Spotlight
Being a Matthew 25 Presbytery means we are constantly working toward creating the beloved community. Each week, in this email, we will share resources or stories of ways of engaging the three challenges of Dismantling Structural Racism, Eradicating Systemic Poverty and Building Congregational Vitality.

Though beset by tragic events this Christmas season, Presbytery of Milwaukee churches minister to their hurting neighbors. 
Prayers, Concerns and Joys
Please pray for our members, families, and friends.
We lift-up prayers for those among our community who are shut in. Be with them as they are separated in body from their loved ones.

Judith Gregory- Judith has received the diagnosis of Guillain-Barre syndrome and is receiving treatment for it. Let’s surround her with prayer for strength and recovery. 
Bill- Friend of Jean Wortmann recently had successful surgery for pancreatic cancer and also has the diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease. He recently had a feeding tube removed. Please keep Bill and his family in your prayers at this time. 

Cathy VanHorn- Our new church friend, Cathy, broke her leg in two places on a hike. Prayers for recovery and gaining strength.

Millie Sieber- Millie is home and regaining her strength. She is very grateful for all the prayers, cards, calls and signs of support, as well as for the hundreds of people who have contributed to her recovery.   

We lift-up especially the following prayer concerns:                                           
All in the world who are suffering from Covid-19, especially for patients, the mourning survivors of those who have perished, and the heroic medical professionals who are fighting the battle for us.
At Asbury Place:
Bruce Watt
Nancy Davis.

Baby Malipo- We are happy to say that the Malipo family welcomed baby girl Dorcus to the world. Please keep them in your prayers as we rejoice in the blessing of new life!
January Birthdays
Mark Durand- Jan. 1
Christina Cash- Jan. 2
Hannah Bay- Jan. 4
Jennifer Slagle- Jan. 4
Judith Gregory- Jan. 5
Bruce Watt- Jan. 8
Pat Pollock- Jan. 9
Corita Swanson- Jan. 10
Mark Webb- Jan. 10
Al Hill- Jan. 11
Ione McCarthy- Jan. 11
Jennifer Miles- Jan. 16
Heidi Schrock- Jan. 16
Isaac Shelby- Jan. 16
Marilyn Massey- Jan. 24
Gavin Morris- Jan. 24
Herman Long- Jan. 28
If there are any announcements that you would like to include in the Highland Happening, please email communications@highlandpresby.org by noon the Wednesday prior to the Highland Happening going out.
Click the button above to visit our online giving page. It only take a few minutes to set up an account and you can schedule automatic payments to keep up with your pledge.
Download a copy of the church calendar.