THANK YOU to the generous HPHS alumni who supported the 2021 Golden Scots Reunion. It was a truly special day to be surrounded by HPHS classmates excited to be together for the first time since fall 2019. We are proud of our "golden" alumni who made it to their 50th reunion and thank everyone for the patience and flexibility it took to attend the postponed luncheon!
Scots find a way...Once a Scot, Always a Scot!
2021 Golden Scots Reunion
On Saturday, March 5, over 300 HPHS alumni from the classes of 1941-1971 joined for food, fun, and fellowship! It was a wonderful celebration with HPHS student led tours and singing performances by Park Version of the Lads and Lassies. Dr. Tom Trigg, HPISD Superintendent, gave a wonderful, comprehensive overview of the District. Following the lunch, he welcomed over 50 alumni for a tour of the renovated Hyer Elementary.
Our youngest classmate, at the age of 98, joined us from the
HPHS Class of 1941!
Mary Jane Foster Hutchinson was all smiles as she received a HP Scot blanket from the Scot Shop.
Located on each table, HPHS alumni had an opportunity to learn about the accomplishments of the class of 2021!
The 28th annual Golden Scots Reunion
Saturday, September 24, 2022
Alumni Membership - Join Today!
Join or renew your
Highland Park High School
Alumni Association Membership!
Our HPHS alumni are doing great things around the world,
and it's a great time to be a Scot.
We have over 3,100 dues paying members and would love to have you be a part of our growing Alumni Association!
Once a Scot, Always a Scot!
We celebrated the success of this year's Mad for Plaid campaign
with another great Patron Party. Special thanks goes to our
generous hosts, Carrie and Dallas Cothrum '88 (top left);
event sponsor, Westwood Private Bank (top right);
and Peticolas Brewing Company for donating drinks!
Thank you for helping the Highland Park Education Foundation celebrate our community's immense generosity for
every student, every teacher, every school!
All funds raised through May 2022 will support
district-wide teacher and staff salaries.
Mr. Jenkins (bottom photo), 8th grade Broadcast Journalism teacher, joined to represent the amazing teachers we work so hard to support.
Thank you all!
Elementary School Open Houses
Michael M. Boone Elementary Open House
Join us for an Open House on Sunday, April 3 at 2:00 pm for the dedication of the Michael M. Boone '59 Elementary School.
A dedication ceremony will be at 2:15 pm during the open house.
Robert S. Hyer Elementary
Open House
The community is invited to the Robert S. Hyer Elementary Open House and dedication on Sunday, April 10 at 2:00 pm .
A dedication ceremony will be at 2:15pm during the open house.
Join us!
Winning is just par for the course for Scottie Scheffler '14
Third time is the charm!
Pictured are Meredith Scudder Scheffler '14 and Scottie.
HPHS Class Ring Story- CBS 11 News
The long lost HPHS Class Ring story was featured on CBS 11! HPHS Alumni Association board member, Ann Kutner Marron Clark '65, connected Tom Chamblee '64 with his class ring that had gone missing for over 57 years!
Click below to see the video story told by Ann and Tom. We love seeing our HPHS alumni supporting one another!
HPHS Scottie Joe's Cafe- Now Open!
Something's brewing at HPHS!
On Monday, March 7, the Scottie Joe's Café opened with great fanfare!
Located in the Moody Advanced Professional Studies (MAPS) facility of Highland Park High School, Scottie Joe's is a student-led coffee shop made possible through a partnership with the Credit Union of Texas (CUTX). Junior and senior students from Highland Park ISD’s MAPS program manage Scottie Joe’s business operations and marketing, while students from the 18+ Transition Program oversee the coffee shop’s day-to-day service.
Scottie Joe's coffee shop offers a delicious beverage menu to Highland Park High School students, faculty, and staff throughout the school week, and proceeds from the shop’s sales will support both the 18+ Transition Program and the MAPS program.
HPHS Class of 1956- 65th Reunion
Congratulations to the HPHS Class of 1956 on celebrating their 65th reunion! Over 25 people attended an intimate dinner at the Park City Club. Classmate Ann Collins Binford, dressed in her high school cheerleader uniform, led the group in some cheers! A special thanks goes to Tinka Hall and Eddie DeLoach for leading the reunion committee on planning a fantastic class reunion!
HPHS Class of 1961- 60th Reunion
Highland Park High School 1961 classmates gathered near and far to celebrate good times at the Park Cities Hilton for dinner and fun on Saturday, March 5. Over 60 classmates enjoyed laughter and storytelling from the past. Thoughtful planning was done by the reunion planning committee. Three cheers to 60 years!
Spring Break fun for HPHS Class of 1992!
Senior year is full of traditions, and one tradition still stands today...the senior spring break trip in March. Seniors from the HPHS class of 1992 traveled to Acapulco to enjoy the sun, surf, and sand. The group of 75 students enjoyed one last hurrah together before graduating in May.
HPHS class of 1992 will celebrate their 30th high school reunion this fall!
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