Thanks to all the individuals who attended our extreme weather and grid resiliency event at the American Public Power Association headquarters in Crystal City on August 20th. We had a great turnout and there was much interest in the topics presented by our panel. Photo highlights of the event are provided below. Click
here to see the thoughtful and informative article by Kerry Worthington, Leaders in Energy team member, who reported on the event.
Wondering what makes a "smart city" and why cities are interested in achieving this designation? Our next professional networking event will be on "Building a Smart City: Global and DC Metro Area Perspectives." Panelists will include representatives from the Dutch Embassy, the General Services Administration, Montgomery County, and more. We will explore what the attributes are which make Amsterdam the smartest city in the Netherlands, and we will discuss how local cities and counties in the Washington, DC metropolitan area are raising their game as they strive to become the next smart city.
Pizza and beer (and non-alcoholic beverages) will be provided.
Highlights from Our Extreme Weather and Grid Resiliency Event
(August 20, 2015) at the American Public Power Association (APPA)
(Photos courtesy AgustÃn N. Cruz.)
Sue Kelly, President and CEO of APPA (left) and Janine Finnell, Clean Energy Ambassador and Founder, Leaders in Energy (right) with the APPA Captain Public Power mascot (middle). |
Sue Kelly (APPA) presenting welcome remarks. |
Carla Fleming and Travis High (Leaders in Energy) drawing for raffle tickets. |
Panelist Carolyn Slaughter (APPA) |
(l-r) Joel Yudken; Terence Hill listening to Deepak Swamy, Panelist (Business Radar) |
Attendees networking at the beginning of the event |
(l-r) Deepak Swamy (Business Radar), Carolyn Slaughter (APPA), Michael Hyland (APPA), Christopher Strong (National Weather Service), Carla Fleming (Leaders in Energy), Sue Kelly (APPA), and Janine Finnell (Leaders in Energy) |
Carla Fleming, Panel Moderator, (Leaders in Energy) introducing the panel topic. |
Above photo of panel (l-r): Deepak Swamy, Carolyn Slaughter, Michael Hyland, Christopher Strong, and Carla Fleming (moderator).
Second Photo: Panelists Michael Hyland (APPA), Christopher Strong (National Weather Service), with Sue Kelly (APPA) in the background |
Attentive audience listening to panel presentation. |
(l-r) Attendees enjoying meeting with one another: KarenLynn Bell, Avis Bell, Jeannine Curtin (Leaders in Energy Blog Editor), and Donna Forsman |
Jonathan Rogers in conversation with Charlie Chen |
Carla Fleming presenting raffle prize to Leaders in Energy member, Richard Ezike. |
Suzanne Matyas sharing a point with Joel Yudken |
(l-r): Leaders in Energy members: Travis High; Spencer Schecht, and Armando Gaetaniello |
Michael Hyland chatting with Keith Kaczmarek. |
Check out these recent articles written by our panelists and other related websites on
Electric Grid, Smart Grid, and Distributed Resources!
Posted on July 13, 2015 by Michael Hyland,
Senior Vice President of Engineering Services, American Public Power Association
Does Today's Smart Grid Need More Intelligence? The Link Between Intelligence & Reliability,
By Deepak Swamy (President and CEO, Business Radar) & Jonathan Rogers (Energy Engineer, Energetics Inc.)
Additional Upcoming Events:
Save the Date for October 8th - 10th
where we are partnering with Virginia Tech University's Center for Leadership in Global Sustainability for its "Climate Exploratorium." Leaders in Energy will have its session on Thursday, October 8th, in the afternoon on Urban Sustainability which will be followed by a reception.
On December 4th, we will conduct our
Four Generations: Leadership in Energy and Sustainability professional networking event (details to be forthcoming).
We look forward to seeing you at our next event on "Building a Smart City: Global & DC Metro Area Perspectives," on Tuesday, September 15th, 6-8 pm, at WeWork in Washington DC.
We believe that our group is playing an important role in building the capacity for positive change and action by convening this community of energy and sustainability professionals who are working to make a difference.
In addition, we help our members to network in finding jobs, locating better jobs (if they are already are employed), and partnering to develop new business and other related opportunities. We appreciate your support and attendance at our professional networking events on key clean energy and sustainability topics.
Clean Energy Ambassador and Founder
Leaders In Energy