Highlights From 2013

Chief Executive and co-founder of African Action on AIDS
Ruth Bamela Engo-Tjega visiting the CPC community in Monterey.

"Cowslip" 2013
Eleanor Goud
Barbara Boughton, ED,  at the International Day of Peace Celebration
Dear Friends of CPC,

The planet is in great need of LEADERSHIP!

The CPC is highlighting Ursula Velonis' new program Evolutionary Peace Leadership Program,  the inspiring leadership of Ruth Engo, and Nanette Hucknall's (co-founder of CPC) new book Higher Self Yoga which addresses psychological obstacles to peace.

Our new initiative, The Healing Alliance (THA), is poised to embark and in this Annual Appeal we are asking for your financial support. THA is in discussion with Berkshire Health Systems about how we can partner with their new Cancer Center to bring integrative cancer care to the Berkshires.
Highlight #1



Ursula Velonis, PhD
Director of EPL Program


The Evolutionary Peace Leadership Program is thriving and moving towards its next level. The first 8 week online EPL Telecourse was successfully completed this summer. Its focus was on the "why" of leadership demonstrated through "models" and "maps." The second EPL Telecourse will be on the "what and "how" of leadership with focus on experiential training. It is planned for late Spring (or early summer) of 2014.


Right now we need more authentic leaders. Why? Because our swiftly changing world needs leaders who are capable of making enlightened decisions that lead to authentic actions that end up uplifting, empowering and/or transforming those they serve. Only then can we be assured to enter the next phase of our human evolution peacefully. Formal education is too slow and limiting to bring such conscious leaders into life. The EPL program provides a timely answer for this dilemma and promises to be highly effective if continued with consistency, effectiveness and clear vision.


We invite your input, support and help in any area of contribution!


Thank you.


Highlight #2
Nanette Hucknall, author of Higher Self Yoga: Book 1


Higher Self Yoga emphasizes psychological growth. With the use of experiential exercises it helps those who are willing to heal psychological wounds and emotional attachments, and who are ready to open their hearts to unconditional Love.
Higher Self Yoga is not an abstract philosophy. It is a practical tool to help you on your own spiritual path. Learn how you can work with your own Higher Self.


Highlight #3
Sifu David Crowe and Sifu Kathy Crowe, members of The Healing Alliance, teaching at Jacob's Pillow. Photo by Cherylynn Tsushima, courtesy of Jacob's Pillow Dance.

The Healing Alliance (THA)


The Healing Alliance's goal is to offer a broad range of integrative mind, body, spirit skills both to cancer patients and to other Berkshire residents through local medical and wellness organizations. The ongoing mission is to enhance healing and well being for patients, their families, and their caregivers through art, science, and education.


THA Staff and Organizers:


  • Dr. Susan Lord: Physician using an integrative wellness approach during and after treatment. 
  • Barbara Boughton, BFAExecutive Director of CPC, Interior designer, certified Zumba instructor, and THA group coordinator
  • Nany Maurice RogersArtist and program coordinator for THA  
  • Wendy Adam, PhD, LICSW: Grant Writer

THA Professionals:
  • Karen Arp-SandelArtist, yoga instructor, art educator at Kripalu and IS183
  • Barbara Boughton, BFA: Certified Zumba instructor
  • David and Kathy CroweCertified Tai Chi and Qi Gong instructors and the directors of Berkshire Tai Chi
  • Kathleen Frome, MEDSocial worker and harpist trained in the Music for Healing and Transition Program
  • Ani Grosser, LICSWRestorative Yoga instructor and Communologue facilitator
  • Dr. Susan Lord: Physician using an integrative wellness approach during and after treatment. Mind-Body-Spirit Skills Group
  • Doug SchmolzeSinger, guitarist, Certified Music Practitioner, trained in the Music for Healing and Transition Program providing music for patients in hospitals and Hospice
  • Steven A. Small, MAEducator for 42 years and presenter of "memoir" as an aid to healing
  • JoAnn SpiesSinger songwriter, teaching artist, works with HospiceCare, StoryCorps, CATA, and is a Health Rhythms facilitator
Highlight #4
Ani Grosser, LICSW
We Have New Board Members!
Ani Nadler Grosser, LICSW has a BA in American History from the University of Wisconsin, and a MSW from Boston University. She is a psychotherapist and specializes in working with couples, a Certified Imago Relationship Therapist, and a member of the Imago Peace Project, which has adapted the dialogical tools and principles that are successfully used in couples' therapy for use in community groups. This model is called "Communologue." The structure and guidelines of Communologue create safety so that diverging viewpoints can be openly discussed, and dialogue is deepened.
For the past 30 years Ani has been a student and teacher of meditation and hatha yoga, currently teaching Restorative Yoga. This practice is especially beneficial for people struggling with a variety of conditions such as insomnia, asthma, migraine headaches, chronic pain, and chronic illness. For the past 10 years, she has been a volunteer instructor at the Berkshire County House of Correction and is also a co-author with her husband Bill of a book for couples entitled Heart Tools For Couples: 8 Ways to a Loving Relationship.

Wendy Adam, PhD, LICSW

Gwendolyn "Wendy" Adam, PhD, LICSW is an Associate Professor at Central Connecticut State University within the College of Education and Professional Studies. Preceding this transition, she served as Vice President of Curriculum and Director of Healthy Living Programs for the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health. Dr. Adam holds a Ph.D. degree in Social Work and a Master of Social Work degree from the University of Houston. Dr. Adam's career involves clinical practice in individual, group and family therapy, teaching, program development, research and administration in social work and public health, promoting individual, family, and community health. 


Prior to joining the Kripalu team, Dr. Adam held leadership roles in federal government and academia, developing and initiating a constituent-driven National Strategic Plan for Training and was the Principal Investigator and Director for 21 separate competitive grants for community-based initiatives, developing and administering a state and county-funded community-based, experiential youth and family leadership program. Dr. Adam has also developed and evaluated interdisciplinary leadership training curricula for graduate and postgraduate trainees from medicine, nursing, nutrition, psychology, public health and social work. 

Nancy M. Rogers

Nancy Maurice Rogers graduated from Hamilton College with an emphasis in the Fine Arts.  She also studied the visual arts in Florence, Italy. She was the Executive Director of Wooster Community Art Center in Danbury, Ct. for over 15 years where she created authentic visual arts programming taught by teachers and artists from around the globe. Since moving to the Berkshires nine years ago, she has created educational and community oriented programs in the visual arts, in environmental education, and in various cultural related programs for both youth and adults.  Nancy is a practicing visual artist herself.  Through her on-going development of programs, she is committed to collaboration, inclusiveness and an openness to implement new ideas.  She also works as the Program Director for the Jewish Federation of the Berkshires.
Highlight #5
Barbara Boughton Speaks to Audience at Railroad Street Youth Project
A safe space at the Railroad Street Youth Project drop-in center.

As the Executive Director of the CPC, I was honored to speak at the International Day of Peace celebration at the Railroad Street Youth Project. It was really great to be with youth who are passionate about peace.

After acquiring the new book Across That Bridge by Congressman John Lewis from Georgia (who marched with Martin Luther King), I was inspired to quote him:

"Our purpose while we are on this earth, in the most basic sense, is to be a light that shines - to fully express our gifts so that others might see. When they witness our splendor, when we show them it is possible to shine radiantly even in the darkest night, they begin to remember that they are stars also, meant to light up the world....Be a mentor to encourage others to create and flourish."

For the full speech, visit our website at Center for Peace Through Culture.


Highlight #6

A Salute to the Greenagers!



Around four years ago, the CPC incubated the

Greenagers. Brenda Mathieson was the first director. Will Conklin is currently the very skilled director leading an extremely successful program that enlists teens in the area to increase community engagement through environmental initiatives. They have graduated and are becoming an independent organization. 

Highlight #7

Ruth Engo (pictured above) Continues to Lead MONTEREY MEETS NGALLA / PEOPLE TO PEOPLE PROJECT

CPC has established a Sister City relationship between a small town in the western mountains of Massachusetts and a small African city. Monterey, MA and Ngalla, Cameroon, are working together to strengthen human and financial resources to fight the spread of Malaria and HIV/AIDS through African Action on AIDS.

Highlight #8
Thank you to all friends of the CPC who donated art and artifacts for our 2013 fundraiser! You've contributed to the well-being of those we serve.

The Mission of the Center for Peace Through Culture:
To promote psychological peace, or peace in thought and action, beginning with the individual, expanding to the community and spreading out into the world. 

To develop and support events and programs embodying peace through culture, the natural outcome of creative people collaborating to better the world.

To serve as an educational center for psychological peace and peace through culture through virtual and in-person workshops and services for youth and adults.

We encourage you to become a friend of the CPC


Support us with your hearts, your friendship, and of course, all donations are welcome.

This gift is tax deductible and is as easy as clicking here:
 Donate Now!
or by sending a check or money order to:

The Center for Peace through Culture
c/o Laraine Lippe
302 E. 88th Street, Apt. 4G
New York, NY 10128
We want to thank all of you who have continued to support the CPC, and we
would like to invite those of you who are new to look at our website. None of
these peace initiatives would be possible without your donations. 
In Peace, The CPC Board of Directors:
Larson Rogers, Ph.D. - President
Barbara Boughton - Executive Director
Dr. Susan Lord - Vice President
Kathleen Frome - Secretary
Laraine Lippe - Treasurer
Wendy Adam, Ph.D., LICSW
Judith Bach, Ph.D.
David Crowe
Kathy Crowe
Ani Grosser, LICSW
Nancy Maurice Rogers
Ursula Velonis, Ph.D. 
Our Advisory Board:
Peter Armour
Will Conklin
Mary Dino
Ruth Bamela Engo-Tjega
Daniel Entin
Colin Goddard
Nanette Hucknall
Congressman Dennis Kucinich
Steve Small
Paul Winter
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