July 13, 2018
Highlights from the Hill
Your weekly update on what's happening at Hope.
For more information and blurbs click on underlined text.
Burning Bowl Letters Mailed

Some of us sealed handwritten letters during Hope Unitarian's annual Burning Bowl Service December 31, 2017 and we told you those letters would return.

Check those mailboxes for a surprise note by you, for you. Signed, sealed, delivered, and done!
Cereal Sunday
July 15
Please bring a box or two of cereal for the homeless. 
This cereal, along with several gallons of milk, is taken to the Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless  when we serve meals. The collection basket is located in the Fellowship Hall.  
Lunch Bunch
July 18 at 11:30 am
 Join us at The Tropical Restaurant located at 8125 E 49th Street. 
RSVP with Lynn Walters at: lfwalters@aol.com
Sunday, July 15, 2018
Order of Services

Adult Forum
Continuing the series on the history of Hope Church, examining the '90s. 
Panel Discussion about Hope Church in the 1990’s as we continue to celebrate Hope’s 50 years. It was a transformative decade.
Panel features:
Bruce Luria, Hope’s Board of Trustee’s President 1993-1995
Corrie Dorman , Board of Trustees 1995-1997
The Rev. Gary Blaine ( in absentia from recent interview),
Hope’s minister 1994-2001

" Unbreak my Heart "
T he Rev. Cathey Edwards
The 1990’s were a complicated time at Hope unitarian Church, one of great highs and a few lows. During the mid-1990’s a group left Hope Church to start a fourth congregation in Tulsa. 
We explore that breaking up is hard to do with the help of “ Unbreak My Heart ” by Mariah Carey.
Still, our church stands and thrives today as a story of perseverance.
Guest Musician : Tim Moberly, special music
Children & Youth Religious Ed.

Sundays include outdoor activities. 
Please make sure your child is wearing sturdy shoes, socks, and long pants.

Bug spray available upon request

July 13 thru July 16 : Boston Pilgrimage! Check out Facebook for updates.
August 5 : Breakfast on the Hill made by Hope's very own board members!
Elementary and 4-6 years

10:00 am Gathering & Community
10:20 am Art
10:45 am - Snack/outdoor play

Youth Services
10:00a.m.- Art
10:45 a.m. - Service in Sanctuary

Parents always welcome to join in our fun and learning!  
Upcoming Hope Events, Classes, and News
Childcare is available by rsvp at least two business days before events.
Please email childcare@hopeuu.org to make a reservation.
Generosity Recipient
Los Pecesitos
A swim course for ages 4-12 years old at the Eastside YWCA Aquatics and Fitness Center addressing lowering drowning incidents in Hispanic children.
 Drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional death in children ages 1-14 years old. Children of color drown at rates two to three times that of their Caucasian peers.
Each Sunday is a new chance to give to this organization, show some love! 
Donation Drive -Dream Act OK

The Outreach Committee is supporting Dream Act Oklahoma with a donation drive for school supplies through the end of July.

We still need more school supplies such as backpacks, pencil pouches, #2 pencils, glue sticks, blunt tipped scissors, colored pencils, crayons, washable markers, wide ruled notepaper, binders and tissues.
The donation box in the Fellowship Hall. Cash and check donations are accepted. Write “Dream Act” in memo line.
Contact Mary Newman, Outreach Coordinator, at try4peace@gmail.com for questions.
Hope Book Club
1st Mondays
Next meeting: August 6th at 6:30pm.
Coem join us to discuss the NY Times Bestseller Killers of the Flower Moon by David Grann.
Brown Bag Lunch
Thursdays 11:00am - 1:00pm
Will return in August for more lunches and discussions.
Women of Hope
Summer Salad and Supper Desserts
A successful meeting on July 5th, thanks to the Rivers!
Stay tuned for details on the next meeting in August!
Stewardship News
Did you know?
 The average pledge to Hope for this fiscal year is $1,700. which accounts for about half of the funds the church uses for our Outreach programs.
Thank you, Hope community , for your continued generosity!
News from the Administrator
The latest member directories are out.
Please pick one up at the welcome desk or put in a request for a PDF version and save a tree!

Pledge Notes
There is still time to get that pledge in for the 2017-2018 year, which ends at the end of July. Contact Marcia Shaeffer with questions.

Pastoral Care Services
Rev. Cathey Edwards will be out of the office July 22-27.
Dedicated Care Team members are here to handle pastoral care when Rev. Cathey is unavailable.
Contact Carmen Kinsey or Barbara Witt for care needs during July 22-27.

Hope Unitarian Church | 918.481.0999 | hopeuu@hopeuu.org | www.hopeuu.org

Hope Unitarian Church is an inclusive and affirming congregation