July 6, 2018
Highlights from the Hill
Your weekly email with highlights on what's happening at Hope.
For more information and blurbs click on underlined text.
Hot Dog Dinner and Ice Cream Social
50th Anniversary
Celebration Event
Saturday, July 7 at 6pm
Have fun doing a family art activity. Bring a side item or an ice cream topping. We need volunteers for set up, to grill hot dogs, and help with art and clean up. We also need people who are willing to make some homemade ice cream.
Contact Diane Dudley at dudleyok1@cox.net to help!
Movie Night
Tuesday, July 10, 7-9pm
Come Sunday (2018) is our July movie and is based on events in the life of Carlton Pearson .
  Carlton Pearson was the pastor of the Higher Dimensions Evangelistic Center, later named Higher Dimensions Family Church which was one of the largest churches in Tulsa. During the 1990s, it grew to an average attendance of over 6,000. Due to his stated belief in universal reconciliation, Pearson rapidly began to lose his influence in ministry with the Joint College of African-American Pentecostal was eventually declared a heretic by his peers in 2004. Come Sunday

As always there will be free soft drinks, popcorn, and discussion. It should make for an interesting evening!
Sunday, July 6, 2018
10:00 am - Adult Forum
Generosity Sunday
We will have a speaker from Los Pecesitos, our generosity receipient for July. Los Pecesitos is a YWCA swimming lesson program for Hispanic / Latino children to address racial disparities in the drowning rates of children.
10:00 am - Children & Youth Religious Education
Sundays include outdoor activities. Please make sure your child is wearing sturdy shoes, socks, and long pants.

Bug spray is available upon request.

Parents are always welcome to join in our fun and learning!  

Upcoming Youth Events
July 13 thru July 16 : Boston Pilgrimage
August 5: Breakfast on the Hill
4 – 6 year olds & Elementary Classes
10:00 am Gathering & Community Bldg
10:20 am Religious Education
11:00 am Chapel
11:20 am Snack/Outdoor Play/Art

10-11:30 am Coming of Age

11:00 am - Service

“The Roots of Wisdom” Sermon by The Rev. Gary McAlpin
Many times in our fast food culture, we expect to “buy” these sorts of things or learn them from gurus paid at a New Age spa, yet for many people true wisdom comes from our DNA, hardships and survival. Wisdom comes, sometimes despite who we are or what we do or where we have chosen to be.
Guest Musician: Krassi Figg , violin, and Ann Raphael , piano

Upcoming Hope Events, Classes, and News
Childcare is available by rsvp at least two business days before events.
Please email childcare@hopeuu.org to make a reservation.
Brown Bag Lunch
The Brown Bag discussion group which meets for lunch every Thursday, 11:00am-1:00pm will be on hiatus during the month of July. See you again in August!
Hope Book Club
1st Mondays in the month
Next meeting: August 6th at 6:30pm.
The book of choice will be the NY Times Bestseller Killers of the Flower Moon by David Grann.
  Threads of Hope
Taking a summer break. Back in September.
Women of Hope
Summer Salad and Dessert
A successful Women of Hope Meeting on July 5th. Thanks to the Rivers for hosting!
Stay tuned for details on the next meeting in August!
Cereal Sunday
July 15
Please bring a box or two of cereal for the homeless.
This cereal, along with several gallons of milk, is taken to the Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless when we serve meals. The collection basket is located in the Fellowship Hall.
Hope Lunch Bunch
July 18 at 11:30 am
 Please join us at The Tropical Restaurant located at 8125 E 49th Street. Let Lynn Walters know if you are coming: lfwalters@aol.com .
School Supply Drive for Dream Act Oklahoma
The Outreach Committee is supporting Dream Act Oklahoma with a donation drive for school supplies through the end of July.

Dream Act Oklahoma is a community based organization that aims to empower the local immigrant community through advocacy and education to ensure justice for all immigrants. This summer they are collecting school supplies for families where the breadwinner has been deported by ICE. Families are experiencing significant financial and emotional hardship, as a result of these increased. Dream Act OK

Please bring school supplies such as backpacks, pencil pouches, #2 pencils, glue sticks, blunt tipped scissors, colored pencils, crayons, washable markers, wide ruled notepaper, binders and tissues . There's box in the Fellowship Hall for your donations. You can also make a cash or check donation, in the small basket on the table. If you write a check please write “Dream Act” in memo line.
Contact Mary Newman at try4peace@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Stewardship News
Did you know?
 The average pledge to Hope for this fiscal year is $1,700. This pledge amount accounts for about half of the funds the church uses for our Outreach program, for things such as Feed the Homeless and Partners in Education. Thank you, Hope community, for your continued generosity!
Note from the Treasurer

If you have not completed your pledge for 2017-2018 (year ended June 30. 2018) and can make a payment, please do so in July.
Our books will close July 31, 2018. If you have question, call Marcia Schaefer, Treasurer 918-638-7616

From the Office
New member directories are out. Please pick one up at the welcome desk or put in a request for a PDF version and save a tree!

Ministers out of town and pastoral care
Rev. Cathey Edwards will be out of the office July 5-9 and July 22-27.

Members of the Care Team will take care of pastoral care emergencies as follows:
July 5- July 9: Deborah Whitaker at debsharmony@yahoo.com
July 22-29: Check with office as the date approaches.
Hope Unitarian Church | 918.481.0999 | hopeuu@hopeuu.org | www.hopeuu.org

Hope Unitarian Church is an inclusive and affirming congregation