Highlights from the Regular Board Meeting of January 23, 2023
Thank you to the Monsignor Philip Coffey Catholic School choir who sang O'Canada at the January 23, 2023 Regular Board Meeting.
We Walk the Path Together - Indigenous Education
Ms. Sorhaitz, Superintendent of Education, Mr. Stargratt, Assistant Superintendent, and Indigenous Education Consultants, Janice Thurston-Goodwin and Leah Power of the Indigenous Education team presented an update on Indigenous Education at DCDSB. In alignment with the board's Inspire 2026 Strategic Plan, staff will continue to collaborate with the Indigenous Education Circle (IEC) and Student Indigenous Education Circle (SIEC) to deepen understanding of Indigenous education, and build capacity and understand throughout the organization about the role we have in moving forward in reconciliation.
As part of the board's previous Discovery 2023 Strategic Plan, five goals were identified within Indigenous Education to guide the learning and work the board is working toward. The five goals are:
1.-To ensure better understanding and provide learning about days/seasons of significance to Indigenous peoples. As a board, students and staff participate in ongoing learning and recognition of the following significant events:
- Truth and Reconciliation Day - Sept. 30, 2022
- National Indigenous Veterans Day - Nov. 8, 2022
- Louis Riel Day - Metis Flag Raising Ceremony - Nov. 14, 2022
2.- To build understanding of authentic reconciliation. The Indigenous Education team have provided:
- PD day with focus on Reconciliation
Training for Religious chairs to embed in course
Indigenous Team attended provincial leads meeting in Toronto on November 16 and 17, 2022
Land Acknowledgement in Anishinaabemowin is in the Inspire 2026 Strategic Plan in the Scugog Island dialect
3.-To continue to enhance community collaboration through authentic partnership. DCDSB's Indigenous Education team:
- Have held two Indigenous Education Circle meetings (Oct. 19 and Dec. 13, 2022)
- Have held two Indigenous Student Education Circle meetings working on mural
- Nationalist vs Activist project (educators and community partners)
- Continuing to have community partners share knowledge with staff and students. (e.g. Beedahbin Peltier, Mary Kelly, and Sydney Maracle)
4.-To successfully implement the Grade 12 Indigenous studies course in all secondary schools.
- DCDSB's new secondary consultant started in September and is supporting the implementation of the board's Grade 12 Indigenous Education course
- Providing training/resources to support educators
- Bringing authentic voice into classrooms. (e.g. Drew Hayden Taylor and David Robertson)
- Continue to support DCDSB's Grade 11 course providing training and resources to support educators
- There are currently 1553 students in DCDSB's Grade 11 NBE course
- 93 students in the Grade 12 NDW course
5.-To incorporate Indigenous voice within the K-12 curriculum
- Two new elementary consultants started in September to support learning in elementary schools
- Bringing authentic voice in the classrooms (e.g. Chad Solomon and community partners)
- Timely as the Ministry of Education is including Indigenous perspective in the Grade 1-3 curriculum in September 2023.
Mr. O'Neill, Superintendent of Education, Mr. Michael Jacobs, Math Consultant and Mr. Richard DeCaires, Data/Research Officer provided an overview of the Durham Catholic District School Board's (DCDSB) 2021-2022 EQAO results. "After a two-year interruption due to Covid-19, Provincial Assessments resumed in the spring of 2022," said Superintendent O'Neill. "The results from Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) and Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) show that the Durham Catholic District School Board continues to be above the provincial average in the areas of Reading and Writing."
In 2022, a total of 1352 Grade 3 students wrote the Primary EQAO assessment and 1480 Grade 6 students wrote the Junior EQAO assessment. At the secondary level, 1214 students enrolled in Grade 9 academic math and 347 students enrolled in Grade 9 applied math participated in the EQAO testing. With a participation rate of 94%, a total of 1540 eligible Grade 10 students participated in the one-day Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) focused on key skills in reading and writing.
When comparing the literacy data with the gender of students, DCDSB female and male students in Grades 3, 6, and 10 achieved higher results compared to the provincial average.
Mr. Jacobs reviewed DCDSB's and provincial averages of students achieving at or above the provincial standards for the following areas of testing:
- Grade 3 Reading - DCDSB Average: 76%, Provincial Average: 73.2%
- Grade 3 Writing - DCDSB Average: 69.6%, Provincial Average: 64.9%
- Grade 3 Math - DCDSB Average: 57.1%, Provincial Average: 59%
- Grade 6 Reading - DCDSB Average: 88.4%, Provincial Average: 84.9%
- Grade 6 Writing - DCDSB Average: 87%, Provincial Average: 84.1%
- Grade 6 Math - DCDSB Average: 43.9%, Provincial Average: 47.2%
- Grade 9 De-streamed Math - DCDSB Average: 53.5%, Provincial Average: 52.3%
- OSSLT (Grade 10) - DCDSB Average: 85%, Provincial Average: 82.1%
Mr. DeCaires reviewed the data in relation to equity, diversity and inclusion. "Nearly 3/4 of students across DCDSB feel that their voice is being heard in their classes, opinions are valued and the language used in class promotes inclusivity amongst students of different backgrounds," said Mr. DeCaires. He added that almost 70% of Grade 9 and 10 students believe that every student, no matter their background, living situation, or any other relevant contextual factor, have the same chance and opportunity to succeed in school as anyone else - they believe in a level playing field for all and that it is being observed in the classroom accordingly.
Superintendent O'Neill noted that DCDSB's English Language Learners (ELL) students are achieving significantly higher compared to ELL students across the province in all three subject areas of numeracy and literacy.
"DCDSB students who self-identify as Indigenous are achieving at a rate which exceeds provincial results and is not statistically different than the achievement of non-Indigenous students," said Superintendent O'Neill.
Superintendent O'Neill added that an eight-point gender gap appeared by Grade 6, showing a greater percentage of male students reaching provincial standards than female students in Mathematics. A similar gender gap negatively impacting the achievements of boys in reading is evident beginning in Grade 3 and continues through to Grade 10 OSSLT.
Mr. Jacobs shared the results of students in Grades 3 and 6 with an Individual Education Plan (IEP)
- DCDSB's Grade 3 results 56% in Reading, 47% Writing, and 31% Math, while Provincial Grade 3 results were 48% in Reading, 39% in Writing and 29% in Math.
- DCDSB's Grade 6 results 68% in Reading, 62% in Writing and 18% Math, while Provincial results in Grade 3 were 67% Reading, 64% Writing and 28% Math.
Mr. DeCaires noted that Grade 9 and 10 female students feel more connected with their fellow female students compared to teachers. An area of focus for the board is to continue to reach out more to its female secondary students to build relationships so students feel safe to take risks in learning.
Superintendent O'Neill noted that moving forward, the board is using this data to determine resources, support and identify what staff have done in the past that is working and where do we dig deeper to find new ways to approach teaching and learning. Actions and areas of focus for board staff will be:
- What could be causing the gender gap in achievement and attitudes?
- How can we learn from our strengths in Primary Math?
- Who needs further support?
- Where can we prioritize resources and support?
Tracy Barill, Director of Education began by sharing that the board launched its Inspire 2026 Strategic Plan in January. The Director shared a few initiatives that have been implemented to promote our new mission and plan:
DCDSB has included the land acknowledgement in Anishinaabemowin to the electronic strategic plan document to strengthen its commitment to Indigenous Education and Indigenous language. The board will have a sound bit available so staff can pronounce the land acknowledgement in Anishinaabemowin. This document is available at dcdsb.ca and printed copies of the plan will be available in February.
A video highlighting the board's new mission, vision, values, and strategic priorities was created and is available at dcdsb.ca.
Communication was shared with staff and parents/guardians on the Inspire 2026 Strategic Plan in early January and included links to the video and webpage.
- New vinyl wraps have been installed in the board room and Pope Francis Centre promoting the mission, foundational processes of Listening, Learning and Living in Faith, and strategic priorities of Supporting Faith & Well-Being, Advancing Human Rights & Equity and Improving Student Learning.
DCDSB has purchased some Inspire 2026 spirit wear (hats and gloves).
- A new PowerPoint template has been created promoting Listening, Learning and Living in Faith.
Removable laptop stickers were created and distributed to all staff promoting Inspire 2026, the mission statement and new strategic priorities; and
- The new mission statement is being added to staff’s electronic email signature.
"As Catholic educators and leaders, we wrap up the month of January with our secondary students in our prayers as we wish them a successful completion of their first semester. We thank our staff for their role in preparing our students throughout their educational journeys," said Tracy Barill, Director of Education.
The Director extended thanks to parents and guardians who enrolled their younger children for Grade 1 French Immersion in September 2023. DCDSB is currently registering students for Kindergarten. Eligible students must be turning four years of age by December 31, 2023 to register. Visit dcdsb.ca/Kindergarten for more information and to register online. "As always, we continue to welcome new registrations throughout the year," added Director Barill.
With cold and flu season upon us, the Director extended a gentle reminder to families that the Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health is strongly recommending that masks be worn in all indoor public places, including schools, childcare centres and buses. She encouraged students, parents and guardians to continue to use the COVID-19 screening tool and stay home if showing symptoms of illness.
Director Barill thanked members of the board's Employee Wellness Committee for launching a Wellness Challenge that will run for the next eight weeks (up until the start of March break). The challenge is promoting healthy eating and activities to keep staff focused on positive lifestyle changes.
DCDSB is now accepting nominations for the board’s Distinguished Catholic Alumni Awards. This award recognizes former students of the board who have achieved significant success in their chosen pathway. Through their pursuit of personal excellence, they have made a positive contribution to their communities and represent the image of the Catholic learner as outlined in the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations. Deadline to nominate a former student is Friday, March 31, 2023. Visit dcdsb.ca to complete the nomination form.
The Director added that on January 24 and February 16, DCDSB is holding an Invitational Learning Series for staff on Inclusivity for Caring Adults. Guest speakers from Youth Speak will share their lived experiences and acquired knowledge so staff can gain a deeper understanding of core concepts around gender, race, ability and how to practice intersectional inclusion and allyship in our school communities.
Regional Arts and Media Program Auditions for September 2023 are taking place this coming weekend (January 28 and 29). "I am pleased to share that we had 296 individual applications, with many applicants applying for two areas, so we have approximately 450 auditions scheduled this weekend," said Tracy Barill, Director of Education. "A special thank you to all our educators and community member evaluators who commit to these very long days in order to complete the audition process. I wish all the students who are auditioning the best of luck and thank you for your courage in putting yourself forward for consideration. I also would like to make note that while our regional program is designed to teach through the Arts, we are extremely fortunate in Durham Catholic to have fantastic Arts and Media teachers, programs and opportunities in all of our Secondary Schools."
Looking ahead, DCDSB has many Board-wide celebrations to look forward to.
Black History Month in February – The Director was excited to share that the DCDSB is sponsoring and partnering with Durham Black History Month/Cultural Expressions Art Gallery. The Cultural Expressions Art Gallery Inc will present the 16th Annual Durham Black History Month Celebration on Saturday, February 4, 2023. This is Durham’s longest running and most extensive, free Black History Month event, celebrating the beauty of Black culture and the diversity of the Black experience in Durham region. The event will start with community networking, followed by performances by local artists, presentation of the annual Madiba award, and a keynote presentation in the Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School/J. Clarke Richardson Collegiate auditorium.
Director Barill added that DCDSB schools are also working on Black History Month celebrations through student-led initiatives in their own school communities and the Black History Month Planning Committee has been established to create staff-led initiatives. This will include a Liturgy and presentation to staff on Friday, February 3, 2023, along with a professional development session and celebration of Black excellence at the end of February.
This year Ash Wednesday is being held on February 22. "In our schools, our students and staff often celebrate Shrove Tuesday with the traditional pancakes and recognize the beginning of the Lenten season of reflection and penance through prayer celebrations and the receiving of the ashes," stated Director Barill.
In closing, the Director wished DCDSB families a peaceful month ahead, and a joyous Family Day on Monday, February 20.
Monique Forster, Chair of the Board thanked the evening’s presenters for sharing updates on EQAO and Indigenous Education. "The EQAO assessment results provide data that assists educators in understanding how the board is doing in the key areas of literacy and numeracy and identifies areas of improvement," said Monique Forster, Chair of the Board of Trustees. "This information assists the board as it honours its commitment to excellence in Catholic education." Indigenous Education continues to be a significant area of focus in all of our schools, and as trustees, we too appreciate the opportunity to enrich our own knowledge and perspectives on Indigenous languages, culture and ways of knowing.
Ontario Catholic School Trustees' Association (OCSTA)
Chair Forster extended thanks to all Durham Catholic trustees, Director Barill and Student Trustee Nwaoha who recently attended the annual professional development seminar for members of the Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association (OCSTA). This year the seminar's theme was, Placing Christ at the Centre and featured insightful workshops and panel discussions on a range of topics such as Equity and Inclusion, Code of Conduct, School/Community Safety, Role of Catholic School Boards, Christian Service, and other emerging matters in Catholic education. The Minister of Education, Stephen Lecce was in attendance and provided updates and responded to questions from the attendants.
The Chair congratulated All Saints Catholic Secondary School who were the third place winner of OCSTA's Short-Video Contest promoting this year's Catholic education week theme, "We are Many, We are One".
Grade 8 Night at Archbishop Denis O’Connor Catholic High School
"Trustee Hall and I were very excited to recently attend Archbishop Denis O’Connor Catholic High School's Grade 8 Night. It provided a great opportunity for Grade 7 students and their parents to tour the school and learn about the excellent opportunities that await students there. We appreciate being a part of our schools’ community events," said Monique Forster, Chair of the Board of Trustees.
Oshawa School visits
The Chair shared that Trustee Beatty and herself recently visited some of DCDSB's Oshawa schools. Chair Forster extended thanks to Superintendent Wilson and his staff for arranging the visits. The Chair also thanked the principals, staff, and students for their wonderful reception. "Thank you for always providing great inspiration for our work as trustees," said Chair Forster.
Last week, CAMH held a session at Archbishop Denis O’Connor Catholic High School for the Focus on Black Students without Borders club. Chair Forster noted that students had an opportunity to meet with various professionals, allowing them to expand their knowledge of career options. The students were enlightened, educated and felt empowered as they were engaged in real conversations that will inform decisions they make as part of their career pathways.
Upcoming Events
Chair Forster added, "As a Board we believe in the foundational partnerships between home school and parish. Communication is essential to keeping these relationships strong which is why each year the Board sponsors the
Rev. John Markle School/Home Communications Award to recognize excellence in elementary and secondary school communications." Nominations for this award will open in February. Additional details will be communicated in the coming weeks on how to nominate a DCDSB school.
Wednesday, January 25 is Bell Let’s Talk Day and this year’s theme is “Let’s Change this”. This is a meaningful day, which calls for positive action and change, to reduce the stigma that may impede the process for seeking help when one is dealing with mental health challenges. "The board’s Staff Wellness Committee have planned a drop-in session at the Catholic Education Centre to pick up self-care resources and share ideas and strategies to support positive mental health," said Chair Forster.
As February approaches, the board is looking forward to celebrating Black History Month with the theme of Black Excellence. Staff are committed to celebrating Black excellence, achievement, culture, and equity each and every day within our Catholic school communities. "I look forward to learning more and being part of the events and work happening in our schools and attending events throughout the school year," noted Monique Forster, Chair of the Board.
The Chair acknowledged and extended best wishes to all members of the local community who recently celebrated Lunar New Year on January 22.
In closing, Chair Forster wished students, staff and families a wonderful Valentine’s celebration and a blessed Family Day, on February 20. May God Bless us all.
- That the Board of Trustees write a letter to the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) requesting additional access to Grade 3, 6 and 9 assessment data, including individual student reports and a breakdown of levels of achievement for each question.
- That the Durham Catholic District School Board approve the Schedule of Financial Reports to the Board of Trustees as outlined in this report.
Trustee Representation at Advisory Committees
Whereas, the priorities outlined in the Board’s new strategic plan, Inspire 2026 place a renewed focus on listening to the voices of our diverse communities to cultivate a learning environment that supports human rights, anti-racism and inclusion, and
- Whereas, the Board currently has three advisory groups representing equity deserving populations, (Indigenous, Black, and 2SLGBTQ+),
- The DCDSB Board of Trustees requests a staff report that outlines the following:
- What are the terms of reference for our current advisory committees?
- What are the conditions that prompt the creation of an advisory committee?
- What are the membership requirements and who are the current members?
- What is the current process to bring forward Committee reports to the Board of Trustees and what options exist to enhance information sharing and communication going forward?
- Be it resolved that the Board of Trustees use the information in the report to explore a better connection with the advisory groups.
Morgan Ste. Marie, Vice-Chair of the Board made the following announcements:
Appointments and Transfers
Appointments to the Elementary Vice Principal Roster
- Carla Esposito
- Mary Upson
- Geoffrey McPherson
Appointments to the Elementary Principal Roster
- Paul Nalli
- Lindsey Neubauer
- Corrie Plommer
- Jennifer Van Hezewyk
- Rita Whale
- Carmela Alexander
Appointment to Secondary Vice Principal Roster
Appointment to Secondary Principal Roster
Appointment to Vice Principal – Effective February 1, 2023
- Jennifer Brown appointed to Vice Principal at Msgr. John Pereyma Catholic Secondary School from Consultant – Academic Services
Secondary Vice Principal Transfers – Effective February 1, 2023
- Max Travis, Vice Principal, transferred from Msgr. John Pereyma Catholic Secondary School to Msgr. Paul Dwyer Catholic High School
- Robin Joseph, Vice Principal, transferred from Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School to Father Leo J. Austin Catholic Secondary School
- Michelle Kettrick, Vice Principal, transferred from Father Leo J. Austin Catholic Secondary School to St. Mary Catholic Secondary School
- Shawnn O’Connor, Vice Principal, transferred from St. Mary Catholic Secondary School to Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School
2022-2023 Board of Trustees:
- Monique Forster (Chair) - Ajax
- Morgan Ste. Marie (Vice-Chair) - Oshawa
- Kim Beatty - Oshawa
- Richard Damianopoulos - Scugog, Uxbridge and Brock
- Robert De Souza - Whitby
- Janelle Emanuel - Whitby
- Marisa Hall - Ajax
- Jim McCafferty - Pickering
- Sophie Nwaoha - Student Trustee
- Moyin Esan - Student Trustee
Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of January 23, 2023 will be posted on the board website as part of the agenda for the Regular Board Meeting of Monday, February 27, 2023.