Hill Junior School: Weekly Parent Information

Literacy/ Social Science
The grade 5/6s reviewed creative techniques used in movie trailers. We critiqued and noted the specific audience capturing techniques. The students used rubrics to give a grade to trailers. We are making sure we recognize purposeful techniques used in trailers that make you ask questions and draw you to the full movie version in order to apply these tricks to the book trailers being created. 

The grade 7/8s were able to show off their final novel study projects to the rest of the class this week. They performed a reflection explaining their thought process, challenges and things they are proud of. It is clear that the students have more of an understanding of the horrible events that took place during the Holocaust with having read the fictional novel,  The Boy in the Striped Pajamas.  This week the grade 7/8s also listened to a podcast called The Adaptors which aims to empower and spark creativity in students while it discusses wild ideas of how to adapt to a warming planet.

In Social Sciences, the grade 5/6s are reviewing informational based text and are identifying how information is organized in order to find out if it helps the reader understand the information. After analyzing a flow map of international trade data, students are recognizing how a number of facts can be represented in an easy to understand visual form such as a flow map. Students returned to their previously asked questions about their expert group topics and found data to be able to make their own flow map. 

The grade 7/8 class has started their geography unit. We started with some physical geography, as we are looking at landforms and natural resources. We reviewed vocabulary terms to get acquainted with the terminology. 

Math/ Science
In Math, the grade 5/6s learned the many parts that all graphs need in order to properly represent data (Title, x and y labels, an appropriate scale) while working on analyzing bar and double bar graphs. Next week, we will be focusing on the difference between primary and secondary data while being introduced to Broken Line Graphs. In Science, the class planned their Animal Kingdom Display Boards and began placing their information and pictures. Next week, we will be finishing our boards and are aiming to present them on Tuesday March 3rd

In Math, the 7/8s completed a partner exploration exercise where they were testing/experiencing the differences between theoretical vs experimental probabilities. Each student had a partner and were placed back to back with 4 different coloured cards. One at a time, each student had to guess the correct colour that their partner chose out of the four different coloured cards. At the beginning of the exercise each student calculated that they had a theoretical chance of 25% of guessing the correct colour but actually found out that wasn't the case. Next week, the class will be introduced to Tree Diagrams & Organized lists while also exploring the difference between continuous and discrete data. In Science, the class will have their Cell Structure & Organelle Presentations at the beginning of the week ( Monday & Tuesday ). After the presentations, the class will be focusing on understanding and comparing unicellular and multicellular organisms for the remainder of the week. 

Due to inclement weather stats will stand as is until next week. **Wear your colours to earn full points!*

Point Totals
Team Colour
1st Place
Jelly Fish 
2nd Place
Stage 2 Dusters
3rd Place
Pop Tropica
4th Place
The Sweats

The Week Ahead- March 2nd- March 6th
Have a great week! 

Mr. Cook and Ms. McCracken
The Hill Academy | (905) 303-4530 | [email protected] |   www.thehillacademy.com