Purdue Hillel is proud of our campus community and thankful to our Purdue Graduate Student Government for rejecting the passage of a hateful resolution that would have demonized Israel, further targeted and marginalized the Jewish community, and ultimately hurt and limited the many opportunities that benefit students here at Purdue.

Let us be clear. Section A of the proposed resolution, which victim-blamed Israel for the massacres, rapes, and kidnapping perpetrated against it by Hamas on October 7th, was nothing more than vile antisemitism and hate speech. It served no purpose other than to alienate Jewish students and amplify a hateful message that has festered on this campus since the terrorist attacks in Israel last fall. For it to be spun as anything else is irresponsible, reckless, endangers the wellbeing and safety of the Jewish community, and indicates support for the hate it expressed. Full stop.

At this time of unprecedented antisemitism, student leadership rejecting hateful legislation at Purdue is a crucial first step toward rejecting rising hatred. There is no place for antisemitism or hate of any kind on our campus.

We are incredibly thankful to all the senators who last night stood up and sent a resounding message to their fellow Boilermakers that antisemitism and hateful rhetoric have no place here at Purdue. We are also thankful to the administration and PUPD, who continue their work to advance the security and safety of all students.

Purdue Hillel is committed to helping our campus community build a better climate for ALL students. We will continue to work tirelessly to ensure that Jewish students at Purdue are safe on campus and that all students and the university are addressing the disturbing rise of antisemitism and bias in our community.