Hillsdale Knights Bulletin ~

January 24, 2025

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Hillsdale PTSO Website

PTSO 2024-25 Membership Form (No Donation Required)

What's Happening at Hillsdale

Hillsdale Families,

It's only January and you are already receiving alerts and emails about next year's classes. Please take the time to read through the information. If you or your students have any questions, you can direct them to your student's advisor or counselor.

Before we get too ahead of ourselves planning next year, we are still actively working on this year. One of the great events that happens at Hillsdale each year is "Junior Interviews". These are three days (both virtual and onsite) where volunteers conduct interviews with our HHS junior class members in an effort to give them an authentic interview experience. But, we need your help---we need volunteers to be interviewers. The event will be February 19, 20, and 21 this year--sign up for one, two, or all three days. We would love to have families from all years help, although this is a junior student event--all HHS students will be able to take part in these interviews their junior year and without volunteers, this event can't happen. Click here for further information or to sign-up. There is also a flyer in this bulletin.

We are just over halfway through the 2024-2025 school year and the HHS Foundation is just over halfway to meeting their sustainability goal. Thank you to those who have donated! If you, your business, or workplace is interested in giving click here or scroll down this bulletin for further information.

Just over a week from today, the Quin White 5K Walk/Run will take place at Hillsdale. This event is in memory of Quin White who passed away due to epilepsy while completing his senior year at Hillsdale. Quin was a dedicated student-athlete who was enrolled in the Redwood City Fire Explorer Program and wanted to be a firefighter. This event is open to our community and we would love to have a strong turn out of support! Click here for further information or to sign up. There is also a flyer in this bulletin.

The coming week is a short school week with no school Monday and Tuesday. Refer to the bell schedule below for class times for this week.

Don't forget to check the entire bulletin for game times/locations and other ways to volunteer/donate/support Hillsdale.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Holly and Jen 

HHS PTSO Co-Presidents

Upcoming Events:

  • Monday-Tuesday, January 28-29: Staff PD Days, No School
  • Saturday, February 1: Quin White 5K (Community event) Register today
  • Wednesday February 5: CSF Grade Forms Due (see below for details)
  • Sunday February 9: CPR Training by Stanford Health Care (Flyer)
  • Friday March 14: HHS Band Auditions Due (Flyer)

This week's Fundraisers:

This week's Volunteer Opportunities:

We still need to close the gap! In order to sustain Hillsdale's Small Learning Communities, we must hit our goal of raising an additional $200,000 by the end of June! This might sound impossible, but consider that we've already raised $400,000 since the beginning of the school year. That is the power of Hillsdale's amazing community. 

If we all give what we can today, together we can make this happen! It's a fact: Our House system is expensive to run. It's also what makes Hillsdale special and it's a worthy investment. Please give to HHSF today!  

Donate Here

HHS Athletic Contest Calendar

Come support our athletes! Go Knights! (Games in BLUE = home games)

Bell Schedule for the Week of January 27th

There is No School on Monday and Tuesday January 27th and 28th as they are Staff Professional Development days. Wednesday January 29 will be a 1-7 schedule. Please see the complete Bell Schedule here.

Junior Mock Interviews -

Volunteers Needed to Conduct Interviews!

During 11th grade advisory, every student will write a professional resume and participate in a 30-minute mock interview. This long-standing project is a great way to support students as they prepare for the world after high school. We need your help to make the experience authentic!

Interviews will be on February 19, 20 and 21 (Wed/Th/Fri) and will be both in person and via Google Meets. Friends, family and community members are welcome to participate.

Sign up for a shift(s) at https://bit.ly/HHSMockInterview25.

Questions? Contact Hillsdale teacher Jenny Macho at jmacho@smuhsd.org

HHS Music Department - Band Auditions and Concert Band

Are you interested in learning to play a musical instrument? Do you already play an instrument and want to join a band? Interested in traveling during your high school career? The Hillsdale High School Music Department audition materials are live and we want YOU to join!

If you have experience playing an instrument, audition for our Wind Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble, or our NEW Symphonic Band!

If you are interested in learning an instrument, join Concert Band! No audition necessary!

CPR Training for Students ~ Stanford Health Center

A CPR course will be held on Sunday, February 9, 2025 @ 1pm-4pm and we will be certifying all participants, free of charge, thanks to generous support from Stanford Health Care Center for Education and Professional Development.


All courses will be held at the Center for Education and Professional Development at 1850 Embarcadero Road in Palo Alto and will provide an overview of how to respond in an emergency and important information that may save someone’s life. Please use the QR code below to register.

California Scholarship Federation (CSF)

All Applicants Fall 2024 Submission

**** Only smuhsd.org emails will have access to these documents ****

Fall 2024 semester grades are in! The application form OPENS Tuesday January 14 @ 9am!

New Students are welcome and should follow the steps to submit eligible forms below. 

9th Graders - While your application does not go toward lifetime membership, it's great to start getting into the habit of completing CSF applications.

Please submit your Fall 2024 CSF Grade Verification form by February 5th, the absolute deadline.

What is CSF and why join? General CSF Information,  CSF Official WebsiteAdvisory Presentation.

Follow these steps to keep your CSF membership updated:

  1. Complete this CSF Grade Verification online form by February 5th using your Fall 2024 grades (Students are NOT allowed to retroactively submit CSF application forms.) Refer to this CSF List of eligible classes.
  2. Counselors will check grades for final approval. No need to attach transcripts.

Active Membership for a semester requires:

Community Service and dues are submitted 1 week prior to the end of the semester. No one will be denied membership due to an inability to pay. Grades must be submitted at the start of the next semester.

Inactive membership requires Grade Eligibility only.

Please follow up with our CSF Club Advisor - Ms. Mariucci in Room 248

1st Annual Quin White 5K

Join Us for the 1st Annual Quin White 5K!

🏃‍♂️ Lace up your running shoes and join us for the Quin White 5K on Saturday, February 1st @ 8:00am! This special event will take place at the HHS Rich Mazzoncini Stadium, and we can’t wait to see you there.

🌟 Register today! Don’t forget, registration is a 2-step process, so be sure to complete both steps to secure your spot.

Let’s come together to honor Quin White and enjoy a morning of fitness and community spirit!

Fundraising and Sales

California Fish Grill ~ Music Booster Fundraiser

Mark your calendars! On Friday, February 7, grab lunch or dinner at California Fish Grill (2214 Bridgepointe Pkwy, near Target), and 25% of the proceeds will go to our Music Boosters. Mention the Music Boosters if ordering in person, or use the code FUND2025 for online orders. Ordering from the restaurant kiosk? Scan the code on the flier below. Fundraiser runs from 11 AM-8 PM. Thanks for supporting our amazing music program!

Snack Shack for Basketball Quads

We are looking for volunteers to help run the Snack Shack during Basketball Quad events. The snack shack benefits go to the Athletic Boosters which supports all sports. All parents are welcome to help!  Sign Up Here

HHS Peace Pantry ~ Community Garden ~ Community Closet

January 2025

"The bond of our common humanity is stronger than the divisiveness of our fears and prejudices."

~ Jimmy Carter. . .closing remarks during that same Nobel Peace Prize address.

Peace Pantry

If you would like to volunteer at our Peace Pantry in January please sign up here. Our volunteer team meets in the Alameda Parking Lot every Friday morning at 7:00am (shift #1) and/or 7:30am (shift #2) to provide weekly groceries and essential items to families. Volunteers can sign up to help set up and/or work a station at our Farmer’s Market and/or break down. No experience required. 

Community Garden

If you are interested in joining our Community Garden Team please email bstevenson@smuhsd.org to learn more. The winter months are a slow time of year in our garden but we can add you to our weekly WhatsApp Group Chat outlining how many volunteers we need each week and the specific garden tasks. Our volunteer team meets in the garden Thursdays from 3:30pm-5:00pm. No experience required. *Please follow us on Instagram, @hhs_community_garden, for updates.

*We will need additional support in March and April as we hope to expand our garden and prepare to plant in April.

Community Closet

Our Community Closet Team is working hard on our Community Closet expansion project. In February, students will be able to access a well designed space to shop for clothes and essential items. **January Ask: Our volunteer team is currently in need of jeans, hoodies, coats/jackets, Hillsdale gear/swag, new socks, new undershirts, shampoo/conditioner and essential items. We would also appreciate donations of solid/dark ties and other dress clothing for Winter Formal and prom. We can accept donations every Wednesday from 2:45pm-4:00pm OR Friday mornings from 7:30am-8:30am in the Alameda Parking Lot. *Please follow us on Instagram @hhs_community_closet

For the Class of 2025...

HHS Senior Information

Grad Night Tickets

SF Bay Cruise - Thursday, May 29th @ 8 pm - 2 am (Promptly after graduation)

Complete the registration form and pay through Go Fan.

$185 (includes boat cruise, food & drinks, DJ, and tons of special add-ons, plus bus transportation to and from school as well as Go Fan fees) This is our December price so BUY NOW!

Entradas Para La Noche de Grad

Crucero por la bahía de San Francisco - jueves, 29 de mayo @ 8 pm - 2 am (Inmediatamente después de la graduación)

Complete el formulario de registro y pague a través de Go Fan.

$185 (incluye crucero en barco, comida y bebida, DJ y toneladas de complementos especiales, además de transporte en autobús hacia y desde la escuela, así como tarifas de Go Fan). Este es nuestro precio de diciembre, así que ¡COMPRE AHORA!)

News from the College and Career Center

College and Career Counseling link


College & Career Counseling


Current Workshops, College Rep Visits and Events

Please reach out with any questions:

Ms. Laura Burtness

Hillsdale's College, Career, and Financial Aid Advisor


650 558 2613

Volunteer Opportunities for Teens!

Check this site for virtual volunteer opportunities https://teensvolunteer.org/

The inclusion of an opportunity in this document is not an endorsement or recommendation by SMUHSD.
Important District Updates

Updates from SMUHSD

For the latest updates, please click here.

Next Board Meeting is Thursday February 13 @ 7pm

Maximize College Financial Aid Options

Great news: college financial aid applications are now being accepted! Apply today to maximize your financial aid opportunities and see if you qualify for free money to attend a California college, university, or vocational school – regardless of your documentation status.

Students have through March 2 to submit their applications. Even if you think you don’t qualify, many college scholarships require you to apply for financial aid. Learn more at www.smcoe.org/financialaid.

In-Person Workshop Dates:

Thursday, January 30, 6 - 8 pm: Aragon High School

Wednesday, February 5, 6 - 8 pm.: Burlingame High School

Saturday, February 15, 10am - 12pm: Mills High School

Saturday, February 22, Time 10am - 12pm: Capuchino High School

Monday, February 24, 6 - 8pm: Hillsdale High School

RSVP for any of the above workshops. More information will be posted on the SMUHSD website.

Talleres sobre Ayuda Financiera

¡Buenas noticias! Ya se están aceptando solicitudes de ayuda financiera. Solicite hoy mismo para aumentar sus oportunidades de ayuda financiera y ver si califica para recibir dinero gratis para asistir a un colegio comunitario, universidad o escuela vocacional de California -independientemente de su estatus de documentación.

Los estudiantes tienen hasta el 2 de marzo para enviar sus solicitudes. Incluso si piensa que no califica, muchas becas universitarias requieren que solicite ayuda financiera. Obtenga más información en www.smcoe.org/financialaid.

No lo olvide: SMUHSD estará ofreciendo talleres de ayuda financiera en varias escuelas en enero y febrero para que los estudiantes del grado 12 y sus familias obtengan ayuda práctica para completar las solicitudes de FAFSA y California Dream Act.

2025 Talleres:

jueves, 30 de enero, 6 - 8 pm: Aragon High School

miércoles, 5 de febrero, 6 - 8 pm: Burlingame High School

sábado, 15 de febrero, 10 am - 12 pm: Mills High School

sábado, 22 de febrero, 10 am - 12 pm: Capuchino High School

lunes, 24 de febrero, 6 - 8 pm: Hillsdale High School

Para confirmar su asistencia visite: www.smuhsd.org/financial-aid-workshops

¿Preguntas? Comuníquese con el Asesor de Ayuda Financiera de su escuela.

Parent Venture Family Education Webinars

All webinars are free and offer simultaneous Spanish interpretation.

Free Money for College? Facts and Myths About Scholarships and Grants

Tuesday, January 28, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.

Mario Alberto De Anda, Director of Scholarships, Silicon Valley Community Foundation and Alice Kleeman, retired College Advisor, Menlo-Atherton High School

Learn more and register.

Understanding Eating Disorders: What Parents/Caregivers Need to Know

Friday, January 31, 12 - 1 p.m. 

Kelly Bhatnagar, PhD, FAED, eating disorders expert and Immediate Past President of the Academy for Eating Disorders (AED)

Learn more and register.

How to Give Advice Your Child (Might) Listen To

Friday, February 7, 12 - 1 p.m.

Dr. Eran Magen, population health psychologist and founder of Parenting for Humans, a organization that supports a relationship-first, judgment-free approach to parenting

Learn more and register.

You Can Do Anything: Surprising Power of a "Useless" Liberal Arts Education

Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 6 - 7 p.m.

George Anders, NY Times bestselling author, journalist and public speaker

Learn more and register.

Uplifting Youth Voice: Saturday, February 1 Youth Summit 

The Coalition for Safe Schools and Communities and the San Mateo County Behavioral Health Commission Youth Action Board are co-hosting a summit to lift up youth voices and hear their perspectives. Learn from the experience of adolescents and transition-aged youth regarding mental health, needed services, and the gaps in the support system. 


Saturday, February 1, 1 - 4 p.m.

Location: allcove San Mateo, 2600 South El Camino Drive, San Mateo, Suite 300

Register Here

Download the flyer

Youth Advocacy and Social Summit (YAASS) 

The Youth Advocacy and Social Summit (YAASS) aims to lead, inform, engage, and inspire all students in San Mateo County to be supportive of one another. YAASS specifically supports the work of LGBTQ+ middle and high school students and their allies to make all middle and high schools safer and more inclusive. 

High school students are invited to attend the summit on Tuesday, March 4, 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. 

Register: Please check in with your GSA Faculty Advisor or School Counselor to register

The summit will feature presenters from San Mateo Pride Center, Outlet, Safe Space Center and CORA. 

Breakfast, lunch and snacks will be provided.

Download the flyer.

Crop Report Art Contest 

Submission deadline is March 20, 2025

San Mateo County students grades 6-12 are invited to participate in this year’s Crop Report Art Contest, highlighting SMC agriculture. 

Last year’s 1st place winner was a student from San Mateo High School! 

Entries must feature one or more crops from the following list on your cover art: pumpkins, brussels sprouts, cut flowers, and/or potted plants.

Additional commodities can also be included in the artwork if they are produced in San Mateo County, including: fruits and vegetables, livestock, Christmas trees, and field crops. 

Please see the 2023 San Mateo County Crop Report for a more comprehensive list. Farmworkers may also be included.

Learn more and apply.

Concurso de Arte Informe de Cultivo (Crop Report)

Fecha límite de presentación es el 20 de marzo de 2025

Los estudiantes del Condado de San Mateo de los grados 6 al 12 están invitados a participar en el Concurso de Arte Informe de Cultivo (Crop Report) de este año, destacando la agricultura del Condado de San Mateo.

¡El ganador del primer lugar del año pasado fue un estudiante de San Mateo High School!

Las participaciones deben incluir uno o más cultivos de la siguiente lista en su portada: calabazas, coles de Bruselas, flores cortadas y/o plantas en macetas.

También se pueden incluir productos adicionales en la obra de arte si se producen en el Condado de San Mateo, incluidos: frutas y verduras, ganado, árboles de navidad y cultivos extensivos.

Consulte el Informe de cultivos del Condado de San Mateo de 2023 para obtener una lista más completa. También se pueden incluir a los trabajadores agrícolas.

Obtenga más información y presente su solicitud

Calling All Young Filmmakers and Movie Enthusiasts!

The 8th Annual CEC Student Film Fest—a one-of-a-kind event celebrating environmental creativity and storytelling is April 22, 2025!

This festival is open to students in grades 4 to 12 who live or

attend school in San Mateo County.

Whether you’re an aspiring director or a nature lover eager to share your passion, this event is for YOU! Winning entries will be screened at Burlingame High School on April 22, and you could win up to $500! Submissions are due March 23.

Younger students (grades 4-8) are invited to a FREE conference to learn filmmaking skills and get inspiration. This will be held on Saturday, February 1, 1 - 3:30 p.m. at The Nueva School’s San Mateo


For more information about the CEC Student Film Fest visit, burlingamefilmfest.com.

¡Llamando a todos los jóvenes cineastas y entusiastas del cine!

El 8º Festival Anual de Cine Estudiantil de la CEC, es un evento único que celebra la creatividad y la narración ambiental, se llevará a cabo el 22 de abril de 2025.

Este festival está abierto a estudiantes del 4º al 12º grado que vivan o asistan a escuelas en el condado de San Mateo.

Si eres un aspirante a director o un amante de la naturaleza deseoso de compartir tu pasión, ¡este evento es para ti! Los trabajos ganadores se proyectarán en Burlingame High School el 22 de abril y podrías ganar hasta $500. El último día para presentar su proyecto es el 23 de marzo.

Los estudiantes de los grados 4 al 8 están invitados a una conferencia GRATUITA para aprender habilidades cinematográficas y obtener inspiración. Esta conferencia se llevará a cabo el sábado 1 de febrero de 1 a 3:30 p.m. The Nueva School en el campus de San Mateo.

Para obtener más información sobre el Festival visite la página burlingamefilmfest.com.

In-Person Program Teaching Youth to Manage Emotions Starts in January

NAMI San Mateo County invites youth (ages 11-18) to a six week program that focuses on teaching teens/pre-teens how to manage emotions and learn coping skills that can be applied to their everyday life.

This group meets in person in San Mateo starting on Monday, January 27 and will meet every Monday for six weeks from 6-7 p.m.

Parents/students: Learn more and register.

Programa en persona que enseña a los jóvenes a manejar las emociones - Este programa empieza en enero

La organización NAMI del Condado de San Mateo invita a jóvenes (de 11 a 18 años) a un programa de seis semanas que se enfoca en enseñar a adolescentes y pre adolescentes cómo manejar las emociones y aprender habilidades de afrontamiento que pueden aplicarse a su vida diaria.

Este grupo se reúne en persona en San Mateo a partir del lunes 27 de enero y se reunirá todos los lunes durante seis semanas de 6 a 7 p.m.

Padres y estudiantes: Obtenga más información y registrese aquí

NPR Student Podcast Challenge

Application period: January 6 - May 2

NPR's Student Podcast Challenge is opportunity for students in grades four through 12 all around the country to record their stories and share them with NPR. Learn more. 

Girls Who Code Challenge: AI + Sustainability 

Girls Who Code (GWC) Challenges are annual community competitions in which participants can build a project addressing a real-world problem and win prizes.

Learn more and apply by February 12, 2025.

Spring Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) workshops for Girls 

Registration period is January 15 - March 1. Space is limited. 

Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) at Skyline College is excited to host a Spring Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) workshops for girls in grades 6 through 12.

Date/Time: Saturday, March 15, 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Location: Skyline College

Registration is free and open from January 15 - March 1, 2025.


Join for a day of discovery, featuring hands-on activities led by researchers, scientists, engineers, and other STEM professionals from the community. Space is limited, so register early to secure your spot! Students will have the opportunity to choose from a variety of workshops to participate in, selecting three of their choice. A morning snack and lunch will be provided, but please bring your own if you have specific dietary needs, restrictions, or food allergies. Visit https://skylinecollege.edu/eyh/ for workshop details, or email eyh@smccd.edu for more information.

Thank You to Our Hillsdale High School Foundation Business/Corporate Sponsors!

Learn How to Become a Business/Corporate Sponsor

We encourage you to support these businesses that have generously donated to HHS.

Knight Level $5,000

Armor Level $2,500
Shield Level $1,250
Sword Level $850

Other Ways to Support Hillsdale

Become a Basementeer! 


Register as a Basementeer. Basementeers' receive a 10% discount and Sports Basement gives back 10% of the profit to HHS. Just select Hillsdale High School as your beneficiary! 

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