Another Friday is upon us, Knights Families!
Last weekend, the drama department presented, Shrek the Musical. It was an amazing production! Thanks so much to the drama department, boosters, actors, and families that put in hours behind the scenes to ensure that Shrek was such a success.
Monday, we had our monthly PTSO general meeting. Our apologies if you tried to attend virtually and were unable to get into the meeting. There was a glitch in the Zoom account. Just a reminder that ALL are welcome to our monthly meetings, in person or virtually--we would love to see you! Our next meeting is December 11th. For more information on the PTSO, as well as important links and calendars, visit
Tuesday, PTSO will be partnering with Leadership to host our monthly teacher & staff treat. If you are interested in donating for this month, or our December partnership, click on the attached document. November/December Hospitality If you are not currently on our monthly hospitality email list, you can add yourself to the list using our 2023-2024 Membership form.
As the Thanksgiving break is upon us, our HHS alumni are coming home for the holidays, too. Wednesday night starting at 6:00pm, our annual basketball alumni games will be happening. All HHS basketball alumni are welcome to join in and everyone is invited to attend!!
As the holiday shopping approaches, look no further than this bulletin:
See's Candy (dance) Flyer Link
Greenery and Decor (girls' soccer) Flyer Link
Athletics' Swag (athletics)
Warriors' Tickets (Spirit Squad) Flyer Link
Scroll to the bottom of the bulletin for a list of small businesses who support HHS and would appreciate your business.
Quick surveys about HHS that can help shape our culture, climate, and communication.
District led Panorama Survey (questions are specific to HHS)
HHS led WASC Survey (questions are anonymous)
We thank all of you for your continued support,
Holly and Jen
HHS PTSO Co-Presidents