Hillsdale Knights Bulletin ~

February 23, 2024

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PTSO 2023-24 Membership Form (No Donation Required)

What's Happening at Hillsdale

It's coming to the time of year that you'll need to be reading this bulletin carefully each week, so nothing slips past you!

Today, Spirit Week wraps up with the Winter Rally. Our Rallies are always such spirit-filled events! (Not to mention the fabulous dance & cheer routines that happen, too) We can't wait to hear which racks up the most spirit points! 

Winter Sports athletes are recognized during the rally (congrats to all teams and a special shout out to those who made it to the playoffs) and our Spring sports are kicking off their season. Check the bulletin each week for sporting events. 

Looking for dinner plans? Hillsdale Effect is hosting their annual Taco Dinner tonight from 5:30-8:00pm. If you pre-pay, the cost is $10 (at the door $12) and you will get UNLIMITED tacos. QR code and details below.

Tonight is SMUHSD's 2nd Annual Pride Prom at College of San Mateo. This event will be an inclusive, safe, welcoming, night to remember for 9th-12th grade students who attend high school in San Mateo County. There was a Google Doc to sign up to attend, but if your student would like to attend, they can email prideprom@smuhsd.org 

Tomorrow night is Hillsdale's Winter Formal, A Knight In Paris. The event will be on campus, and is hosted by the Junior Class. They are looking for parent volunteers (from any grade) to help with the event. If you volunteer you will be helping with coat check and monitoring the food tables. Maybe you want to help for the best "duty"---CLEAN-UP. (The more help we get, the faster it goes) Winter Formal Volunteers

Looking for a great on-the-go breakfast? Do you drive past Laurelwood Shopping Center on the way to work? Or maybe, you just want to support the HHS Class of 2024? Next week, our Senior Class starts their Bagel Box fundraiser. Store hours are 8:00am-3:00pm. For full menu and online ordering, click here Bagel Box MAKE SURE TO MENTION HILLSDALE WHEN ORDERING. 

Like popcorn? The Class of 2026 is having a virtual fundraiser from February 28-March 3. Get details here. Note--purchasing will not be an option until February 28 at 10am. 50% of each purchase will go directly to the Sophomore Class. 2026 Fundraiser

Like germs? Neither do we. If you are able to pick up some Clorox wipes and/or Kleenex when you're at the store this week, classes would appreciate it. You can drop your donations off in the office and let them know it's for PTSO.

Next week Tuesday-Thursday, students will be taking part in Junior Interviews. This is a great opportunity for our Juniors to take part in the resume and interview process. Ms. Mariucci and PTSO lead Kristi Puls have been hard at work organizing volunteers to ensure that this annual event is successful. Stay tuned for an update in next week's bulletin.

Next week, wraps up February--which is also Black History Month. HHS will be celebrating with BSU activities being held at different days/times during the week (mostly at lunch).

Last, but not least--we are looking for volunteers to serve on our Boards for next year. No experience needed, we would love to have you join our team!

Have a fantastic week and Happy early Leap Year!

Jen and Holly

PTSO Co-Presidents

HHS Athletic Contests Calendar

Come Support our teams! GO FIGHTING KNIGHTS!

Home games are in BLUE.

TODAY Friday February 23rd 3:00pm-6:00pm: Track Team Time Trials with Burlingame and ND-Belmont at home.

Spring Athletic Apparel Store

Our annual Spring Athletics Apparel Store has opened! We have great options available for purchase until March 3rd (when the online store closes). You can access the online store by clicking on the link below. All proceeds go to the HHS Athletic Boosters. Thank you in advance for your support.

James Madison

HHS Athletic Director

Hillsdale High School


Hillsdale Effect - Taco Dinner

Hillsdale Effect invites you to our annual Taco Dinner, Friday February 23rd @ 5:30pm - 8 pm. Pre-paid tickets on sale now for $10 at bit.ly/theTD2024, or buy at the door for $12.

Bagel Box ~ Senior Class Fundraiser

Help support our Senior Class by ordering from Bagel Box from February 26 - March 1st. Store hours are 8:00am-3:00pm. For full menu and online ordering, click Bagel Box


Last Chance for Yearbook Senior Ads

February 29 is your Last Chance to purchase an ad in the Hillsdale Shield yearbook to commemorate a graduate of the Class of 2024. Follow this link to the Friesens sales website: https://ybstore.friesens.com/768274

If you have already purchased an ad, please upload your photos and written message at this link: https://forms.gle/2z5he5RpsebV3EpX8 You will be contacted when your ad is ready for review. Thank you!

The Shield 2024 Staff

Double Exposure: Hillsdale and Aragon Jazz Concert

Join us at the Aragon HS Theater on Friday, March 1st @ 7:00pm for the Double Exposure Jazz Concert. The Hillsdale Jazz Ensemble, Aragon Jazz Band and Aragon Jazz Ensemble will be performing.

Free Entry! Although cash donations are welcome at the door.

California Pizza Kitchen ~ HHS Music Fundraiser

It's time to take another lunch or dinner break and support the HHS Music Programs by coming to California Pizza Kitchen (CPK)! Dine on Wednesday, March 6th at any time and show the flyer or mention the fundraiser and our music programs will receive 20% back. Fundraising supports our students and teachers in so many ways, and we appreciate all the families' contributions this year!

Thank you, and please consider a trip to CPK!

HHS Open House

Dear Hillsdale families,

We hope you will join us for Open House on Thursday, March 7th, from 6-8pm! Open House is a chance to meet your student's teachers and learn more about what they're doing in their classes.

We will also hold a meeting for current 10th grade families about what to expect in the upper division and a meeting for 12th grade families with information about graduation and senior activities. Our Visual and Performing Arts Department will also be holding a showcase. 

See the full agenda for the evening here.

We hope to see you there! 

Go Knights!

Concessions Volunteers Needed

Concessions Volunteers Needed for 3rd Annual Track Invitational: Join the friendly crew serving up Knights hospitality on Saturday, March 9. Sign up for 1 or more slots to keep our athletes and fans happy and hydrated! Proceeds will go towards the entire Knights Athletics program. Go Knights! https://bit.ly/KnightsTrackInvite

HHS Annual Golf Tournament

Support Our Athletes! Please join in the fun and SWING AWAY at our annual Golf Tournament on Friday May 10th. See the flyer for all the details! GO FIGHTING KNIGHTS!

HHS Golf Tournament - Silent Auction

HHS Athletic Boosters Needs your help to make our Golf Tournament's Silent Auction on May 10th a success!!! If you own a business, restaurant, vacation home or looking for a tax write off-consider donating to our worthy cause!! All donations are needed by Friday, May 3rd!

Hillsdale Athletic Boosters ~

Executive Board 2024-2025

The Athletic Boosters have two open positions for next year's Executive Board:

  • Vice President
  • Secretary

Current officers Scott Wellwood and Stacey Sierra will continue to be active with their support but are currently doing multiple jobs! If you are interested in making a significant positive contribution for our Hillsdale High School community, please consider joining our Board!

Please message directly with questions or to volunteer.

Jenna Carson , Hillsdale Athletics Booster President

650-207-5989     jalcarson@stanfordalumni.org

Peace Panty/Community Garden/Community Closet

Happy February Hillsdale Community!

We are making February about our need for Winter Coats and Essential Items i.e. toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, deodorant, laundry detergent, shampoo, conditioner etc. Community Closet will be open Wednesdays 2:30-4pm and Friday mornings 7:30-8:30am to receive donations in Alameda Parking Lot. If those times don’t work please feel free to drop off in main office. It has been really cold and rainy and a warm coat matters. 

Hillsdale Community Closet: If you would like to volunteer at our Community Closet (Alameda Parking Lot) in February please email bstevenson@smuhsd.org for information.

Our new hours to volunteer or drop off clothes/essential items will be Wednesdays from 2:30pm-4:00pm.

*Please follow us on Instagram @hhs_community_closet

Hillsdale Community Peace Pantry: We need February volunteers to work the drive thru OR deliver groceries to 2-3 families who do not have transportation. If you would like to volunteer in February, please sign up here. 

Hillsdale Community Garden: https://www.hhscommunitygarden.com/ Our Hillsdale Community Garden provides organic fruits and vegetables to Hillsdale families enrolled in our Peace Pantry. Primary volunteer opportunities are Thursday harvest support from 4:00pm-5:00pm and Friday morning projects from 8:00am-11:30am. Please follow us on IG at @hhs_community_garden for updates. If you are interested in volunteering, please email Brett Stevenson at bstevenson@smuhsd.org.

Hillsdale Stands Together!

Warriors Game ~ Spirit Squad Fundraiser

Support the Cheer team - Gather your family and friends and join Hillsdale High School Nights at Chase Center as your Golden State Warriors take on the Utah Jazz on Sunday, April 14 @ 12:30pm! Last day to buy tickets is February 23, 2024.

See Flyer for details...

For Seniors...

Senior Information link

Yearbook Senior Ads - LAST CHANCE

February 29 is your Last Chance to purchase an ad in the Hillsdale Shield yearbook to commemorate a graduate of the Class of 2024. Follow this link to the Friesens sales website: https://ybstore.friesens.com/768274

If you have already purchased an ad, please upload your photos and written message at this link: https://forms.gle/2z5he5RpsebV3EpX8 You will be contacted when your ad is ready for review. Thank you!

The Shield 2024 Staff

Senior Day and Senior Knight Forms

Senior Families--please print and fill out forms for Senior Day and Senior Knight. Hard copies of both forms are available in the office. Senior Knight is free for all students. A payment is needed for Senior Day only*.

All forms and payments are due BY March 1 (at the front office).

*scholarships are available contact Andrea Savage chefai@hotmail.com for details


Open to all SMUHSD 12th Graders and their families - Get hands-on support in filling out the FAFSA or CADAA / Dream Act applications, a bilingual staff member should be on hand to help Spanish speaking families with the application process. No RSVP required - any student is welcome to attend any workshop, regardless of what school they attend.

Remember, it is now a graduation requirement that you have to file for financial aid!

Questions? Contact College, Career and Financial Aid Advisor Laura Burtness at lburtness@smuhsd.org

Flyer Link English / Spanish

News from the College and Career Center

College and Career Counseling link


February College & Career Newsletter


Greetings, and happy February, 12th grade families!

Here (https://bit.ly/Latestseniornews) is the latest 12th grade newsletter.

Highlights of this Senior Newsletter:

  • Promise scholarship at our local community colleges!
  • What should students be doing now for after Hillsdale plans?
  • Upcoming workshops: FAFSA/DREAM + How does the Transfer Guarantee work from CSM to a 4 year college?
  • New scholarships!

As always, contact me with questions or concerns.


Laura Burtness, LBurtness@smuhsd.org

Hillsdale's College, Career, and Financial Aid Advisor

650 558 2613 (direct line)

Volunteer Opportunities for Teens!

Check this site for virtual volunteer opportunities https://teensvolunteer.org/

The inclusion of an opportunity in this document is not an endorsement or recommendation by SMUHSD.
Important District Updates
Updates from SMUHSD

For the latest updates, please click here.

February is National Black History Month! This National Black History Month is an opportunity to teach students about racial progress and our shared and collective responsibility to address racial injustice towards the Black community.

This year, we celebrate African American artists – including poets, writers, visual artists, and dancers – who have historically served as change agents through their craft.

Check out an extensive list of resources on Black History Month for ways to celebrate and learn more: www.smcoe.org/bhm.

Read the Black History Month proclamation, presented at the January 18 Board Meeting: www.smuhsd.org/proclamations.

El Mes Nacional de la Historia Afroamericana es una oportunidad para enseñar a los estudiantes sobre el progreso racial y nuestra responsabilidad compartida y colectiva para hacer frente a la injusticia racial hacia la comunidad negra.

Este año rendimos homenaje a los artistas afroamericanos (incluidos poetas, escritores, artistas visuales y bailarines) que históricamente han servido como agentes de cambio a través de su arte.

Consulte una amplia lista de recursos sobre el Mes de la Historia Afroamericana para saber como celebrarlo y obtener más información: www.smcoe.org/bhm.

Lea la proclamación del Mes de la Historia Afroamericana, presentada en la reunión de la Junta Directiva del 18 de enero: www.smuhsd.org/proclamations.

Ways to Support Hillsdale
Support Hillsdale by becoming a Basementeer! 

Sports Basement is spinning the traditional “loyalty” program into a win-win for their loyal customers and our community. Basementeer’s receive 10% and give 10%:
  • 10% off every item every day
  • 10% of profits back to Hillsdale High School
  • Please watch this one minute video to get the idea
On your next visit to Sports Basement, register as a Basementeer and select Hillsdale High School as your beneficiary! Better yet, register online and the $25 fee is waived!  
Please visit Sports Basement – they have stores throughout the Bay Area including Redwood City and San Francisco) or visit them online at https://shop.sportsbasement.com/

Thank You to Our Hillsdale High School Foundation Business/Corporate Sponsors!

Learn How to Become a Business/Corporate Sponsor

We encourage you to support these businesses that have generously donated to HHS.

Knight Level $5,000

Armor Level $2,500
Shield Level $1,250
Sword Level $850
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