Vol 1, Issue 1, January 06 2023

Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Your Weekly Updates & News From WPH!

In this Week's Edition: Hamilton's Labour Force Information December 2022, WPH Wants To Feature Your Local Business, Free Giveaway for Employers, Who's Hiring In Hamilton, Happening in the Community: (ABEA: Better Jobs Ontario, ABEA: Employer Career Pathways, Food Safety Training & Handler Certification, Goodwill Annual Job Fair, Premiere Screening of "Heart | Knowledge", YWCA: Let Your Skills Out, Goodwill: January Workshop Calendar, and News: "Dreading your job interview? How to conquer your fear and show up authentically" and "Supporting immigrant and refugee youth career development"

Labour Force December 2022

Review Hamilton's Labour Force Information for December 2022

WPH Wants To Feature Your Local Business!

If you would like your Local Hamilton business to be featured on our new & improved "Workforce Wednesday" segment...

Please send a photo & description to:

[email protected]

*Please include any additional information about hiring, job openings, hours, or any extra information related to your Hamilton business!

Free Giveaway for Employers!

Do you have skill gaps and retention issues in your company?

ABEA is the adult learning network in Hamilton. We work closely with adult upgrading and training programs across the city.

A successful employee is more likely to stay on the job and reduce your employee turn over. But sometimes skills gaps in communication, math or digital technology get in the way.

Through an organizational needs assessment we can create a customized training plan to increase your employees' skills now and for the future.

Connect with ABEA today!  [email protected]  905-527-2222 x 1

Who's Hiring In Hamilton?

View WPH Job Board to explore more!

The City of Hamilton is currently seeking a Golf Shop Attendant

Click here to apply!

McMaster University is currently seeking an Career Development Advisor

Click here to apply!

Good Shepherd Centres is currently seeking a Cleaner

Click here to apply!

Happening In The Community!

ABEA: Better Jobs Ontario

We'll work with you to 

  • find training programs you're interested in 
  • explore the skills you'll need for the training 
  • develop a plan
  • connect with an Employment Service to support you with your application 

Connect with us today!  www.abea.on.ca  [email protected]  

ABEA: Employer Career Pathways

Looking for something new and innovative to help you attract and retain staff? We’ve got you covered!

Local employers, workforce planning boards, and adult literacy networks are working together to build a new online Career Pathways tool for employers and jobseekers. This innovative tool will promote in-demand, entry-level careers with opportunities for growth across Hamilton, Niagara, and Grand Erie. It will give job seekers information about jobs, skills, and training they may need. And there's a good chance that we'll include a job you're hiring for right now! By taking a short survey, you will help us to test the Career Pathways tool. Why participate in Career Pathways?

· It addresses labour challenges faced by your organization and the community by enabling you find and keep the right person, in the right job, with the right motivation.

· Your organization’s logo and website can be featured on our contributor’s page and viewed by job seekers.

· You could win 1 of 5 $50 gift cards! Draws will be held, and winners announced from Nov 2022 to Jan 2023.

We are looking to hear from employers in these sectors

· Construction

· Wholesale and Retail Trade

· Other Services

· Transportation and Warehousing

· Accommodations and Food Services

· Business, Building and Other Support Services

· Agriculture

· Education

Check out the website & fill out the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/B3TB22L

Time commitment – 5 minutes to check out the tool, 15 minute survey

If you would prefer a live demo of the tool, email [email protected]

Food Safety Training & Handler Certification

Hill Park Learning Centre is accepting registrations for the Food Safety Training - Food Handler Certification Course. Limited spots are available. Please see the attached flyer for specifics.

  • Are you passionate about food? Looking for employment in the food service industry or want to provide safe food in your home? Learn the basic principles of handling food in a safe manner with our FREE Food Safety Training - Food Handler Certification Course.


  • Must be able to attend the course independently without the aid of a support worker
  • Participants are required to be 19 years of age or older (we can accept a small percentage of 18-year-old participants provided they are not attending high school)
  • Resident of Ontario
  • Have less than Grade 12 education OR
  • Be assessed as having to improve reading, writing, or math skills OR
  • Participants who are newcomers to Canada require a Canadian Language Benchmark Level 5 or 6 in Reading/Writing/Speaking/Listening (some Level 7's accepted)

All participants must pre-register prior to start date. This will involve completing online registration forms and an assessment to confirm suitability (nothing scary). We offer assistance during this process.


Meaningful discussion is a hallmark of the Cornerstone Program. Everyone has a voice. We pride ourselves in providing an atmosphere of inclusion and strive to maintain a positive culture. Our courses typically attract an eclectic mix of people. As such, we require all potential learners to be open-minded and thoughtful towards others in the classroom.

To register, please contact:

Trevor Blanchette (LBS Assessor & Instructor)

905-561-2190 ext. 4791

[email protected]

Goodwill Annual Job Fair

Goodwill Amity’s Annual Job Fair Takes Place on Wednesday the 8th of February

Are you looking for a job? Meet one-on-one with a variety of employers in the Hamilton area.

This is a free event for both Job Seekers and Employers to attend.

Event location: 1050 Upper Gage Ave, Hamilton Ontario

Event date: Wednesday February 8th 2023

Event time: 9:00AM to 12:00 noon

Premiere Screening of "Heart | Knowledge"

Please join us for the Premiere Screening of“Heart | Knowledge”

Monday, January 23, 2022

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Hamilton Artists Inc.

Heart | Knowledge is a trailer for an Indigenous Workforce Strategy Video

Series that highlights the voices of Indigenous leaders, workers and artists living in Hamilton. 

The event will showcase how the Arts can inform strategic workforce development, not only as a tool, but as a continued method for integrated community building efforts.

The video was produced in collaboration with Bawaadan Collective. 

This evening session will include a Table Discussion including

key members, workforce development experts and artists.

Presented by: Challenge2025 by Mohawk College

 This event will have an in-person or a virtual RSVP option. Space is limited.


YWCA: Let Your Skills Out!

Let your skills out! YWCA Hamilton STEP Program for Youth is now recruiting for online sessions starting January 9th.


This virtual program provides young women and non-binary youth ages 15-30 with up to 6 weeks 1:1 job preparation support and certifications including a paid placement opportunity.  https://www.ywcahamilton.org/skills-development-and-training/step/


For more information, contact Lidia Siino, Employment Counsellor [email protected] (365) 659-4026




Adrianna Bozur, Employment Counsellor [email protected] (365) 599-9235

Goodwill: January Workshop Calendar

(Click image to view document)


Dreading your job interview? How to conquer your fear and show up authentically

We’ve all been there. Alerted to an exciting new career opportunity, we prepare our application, carefully tweaking our resume until it feels just right. We submit our application and we wait, hoping we will appear on paper as an appealing prospect – at least, appealing enough to get to the job interview, where we can convince the interviewer that we are indeed the right person for the job.

And then it comes – an invitation to interview. Aha! This feels like a great success. We’ve done what we set out to do and scored the coveted job interview.

Why then, after a brief moment of elation, are so many of us suddenly filled with dread?

For many of us – and the clients and students we support – the fear is that now we’ll be seen in full, including both the good qualities that got us the interview and the imperfections we may have hoped to minimize. Unlike the resume and cover letter we have carefully crafted, we can’t be sure that the answer we give in a job interview will come across exactly how we want it to.

We may also be living with imposter syndrome, questioning whether we deserve to have been invited in the first place. Try as we might, who is to say that we won’t let an awkward pause linger too long or spill ketchup on our white shirt on the way to the interview?

Read more here!

Supporting immigrant and refugee youth career development

The socioeconomic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have been felt disproportionately among certain groups. Young people in particular have been affected. In 2020, they accounted for nearly a quarter of all job losses nationwide (Sharp, 2020).

Higher education usually leads to higher rates of employment, higher earning potential, and improved health and well-being (Rae, 2018). But when compared with their Canadian-born peers, immigrant and refugee youth in Canada have historically been more likely to be unemployed and more likely to be found in low-skilled, low-wage work (Shields and Lujan, 2018Turcotte, 2019).

Economic inclusion of immigrant and refugee youth is increasingly vital to Canada’s well-being. In a time of growing labour shortages and an aging workforce, immigrant and refugee youth can help to meet some of the country’s labour force needs.

Moreover, as immigration targets rise, greater numbers of immigrant and refugee youth will be calling Canada home. Nearly 11% of the recent immigrants from 2016 to 2021 were youth and young adults (Statistics Canada, 2022). Educators, service providers and other stakeholders working to support immigrant and refugee youth can all play a role in setting them up for success to achieve more prosperous and stable employment outcomes. Ultimately, their success and development will benefit Canada’s workforce and economy for years to come.

Read more here!

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If you have new updates you want to share with the community please reach out to Travis MacCarl via email: [email protected]
The Hamilton COVID Concierge for Business is a one-stop online resource centre and phone line dedicated to supporting Hamilton businesses with their COVID-19 business questions and concerns.
Hamilton businesses can call the COVID Concierge at 905-521-3989 (Mon-Fri, 8:30 am-4:30 pm) or Contact Us online. Learn more at hamiltoncovidconcierge.ca
The Hamilton COVID Concierge for Business is brought to you by the Hamilton COVID Concierge Team, comprised of the City of Hamilton and the three local Chambers of Commerce.
Workforce Planning Hamilton | 905-521-5777| [email protected] | www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca
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