We could not do our work without our generous donors! During the last few days of Ramadan, we urge you to invest in our organization. Our work is more needed than ever.

Historic Inaugural Atlanta Mayor Iftar  
On June 20th 2017, the ISB collaborated with the Atlanta Mayor's office and Welcoming Atlanta for a historic event - the first inaugural iftar with Mayor Kasim Reed hosted at Atlanta City Hall.  Please click here to watch Mayor Reed's speech.

During the iftar, Mayor Kasim Reed presented the highest award, the Phoenix  Award, to ISB Executive Director Soumaya Khalifa for her  outstanding service and leadership in the city of Atlanta. 

Imam Plemon El Amin, ISB board member, presented the Mayor a plaque commemorating this historic event.   To view Mayor Kasim Reed's speech, please click here.

To view more images and film of the inspiring event, please search Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with #ATLMayorIftar.
For our Muslim readers, the majority of scholars agree that your donations to the ISB are zakat eligible. Your tax deductible donations are crucial for the ISB to continue its leading work in Atlanta   To send your donations via mail:

Islamic Speakers Bureau of Atlanta  
P.O. Box 723426, Atlanta, GA 31139

Please donate online  here .    Should you have any questions, please email  director@isbatlanta.org

Thank you for your generous support and for making our work possible.  Without your support, we would not be where we are today. Your support makes a real, lasting impact in our community, and allows us to build bridges of understanding, such as our inaugural iftar with Mayor Kasim Reed. Consider giving to the ISB today. 

Mayor Kasim Reed's Iftar Speech
  "It's my hope that tonight's dinner signifies a new and higher level of understanding of our Muslim community. Let's continue to strengthen the bonds and promote the common decency that unites our diversity and makes this City such a great and unique place to live." - Mayor Kasim Reed

May everyone be rewarded for their support and many blessings of the month of mercy be upon you and your loved ones!